Sat.Dec 07, 2024 - Fri.Dec 13, 2024

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Six Companies Tapped for $2.7 Billion LEU Push to Boost Domestic Nuclear Fuel Supply

POWER Magazine

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has selected six companies to compete for 10-year contracts totaling $2.7 billion to supply low-enriched uranium (LEU) to support the nations nuclear power fleet. […] The post Six Companies Tapped for $2.7 Billion LEU Push to Boost Domestic Nuclear Fuel Supply appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 350
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Italy Allocates €320 Million to Support SMEs in Renewable Energy Generation


Italy Allocates 320 Million to Support SMEs in Renewable Energy Generation AccordingtoforeignmediareportsonDecember5,Italy'sMinisterofEnterprisesandMadeinItaly,AdolfoUrso,hassignedadecreeallocating320milliontosupportsmalland.

Energy 130

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Two Decisions by Eastland Court of Appeals on Fraction-of-Royalty Issue

Oil and Gas Lawyer

Another case interpreting a royalty reservation in an old conveyance has been decided by the 11th Court of Appeals in Eastland: Boren Descendants and Mabee Descendants v. Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd. , two consolidated appeals, Nos. 11-22-00365-CV and 11-23-00001-CV. This is the first skirmish in a fight that will undoubtedly end up in the Texas Supreme Court.

Royalty 130
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DHL, Volvo Initiate Autonomous Trucking in the U.S.

NGT News

Volvo Autonomous Solutions (VAS) and DHL Supply Chain have launched autonomous trucking operations in the United States, enabled by the purpose-built, production-ready Volvo VNL Autonomous, which is powered by the Aurora Driver. The start of operations marks a critical phase in validating the full ecosystem required for autonomous transport at scale.

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Hundreds of New Gas-Fired Power Units Planned as U.S. Gas Output Soars

POWER Magazine

The latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) published Dec. 10 shows five states accounted for more than 70% of record U.S. natural gas production this year and […] The post Hundreds of New Gas-Fired Power Units Planned as U.S. Gas Output Soars appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 312
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Analyzing PV Equipment Orders to Understand Industry Development Q3 Order Slowdown


Analyzing PV Equipment Orders to Understand Industry Development Q3 Order Slowdown StartinginQ3,domesticphotovoltaic(PV)cellmanufacturersdidnotseesignificantcapacityexpansions,andthegrowthrateofnewordersslowed.Newordersthisyearreache.

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GMIS 2024 and industrial safety manifesto launch

Oilholics Synonymous Report

The Oilholic recently had the privilege of speaking and moderating at th e Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (GMIS) in Abu Dhabi, UAE on December 5 , hosted by the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development at the inaugural Abu Dhabi Business Week, with a key theme of building resilience across the global industrial, manufacturing and petrochemical complexes.

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ExxonMobil Planning Large Gas-Fired Plant to Serve Data Centers

POWER Magazine

ExxonMobil is preparing to join the power generation business, seeing an opportunity to support the electricity supply for energy-intensive data centers. The company on Dec. 11 said it is designing […] The post ExxonMobil Planning Large Gas-Fired Plant to Serve Data Centers appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 290
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Waaree's Australian Subsidiary Wins Mysterious 1GW Solar Module Order 3 Days After Establishment


Waaree's Australian Subsidiary Wins Mysterious 1GW Solar Module Order 3 Days After Establishment OnDecember6,WaareeEnergiesLtd,India'slargestsolarmodulemanufacturingcompany,setupawhollyownedsubsidiaryWaareeRenewableEnergiesAustraliaPTYLimitedinAus.

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Member Happy Hour – Center City, Philadelphia

The Energy Co-op

Join The Energy Co-op at our Annual Member Meeting and Conference. Who: Members and Friends of The Energy Co-op Where: The Inn at Swarthmore, Swarthmore, PA When: Saturday, June 9th, 8:30am 2:00pm What: The Annual Member Meeting and Conference brings together Co-op members, members of the community and representatives from other Co-ops and other organizations working on sustainable development in PA followed by the Co-op membership meeting.

