Sat.Oct 05, 2024 - Fri.Oct 11, 2024

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Experts Say Gas-Fired Power Key to Reliable U.S. Electricity Supply

POWER Magazine

Energy analysts have said the increasing need for reliable baseload power generation means natural gas-fired power plants will become even more important as demand for electricity increases. Several experts who […] The post Experts Say Gas-Fired Power Key to Reliable U.S. Electricity Supply appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 334
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Decentralizing Ukraine’s energy future: microgrids as a path to independence

Energy Transition

Ukraine’s energy landscape has been profoundly impacted by the ongoing conflict, with extensive damage to infrastructure and a historical reliance on Russian imports for traditional energy sources like coal, gas and nuclear fuel. Rebuilding the centralized, Soviet-era energy system is no longer a viable option.

Energy 215

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Oman's 100,000-ton high-purity polysilicon plant to start production next year


Oman's 100,000-ton high-purity polysilicon plant to start production next year TheOmanFutureFund(FFO),underOman'ssovereignwealthfund,hasdecidedtoinvest60millionOmaniRiyals(USD156million)inUnitedSolarPolysilicon(SPC)fortheconstruc.

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GFL, OPAL Fuels Joint Venture Begins Operating North Carolina RNG Facility

NGT News

Paragon RNG, a joint venture of GFL Environmental Inc. and OPAL Fuels Inc., has commenced commercial operations of its new renewable natural gas (RNG) facility at the Sampson County Landfill. The landfill, owned and operated by a subsidiary of GFL, is in Roseboro, North Carolina. The plant is producing and injecting pipeline-quality RNG. U.S. Environmental […] The post GFL, OPAL Fuels Joint Venture Begins Operating North Carolina RNG Facility appeared first on NGT News.

Operator 147
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Severe Solar Storm Threatens Power Grid Amid Hurricane Helene, Milton Recovery

POWER Magazine

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued a G4-level severe geomagnetic storm watch, urging the North American power grid to prepare for a powerful coronal mass ejection (CME) […] The post Severe Solar Storm Threatens Power Grid Amid Hurricane Helene, Milton Recovery appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 325
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Electric Future in Flux: What is Slowing Down E.V. Adoption?

Energy Central

The Current Slowdown in the Electric Vehicle Industry: Causes and Solutions The electric vehicle industry has long been positioned as the future of transportation. Over the past decade, it has attracted billions in investment, spurred countless innovations, and sparked a global movement towards greener, more sustainable energy solutions. For years, electric cars were hailed as the.

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Upstream and downstream competition intensifies; Polysilicon wafer companies support the raise of prices


Upstream and downstream competition intensifies; Polysilicon wafer companies support the raise of prices PVwaferpriceshaveremainedstablethisweek.TheaveragetransactionpriceofN-typeG10Lwafers(182*183.75mm/130μm/256mm)remainedat1.11yuan/piece.N-typeG12Rwafer.

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Breakthrough for sCO2 Power Cycle as STEP Demo Completes Phase 1 of 10-MW Project

POWER Magazine

In a significant breakthrough for the development of supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycles, the 10-MWe Supercritical Transformational Electric Power (STEP) Demo pilot plant in San Antonio, Texas, has wrapped […] The post Breakthrough for sCO2 Power Cycle as STEP Demo Completes Phase 1 of 10-MW Project appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Weaver’s Way: A Sustainable, People-First Food Co-op

The Energy Co-op

Join The Energy Co-op at our Annual Member Meeting and Conference. Who: Members and Friends of The Energy Co-op Where: The Inn at Swarthmore, Swarthmore, PA When: Saturday, June 9th, 8:30am 2:00pm What: The Annual Member Meeting and Conference brings together Co-op members, members of the community and representatives from other Co-ops and other organizations working on sustainable development in PA followed by the Co-op membership meeting.

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10GW Cell + 18GW Module Project Signed in India


10GW Cell + 18GW Module Project Signed in India AvaadaGroup,arenewableenergycompanyfromIndia,isreportedlyplanningtobuildanewwafer-to-cell-to-moduleplant,withthenewplantbeingpartofaRs13,650crore($1.4.

Energy 130
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Xos Adds Two Wheelbase Options to SV Step Van for Greater Flexibility

NGT News

Xos Inc., a manufacturer of fully electric commercial vehicles, has introduced the 2025 Xos SV Step Van with two new wheelbase options: 158 and 208 inches. These additions complement the existing 178-inch wheelbase, offering fleet operators enhanced flexibility to meet their specific operational needs. Whether optimizing routes for urban deliveries or maximizing cargo capacity for […] The post Xos Adds Two Wheelbase Options to SV Step Van for Greater Flexibility appeared first on NGT News.

Operator 130
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DOE Picks Six Companies to Provide HALEU Fuel Services for Advanced Reactors

POWER Magazine

The U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) announced six companies have successfully bid to provide deconversion services for high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) fuel to support advanced nuclear reactors. The DOE on […] The post DOE Picks Six Companies to Provide HALEU Fuel Services for Advanced Reactors appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Hydrogen innovation | Toyota - Portable hydrogen cartridges

Energy Central

Toyota will show portable hydrogen cartridges in Japan later this month. The automaker envisions the containers could be used like giant AA batteries as they could power fuel cells to generate electricity. This means refueling your FCEV could be as easy as swapping out cartridges.

