Sat.May 04, 2024 - Fri.May 10, 2024

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Industry Exec: Data Centers Will Drive Demand for Natural Gas

POWER Magazine

An executive with the TC Energy, a group that is among the largest operators of natural gas pipelines in North America, said electricity demand from energy-intensive data centers will support […] The post Industry Exec: Data Centers Will Drive Demand for Natural Gas appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Nebraska Capital Will Fuel Its Fleet with B20 Biodiesel

NGT News

The city of Lincoln, which is the capital of Nebraska, has been awarded funding from the Nebraska Soybean Board (NSB) to begin incorporating B20 biodiesel in its municipal fleet. This biodiesel incentive program marks a significant milestone in the city’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and reducing carbon emissions, replacing 215,000 gallons of petroleum diesel in […] The post Nebraska Capital Will Fuel Its Fleet with B20 Biodiesel appeared first on NGT News.

IT 244

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Polysilicon Weekly Review: Irrational Decline in Prices and Intensified Expectations for Corporate Maintenance


Polysilicon Weekly Review: Irrational Decline in Prices and Intensified Expectations for Corporate Maintenance Polysiliconpriceshavebeenloweredagain(includingthetwoweeksbeforeandaftertheholidayofInternationalWorkers'Day),withpolysiliconpricesdecliningbeforeMayD.

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Hydrogen Hub | West of Scotland

Energy Central

Hydrogen Hub | West of Scotland It's back to All Energy in Glasgow this week and a chance to help catch up with old acquaintances on the heels of a positive development announced this May for Oban and the West of Scotland's green-hydrogen-production-hub.

Energy 105
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States, Trade Groups Sue EPA Over New Fossil Fuel Rules

POWER Magazine

More than two dozen states and a handful of trade groups filed separate lawsuits in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, calling for a review of the […] The post States, Trade Groups Sue EPA Over New Fossil Fuel Rules appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 287
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Range Energy, Thermo King Partner to Promote Electric Reefer Trailer Adoption

NGT News

Range Energy, the hardware company bringing powered trailers to the commercial trucking market, and Thermo King, provider of sustainable transport temperature control solutions and brand of Trane Technologies, have formed a strategic collaboration to advance the commercialization of electric refrigerated trailers in the Americas. With a shared pursuit to make commercial trucking cleaner, safer and […] The post Range Energy, Thermo King Partner to Promote Electric Reefer Trailer Adoption ap

Energy 130
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Netherlands Greenlights Grid Fees for Rooftop PV System Owners, Paving the Way for Solar Expansion


Netherlands Greenlights Grid Fees for Rooftop PV System Owners, Paving the Way for Solar Expansion ThecompetitionregulatorintheNetherlandshasruledinfavorofbigenergysuppliers,affirmingthelegitimacyofgridfeesimposedonPVsystemowners.Currently,solarcust.


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Major Hydrogen Project Breaks Ground in Arizona, While Dispute Over Tax Credit Looms

POWER Magazine

An Australia-based global metal mining and green energy company has broken ground on a major hydrogen production project in Arizona, part of what the group’s founder said could be several […] The post Major Hydrogen Project Breaks Ground in Arizona, While Dispute Over Tax Credit Looms appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 277
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EV ARC Systems Will Charge Federal Railroad Agency’s Fleet Vehicles

NGT News

The Federal Railroad Administration has ordered EV ARC solar-powered electric vehicle charging systems from Beam Global to charge federal fleet vehicles at the Transportation Technology Center (TTC) in Pueblo, Colorado. Beam Global provides sustainable infrastructure solutions for electrification of transportation and energy security. These EV ARC systems were purchased through the General Services Administration (GSA) […] The post EV ARC Systems Will Charge Federal Railroad Agency’s Fleet

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Four Keywords Shaping the New Energy Storage Industry in 2024


Four Keywords Shaping the New Energy Storage Industry in 2024 Amidstthepursuitofdualcarbontargets,there'saheightenedfocusonadvancingnewenergystoragetechnologies.Lithium-ion,compressedair,andotherstoragemethodsare.

Energy 130
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Renewable Hydrogen on the island of Ireland - the catalyst for a Balanced Pathway

Energy Central

Introduction Hydrogen is not a new fuel by any measure, but its zero carbon qualities now underpin the rapid drive to facilitate the incorporation of hydrogen into global and domestic energy policy. As part of our journey in tackling the climate crisis Ireland signed up to the Paris Agreement in 2015 ]. The Paris Agreement includes commitments from developed and developing countries to.