Energy 130
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Bollinger Adds Broadway Ford Truck Center as EV Dealer

NGT News

Mullen Automotive Inc.says its Bollinger Motorssubsidiary hasnamed St. Louis-basedBroadway Ford Truck Centerasan official Bollinger Motors dealer, strengthening its Midwest presence. Our partnership with Broadway Ford Truck Center in St. Louis marks a significant step forward in meeting the growing demand for electric vehicles among fleet managers, said Jim Connelly, chief revenue officer at Bollinger Motors. […] The post Bollinger Adds Broadway Ford Truck Center as EV Dealer appeared firs

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NET Power and CRC Team to Deploy 1 GW of Carbon-Free Gas Power Plants in California

POWER Magazine

NET Power, developer of a novel gas-fired power plant that captures all atmospheric emissions, will explore deploying up to 1 GW of power capacity in Northern California with partner California […] The post NET Power and CRC Team to Deploy 1 GW of Carbon-Free Gas Power Plants in California appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 289
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Investment over 70 million! Another PV-listed company to build a factory in the US


Investment over 70 million! Another PV-listed company to build a factory in the US OnDecember11,HIUVNewMaterialsannouncedthatitintendstoinvestintheUnitedStatestosetupasubsidiary,HIUVAppliedMaterialsCompany(thenameissubjecttothefinala.

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McDermott Bags Contracts in GOM, Western Australia

Rigzone: News

'Our extensive experience in subsea engineering and in-house EPCI capabilities uniquely position us to deliver innovative and efficient FEED solutions for Repsol's development of the Polok and Chinwol fields'.

Field 52
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Dunkelflaute and Storage Solutions: The Uncomfortable Truths of Germany's Energy Transition

Energy Central

Germany's energy transition has made significant progress in recent years, particularly in the expansion of renewable energy. However, during periods of "periods of low wind and solar energy (so-called 'Dunkelflaute')," when both wind and solar energy are scarce—an issue that has occurred twice within the last 30 days—the weaknesses of the current energy.

Energy 52
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The POWER Interview: Energy Storage Also Eyed for Data Centers

POWER Magazine

Recent news about continued growth in the U.S. energy storage market highlighted continued deployments of grid-scale systems, along with ongoing demand from commercial and industrial and residential sectors. Electric utilities […] The post The POWER Interview: Energy Storage Also Eyed for Data Centers appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 246
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EVE Energy's 60GWh Superfactory Commences Phase I Production as 628Ah Cells Go Into Mass Production


EVE Energy's 60GWh Superfactory Commences Phase I Production as 628Ah Cells Go Into Mass Production OnDecember10,HubeiJingmenNewEnergyandNewMaterialsIndustrialPark,thefirstphaseofEVEEnergy's60GWhsuperplantcommissioningprojectwascompletedandputintoope.

Energy 130
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Vestas Announces Isle of Wight Factory Modification, Employee Consultation

Rigzone: News

The company revealed that it 'will now go into a consultation process with employee representatives'.

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Who will blink first? The dismal contestations over climate finance

Energy Central

The conclusion of COP29 exposed deep divisions between developed and developing nations, with the Global South in general and India in particular, rejecting a proposed USD 300 billion climate finance deal as inadequate and unfair. The critique focused on the deal’s reliance on loans rather than grants, its insufficient scale, and bureaucratic barriers perpetuating.

Finance 52
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How Nuclear Power Could Help Decarbonize Industrial Steam Needs

POWER Magazine

Steam is used for a wide variety of critical processes across many industrial sectors. For example, the food and beverage industry uses steam for sterilization of food processing equipment; cooking, […] The post How Nuclear Power Could Help Decarbonize Industrial Steam Needs appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 246
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India to implement ALMM for solar cells from June 1, 2026


India to implement ALMM for solar cells from June 1, 2026 Accordingtoforeignmediareports,inordertopromotelocalPVmanufacturing,theIndiangovernment'slatestrequirement,sinceJune2026,Indiancleanenergycompaniesmus.

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USA EIA Cuts WTI Oil Price Forecasts

Rigzone: News

the U.S. Energy Information Administration lowered its West Texas Intermediate spot price forecasts for this year and next year.

Oil 52
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Is Hollywood Going Pro Oil & Gas?

Energy Transfer

Paramount Pluss Landman show supports Oil & Gas And hell, its in everything. That road we came in on. The wheels on every car ever made, including yours. Its in tennis rackets and lipstick and refrigerators and antihistamines. Pretty much anything plastic. Your cell phone case, artificial heart valves, any kind of clothing thats not made with animal or plant fibers, soap, hand lotion, garbage bags, fishing boats, you name it.