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ReneSola 3GW photovoltaic module production base project began construction


ReneSola 3GW photovoltaic module production base project began construction OnOctober8,ReneSola'sHenanAnyang3GWPVmoduleproductionbaseprojectheldagrandgroundbreakingceremonyinLong'anDistrict,AnyangCity.Theprojecthasatotalinvest.

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GridLink Charging Station Addresses Needs of North American Energy Grid

NGT News

XCharge North America, a provider of DC fast-charging and battery-integrated electric vehicle solutions, has introduced GridLink, a charging station designed to address the needs of the North American energy grid. This development combines rapid charging capabilities with grid support functions. GridLink is equipped with a 55-inch LCD screen with touch control for user interface and […] The post GridLink Charging Station Addresses Needs of North American Energy Grid appeared first on NGT N

Energy 130
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Bill Gates-Backed Group Secures Funding for New Wind Energy Project

POWER Magazine

A startup company whose investors include Breakthrough Energy Ventures, the group led by Microsoft founder Bill Gates, said it has received about $14 million in new funding in support of […] The post Bill Gates-Backed Group Secures Funding for New Wind Energy Project appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Green Hydrogen Futures - A Global Opportunity for Energy Transformation to Achieve Sustainability, Social Equality and Societal Change

Energy Central

Introduction Green Hydrogen is the energy equivalent of the Swiss Army Knife. It is a clean multi-tool vector can open new energy markets, it can help cut ties to fossil fuels, it can prize the lid of energy restrictions, it can build opportunity driven innovation, it can create lasting social change, and it can shape a just transition to net zero and much more.

Energy 64
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Turkey Imposes $25/m² Tariff on Solar Modules from Five Countries, Grants Exemptions to Select Manufacturers


Turkey Imposes $25/m² Tariff on Solar Modules from Five Countries, Grants Exemptions to Select Manufacturers AccordingtotheTurkishGeneralDirectorateofImports(DGI),asofSeptember27,Turkeyhasimposedatariffof$25persquaremeteronphotovoltaicmodulesimportedfromVietn.

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Iowa Invests in Expanding Biofuel Access Statewide

NGT News

The Iowa Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program (RFIP) Board recently approved 126 project applications from the state’s gas stations for new and expanded E15, E85 and biodiesel infrastructure projects, according to Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig. Totaling nearly $6.35 million dollars, the projects are located across 61 Iowa counties and will allow drivers to save […] The post Iowa Invests in Expanding Biofuel Access Statewide appeared first on NGT News.

Drivers 130
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3 Steps for Utility Companies to Get Started with Undergrounding

POWER Magazine

The U.S. electric grid is under more strain than ever to support exponential electricity demand due to artificial intelligence (AI), data centers, electric vehicles, and hotter temperatures. Its infrastructure is […] The post 3 Steps for Utility Companies to Get Started with Undergrounding appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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US Exim Bank Approves $98M for Romania’s SMR Project

Energy Central

US Exim Bank Approves $98M for Romania’s SMR Project Newcleo Raises $151 Million From New Investors, Moves to Paris Japan’s Economy Minister Calls For ‘As Many Reactor Restarts As Possible’ Sweden PM Says Country To Start Building New Nuclear Power Plant By 2026 AI Model from Atomic Canyon & ORNL Sets New Benchmarks in Nuclear Search General Atomics.

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US adds another 2GW of PV module + 2GW of cell capacity


US adds another 2GW of PV module + 2GW of cell capacity BovietSolarTechnologystatedthatrenovationworkatitsmanufacturingplantinGreenville,NorthCarolinaisprogressingasplanned.Thefirstphaseoftheproject,focused.

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Ohmium Providing Electrolyzers for Zero-Emission Transit Network

NGT News

Ohmium International, a green hydrogen company that designs, manufactures and deploys proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers, has been selected as the electrolyzer supplier for Lewis County Transit’s zero-emission transportation network. For the first project, Ohmium will install a 900 kW PEM electrolyzer system to produce green hydrogen at the new transit station in Lewis County, […] The post Ohmium Providing Electrolyzers for Zero-Emission Transit Network appeared first on NGT News

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Mitsubishi Brings Final Unit of 5.3-GW Gas-Fired Thailand Project Online

POWER Magazine

Mitsubishi Power announced completion of a 5.3-GW natural gas-fired power plant project in Thailand, with the multi-phase installation now fully in commercial operation. The two combined-cycle power plants in Chonburi […] The post Mitsubishi Brings Final Unit of 5.3-GW Gas-Fired Thailand Project Online appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Artificial Intelligence is a Power Hog - So What?

Energy Central

Every week there is a story about the impact that artificial intelligence will have on electricity demand. Some forecasts have AI-related data centers consuming as much as 9% of total electricity generation. The environmental community is concerned that this will force utilities to continue to provide power generated from fossil fuels. The big tech companies are concerned as well.