Energy 72
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High-Burnup Nuclear Fuel Rods Delivered for Examination After Having Completed Three Cycles of Commercial Operation

POWER Magazine

High-burnup fuel rods, manufactured by GE Vernova’s Nuclear Fuel business, Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF), have been delivered to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for […] The post High-Burnup Nuclear Fuel Rods Delivered for Examination After Having Completed Three Cycles of Commercial Operation appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Blink Charging Provides Optional Preventative Maintenance Program

NGT News

Blink Charging Co., a provider of electric vehicle charging equipment and services, has launched Blink Care, a new, optional preventative maintenance program aimed at maximizing customer satisfaction and ensuring charger reliability at Blink charging locations. Designed to optimize charger uptime, Blink Care gives customers an optional service that focuses on diligent, preventative maintenance care to […] The post Blink Charging Provides Optional Preventative Maintenance Program appeared f

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Profits in PV upstream supply chain have risen in 2024 Q1 and are expected to continue in the next two quarters, but at a slower rate


Profits in PV upstream supply chain have risen in 2024 Q1 and are expected to continue in the next two quarters, but at a slower rate In2023,thegrossprofitofthePVsupplychainwillbeabout514billionyuan,withayear-on-yeargrowthrateof-8.23%.Thecalculationprocessincludesindustrialsilicon,si.

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Do Hydrogen and Whiskey Mix?

Energy Central

Lost of people are betting that hydrogen can become a major component to the long-term clean energy strategy. Despite $8 billion in funding from the IRA the industry is struggling to gain momentum. But one company has proven that hydrogen can fuel its manufacturing process.

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How Grid Enhancing Technologies Are Expanding Electric Power Transmission System Capabilities

POWER Magazine

It’s no secret that power grids around the world need to expand to accommodate more renewable energy and the so-called “electrification of everything.” The latter, of course, refers to the […] The post How Grid Enhancing Technologies Are Expanding Electric Power Transmission System Capabilities appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 264
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WattEV Opens Fourth Electric Truck Charging Depot Within One Year

NGT News

WattEV, provider of medium- and heavy-duty electric truck charging infrastructure development and electric freight transport, has opened its fourth electric truck charging depot, this one in Bakersfield, California. The Bakersfield depot will connect the San Joaquin Valley’s agricultural sector and growing warehousing complexes to California’s seaports and inland destinations.

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Tongwei Joins the 700W+ Club, Bringing New Changes to the Photovoltaic Competitive Landscape


Tongwei Joins the 700W+ Club, Bringing New Changes to the Photovoltaic Competitive Landscape Withinamonth,TongweiShareshassuccessivelyreleasedtwonew210modules,signifyingthatthisphotovoltaicgianthasofficiallyjoinedthe210club. OnApril26th,atthe2.

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Elon Musk is Right About the SuperCharger Business

Energy Central

I read an avalanche of media criticism when Elon Musk fired his entire SuperCharger team a few weeks ago. In spite of all the whining, it was a good business decision for Tesla. Here’s why: expanding and running a fast charging network is a lousy business. Installation costs are high, permitting and construction delays are extensive, and revenues from charging cannot overcome the.

IT 59
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TVA Secures 16 GE Vernova Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Packages for Kingston Replacement

POWER Magazine

GE Vernova has bagged the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA’s) first order as part of a fast-track project to replace the 1.3-GW Kingston Fossil Plant in Tennessee with a 1.5-GW modern complex. […] The post TVA Secures 16 GE Vernova Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Packages for Kingston Replacement appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 246
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BAE Systems, Eaton Expand EV System Collaboration to Include Heavy-Duty Trucks

NGT News

Electric propulsion provider BAE Systems and global power management company Eaton are expanding their collaboration to include electric vehicle solutions for heavy-duty trucks. The solution offers original equipment manufacturers and commercial vehicle modifiers a comprehensive, efficient, advanced and flexible EV system for a wide range of zero-emission platforms.

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European Solar Industry: Capacity, Challenges, and Future Prospects


European Solar Industry: Capacity, Challenges, and Future Prospects Statisticsshowthatthetotalphotovoltaic(PV)modulemanufacturingcapacityinEurope(includingTurkeyandRussia)isapproximately21GW,withastaggering57companiesi.

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Climate Descendants

Energy Central

One of my friends who gets my newsletter saw the one I sent about Arbor Day, and asked me to appear at a small, local ceremony on April 26th, the actual date for that Holiday. The weather was sunny and beautiful as about 50 kids from Grades k-4 gathered on the lawn at a local park to plant two maple trees (with help from a local landscaping company).

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Report: Renewables Generating Nearly One-Third of Global Electricity

POWER Magazine

A UK- based global research group said continued growth in wind and solar power increased power generation from renewable energy to nearly a third of worldwide electricity output last year. […] The post Report: Renewables Generating Nearly One-Third of Global Electricity appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 246
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Philatron Installs Giant Planetary Cabling Line for EV Charging Cables

NGT News

Philatron Wire and Cable has installed a giant planetary cabling line designed for production of mega-size EV charging cables. With this new technology, Philatron, which supplies 80% of the supercharging cables in the U.S., is positioned to meet the growing demand for large-scale EV charging solutions. This line accommodates seven 50-inch (1270-mm)-diameter reels, each capable […] The post Philatron Installs Giant Planetary Cabling Line for EV Charging Cables appeared first on NGT News.