Oil 52
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Siemens Energy Joins Forces for Bold 100% Hydrogen HL Gas Turbine Leap

POWER Magazine

Siemens Energy is teaming with UK power giant SSE to develop a combustion system that will allow its flagship SGT5-9000HL gas turbine to run 100% on hydrogen while maintaining the […] The post Siemens Energy Joins Forces for Bold 100% Hydrogen HL Gas Turbine Leap appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 246
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Stellantis and CATL to Jointly Invest €4.1 Billion in a Large-Scale LFP Battery Plant in Spain


Stellantis and CATL to Jointly Invest 4.1 Billion in a Large-Scale LFP Battery Plant in Spain OnDecember10,StellantisandContemporaryAmperexTechnologyCo.,Limited(CATL)announcedanagreementtojointlyinvestupto4.1billioninestablishingajointventuret.

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USA BOEM Announces 'Next Steps' in GOM Offshore Wind Leasing Process

Rigzone: News

The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced the 'next steps' in the competitive leasing process for offshore wind energy in the Gulf of Mexico.

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How Portable NGL Storage Solutions Enhance Operational Efficiency

Pro-Gas Services

In the dynamic energy landscape, flexibility and efficiency are supreme. At Pro-Gas LLC, we understand the evolving needs of our clients, and we’re dedicated to providing innovative solutions that optimize operations and maximize productivity. Our portable NGL storage solutions are a testament to this commitment, offering a versatile and adaptable approach to NGL storage that empowers businesses across various sectors.

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Report: More Records for U.S. Energy Storage Deployment

POWER Magazine

The U.S. energy storage market continued its strong growth in third quarter of this year, with the grid-scale segment setting new quarterly records for deployments. That’s according to the American […] The post Report: More Records for U.S. Energy Storage Deployment appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 246
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Jiangsu 10GW PV module project put into production


Jiangsu 10GW PV module project put into production OnthemorningofDecember8,thecommissioningceremonyofSUNREV's10GWnewhigh-efficiencyphotovoltaicmoduleprojectwasheldinJiangsuYangzhouHi-techZone.Itisrepo.

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USA EIA Lowers 2024 and 2025 Brent Oil Price Forecast

Rigzone: News

The U.S. Energy Information Administration lowered its 2024 and 2025 Brent spot price forecast.

Oil 52
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How the Oil & Gas Industry is Helping Reduce Emissions

Energy Transfer

Did you know that most of the U.S.’s progress in reducing emissions over the past decade has come from investments made by the oil & gas industry? In fact, the No. 1 reason carbon emissions have decreased in the U.S. is because technological breakthroughs have resulted in increased domestic natural gas production to generate our nations electricity, largely replacing coal-fired generation.

Gas 52
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Digitizing Distribution Substations is Key to America’s Smart Grid Journey

POWER Magazine

The future of clean electricity is dependent on modernizing Americas electric grid. At the heart of the U.S. grid are 75,000 substations that have not been updated to meet the […] The post Digitizing Distribution Substations is Key to America’s Smart Grid Journey appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Limiting Generation, Prices, Production, and Sales: How Can China's Solar PV Industry Break Through?


Limiting Generation, Prices, Production, and Sales: How Can China's Solar PV Industry Break Through? HowtobreakthroughtheoversupplycrisisinthesolarPVindustry?oneword:Limit!LimitElectricityTwoyearsago,Shandongprovincealreadyexperiencedoversupplyofsolar.

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Kent Scores Engineering Contracts from BP, BASF

Rigzone: News

The framework covers the full scope of EPCm services, supporting BP's asset lifecycle, from small and large projects to minor modifications.

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Increasing Profits Through Training | Oil & Gas | Keystone Energy

Keystone Energy Tools

Training programs are essential for boosting productivity and profitability in the oil and gas industry. By equipping employees with the skills to work efficiently and safely, companies can reduce costly errors, minimize downtime, and maintain strict compliance standards. In high-stakes environments like drilling and production, precision and adherence to safety protocols are critical.

Oil 52
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Best Practices for Mitigating Hail Damage to Solar Projects

POWER Magazine

Mitigating against the risk of hail for solar projects is both extremely complicated and more straightforward than you may think. Natural catastrophes (NatCat), particularly hail, pose a significant risk for […] The post Best Practices for Mitigating Hail Damage to Solar Projects appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Insurance 246
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1.5GWh, Sungrow Signs Supply Agreement for Energy Storage Systems


1.5GWh, Sungrow Signs Supply Agreement for Energy Storage Systems OnDecember6,Sungrowannouncedthatitsigneda1.5GWhBatteryEnergyStorage(BESS)agreementwithCiticoreRenewableEnergyCorporation(CREC).Undertheagreement,CRECw.

Energy 130