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Module Production Sees Recovery, Upstream Sectors Still Engaged in a Power Struggle


Module Production Sees Recovery, Upstream Sectors Still Engaged in a Power Struggle PolysiliconThemainstreamconcludedpriceformonorechargepolysiliconisRMB37/KG,whilemonodensepolysiliconispricedatRMB35/KGandN-typepolysiliconiscurrentlyp.

Upstream 130
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Tesla Cybertruck Patrol Vehicle Will Help Enforce the Law in Irvine

NGT News

UP.FIT, a division of Unplugged Performance, has deployed the nation’s first Tesla Cybertruck fully outfitted for law enforcement, in collaboration with the Irvine (California) Police Department. The vehicle is being used as part of Irvine PD’s DARE program. The UP.FIT Cybertruck Next-Gen Patrol vehicle is designed to meet the needs of first responders, equipped with […] The post Tesla Cybertruck Patrol Vehicle Will Help Enforce the Law in Irvine appeared first on NGT News.

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Hydrogen Attracts Significant Investments to Support a Decarbonized Energy Economy

POWER Magazine

In late 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a $7 billion initiative to establish seven Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs, aiming to scale the use of cost-effective clean hydrogen. […] The post Hydrogen Attracts Significant Investments to Support a Decarbonized Energy Economy appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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LPO Announces Conditional Commitment to EVgo to Deploy Nationwide EV Fast Charging Network

Energy Central

Charging up America's EV future! ([link] Today, LPO announced a conditional commitment for a loan guarantee of up to $1.05 billion to EVgo to expand public electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure across the United States. If finalized, the loan guarantee will support EVgo’s deployment of approximately 7,500 charging stalls—featuring high-power 350kW.

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CSI Energy Storage Secures EPC Contract for 98 MW/312 MWh Huatacondo Project in Chile


CSI Energy Storage Secures EPC Contract for 98 MW/312 MWh Huatacondo Project in Chile CanadianSolar'senergystoragesubsidiary,CSIEnergyStorage,announcedonOctober1,2024,thatithadsecuredanengineering,procurement,andconstruction(EPC)contrac.

Energy 130
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Solaris Will Supply 30 Electric Buses to Arriva Operator in Netherlands

NGT News

Solaris Bus & Coach will supply an Arriva Group operator in the Netherlands with 30 electric buses. A total of 26 Urbino 12 electric and four articulated Urbino 18 electric 30 buses will serve public transport in the West-Brabant region. The investment is part of Arriva’s plan to make the entire bus fleet in the […] The post Solaris Will Supply 30 Electric Buses to Arriva Operator in Netherlands appeared first on NGT News.

Operator 130
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‘World’s Largest’: Chinese Company Installs 15-MW Onshore Wind Turbine

POWER Magazine

A Chinese company has installed what it calls the world’s largest onshore wind turbine. Sany Group, a multinational firm known for its manufacturing of heavy equipment, on October 9 announced […] The post ‘World’s Largest’: Chinese Company Installs 15-MW Onshore Wind Turbine appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Why the Energy Sector Remains a Reliable Investment After the Federal Reserve’s Rate Cut

Energy Central

On September 18th, the Federal Reserve announced a rate cut of 50 basis points. This was the first cut in the last four years. Obviously, such change has affected nearly all sectors of the economy, including energy. But it is not the end — there is potential for more rate cuts in the future. So, the acute question now is how it will affect the commodity markets.

Energy 59
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India Adds 11.3 GW PV Module and 2 GW Solar Cell Capacity in H1 2024


India Adds 11.3 GW PV Module and 2 GW Solar Cell Capacity in H1 2024 AccordingtoarecentreportbyMercomIndiaResearch,India'sphotovoltaic(PV)modulecapacityincreasedby11.3GWandcellcapacityby2GWinthefirsthalfof2024,drivenbyr.

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New Jersey Offers Free Technical Assistance for Fleet Electrification

NGT News

CALSTART, a global clean transportation nonprofit, and partner New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) have created the New Jersey Fleet Advisor Program, a free technical assistance program that helps medium- and heavy-duty fleets plan for electrification in support of sustainability goals. During its first round, the program will provide free technical assistance to 15 […] The post New Jersey Offers Free Technical Assistance for Fleet Electrification appeared first on NG

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GE Vernova Turbines Part of Upgrade at Japan Gas-Fired Power Plant

POWER Magazine

The Nanko Power Plant in Osaka, Japan, will be upgraded with new gas turbines from GE Vernova. The 1,800-MW station, which was commissioned in late 1990, is replacing three boilers […] The post GE Vernova Turbines Part of Upgrade at Japan Gas-Fired Power Plant appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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153. The Battery-coaster / Redefining Energy podcast

Energy Central

The battery infrastructure is currently growing 3x faster than the solar industry. Records are beaten daily: in August 2024, for the first time, Chinese battery factories passed the 100GWh production mark. We are seeing industry giants consolidate their leadership while hopes of alternative technologies or promising start ups are being squashed. The prices are collapsing monthly.

Energy 59