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New progress of 30+ Chinese solid-state battery enterprises


New progress of 30+ Chinese solid-state battery enterprises In2023,Chinesesemi-solid-statebatteryshipmentswillexceedtheGWhlevel,andlarge-scalemassproductionandloadingwillstartin2024.Inthefuture,withthecontinuou.

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Does US Climate Policy Have a Herring Problem? (Part 2)

Energy Central

It is nearly impossible to conceive of any significant environmental regulation over the past four decades that has not involved the application of the “Chevron deference.” It’s one reason conservatives and others, e.g., the fossil fuel industry, are now rooting for the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) to strike down the deference—in the name of the separation of powers.

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Britain Announces Facility to Produce HALEU Fuel for Nuclear Reactors

POWER Magazine

British officials said the UK government will invest about £200 million (more than $251 million) for a project to build Europe’s first production facility for high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU). Officials […] The post Britain Announces Facility to Produce HALEU Fuel for Nuclear Reactors appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Accelera by Cummins Battery System to Power BMC Otomotiv Buses

NGT News

Accelera by Cummins, the zero-emissions business segment of Cummins Inc., is collaborating with BMC Otomotiv, a manufacturer of buses and trucks in Turkey and throughout Europe, to provide battery solutions for BMC’s transit bus operations. The companies have signed a letter of intent for Accelera to power BMC’s city buses. This marks the first time […] The post Accelera by Cummins Battery System to Power BMC Otomotiv Buses appeared first on NGT News.

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Groundbreaking Study Unveils India's Massive 207 GW Floating Solar Potential


Groundbreaking Study Unveils India's Massive 207 GW Floating Solar Potential Arecentlycompiledreport,aspartoftheIndo-GermanTechnicalCooperationonInnovativeSolar,offersathoroughexaminationofIndia'sfloatingsolarcapabilities.Delvi.

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EHB, European Hydrogen Bank | Expected Offtakers

Energy Central

[link] Finance for the Green economy

Finance 59
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California Regulators Reject PG&E Plan to Sell Generation Assets

POWER Magazine

California regulators have denied Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E’s) plan to sell a multibillion-dollar stake in the utility’s power generation fleet to a New York-based investment firm. Oakland-based PG&E, which […] The post California Regulators Reject PG&E Plan to Sell Generation Assets appeared first on POWER Magazine.

E&A 162
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BAE Electric Drive System Will Power GILLIG’s Line of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses

NGT News

BAE Systems, a provider of heavy-duty electric propulsion, will supply its next-generation electric drive system to GILLIG, a manufacturer of heavy-duty transit buses in the United States, for its new line of hydrogen fuel cell buses. GILLIG’s hydrogen fuel cell transit bus will incorporate BAE Systems’ Gen3 power electronics and electric motor to produce zero-emission […] The post BAE Electric Drive System Will Power GILLIG’s Line of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses appeared first on NGT Ne

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Future Mobility Asia Exhibition and Summit 2024


Future Mobility Asia Exhibition and Summit 2024 FutureMobilityAsiaExhibitionandSummit(15-17May2024,Thailand)isattheforefrontofAsia'sjourneytowardscleanmobility.Itpresentsanopportunitytoengagedirectl.

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In a New Report DOE Tackles AI for Nuclear Energy

Energy Central

In a New Report DOE Tackles AI for All Forms of Energy and Grid Management DOE’s Report Details Initiatives Related to AI and Nuclear Energy UK Office of Nuclear Regulation Issues Strategy for Using AI In a New Report DOE Tackles AI for All Forms of Energy and Grid Management The US Department of Energy is facing one of the most significant technological challenges in its.

Energy 59
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Siemens Gamesa Changes CEO, Announces Job Cuts as Part of New Focus

POWER Magazine

Siemens Energy announced an overhaul of its struggling wind power division on May 8, unveiling plans for a new CEO for its wind turbine business and also saying job cuts […] The post Siemens Gamesa Changes CEO, Announces Job Cuts as Part of New Focus appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 147
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Energy Transition — How to withhold global warming and save the world we know?


Energy Transition is no longer one of the possibilities for the industry. With the latest research and acceleration of the legislation, it is the only path for sustainable development. A major constrain is available time. We have just realized that we have reduced our deadline by at least 10 years. In my last article called How Future Digital Energy Systems can help with cutting climate change?

Energy 52