Sat.Aug 17, 2024 - Fri.Aug 23, 2024

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China Approves 11 New Nuclear Reactors, Including Fourth-Generation Design

POWER Magazine

State-run China Energy News reported that officials on August 19 approved construction of 11 nuclear reactors across the country, part of a wave of new reactors that could see China […] The post China Approves 11 New Nuclear Reactors, Including Fourth-Generation Design appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 355
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Over 3.5 Billion Yuan! Ganfeng Lithium Plans to Establish Overseas Solid-State Battery Project


Over 3.5 Billion Yuan! Ganfeng Lithium Plans to Establish Overseas Solid-State Battery Project OnAugust16,GanfengLithiumannouncedthatitscontrollingsubsidiary,GanfengLithiumBattery,hadsignedacooperationframeworkagreementwithTurkey'sYIGITAKUcompan.


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Portland, Oregon, Adding 24 Electric Buses Purchased from GILLIG

NGT News

The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet), which serves Portland’s metropolitan area, will add 24 battery electric buses into service in 2024. The first of those buses began operations on the city’s Line 9-Powell in July, serving the space between downtown Portland and the Gresham Central Transit Center. These U.S.-made zero-emission e-buses were purchased from […] The post Portland, Oregon, Adding 24 Electric Buses Purchased from GILLIG appeared first on NGT N

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Sirius Jet, Marathon Group | Zero Emissions Airports

Energy Central

Sirius Jet, Marathon Group | Zero Emissions Airports [link] [link] Hydrogen Aviation.

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TVA Boosts Nuclear Funding with $150M for SMR Development at Clinch River

POWER Magazine

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA’s) board of directors has approved an additional $150 million for the public power utility’s $200 million New Nuclear Program to boost continued design work and […] The post TVA Boosts Nuclear Funding with $150M for SMR Development at Clinch River appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Gotion Hi-Tech realizes the preparation of automotive-grade all-solid-state batteries


Gotion Hi-Tech realizes the preparation of automotive-grade all-solid-state batteries Thecommercializationofall-solid-statebatterieshasalwaysbeenahottopicintheindustry,anditsdiscussiononinvestorinteractiveplatformsisalsoincreasing.Recen.

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Paired Power Partners with California American Water to Deliver EV Charging

NGT News

U.S. solar microgrid manufacturer Paired Power has established a partnership with California American Water to deliver resilient electric vehicle charging without relying solely on the grid. The installation of Paired Power’s solar EV charger PairTree reflects California American Water’s disaster-preparedness and commitment to help meet California’s emission reduction goals and improve local air quality, health […] The post Paired Power Partners with California American Water to Deliver EV

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IAEA: Aging Nuclear Fleet Warrants Reactor Life Extensions, Much More New Capacity

POWER Magazine

While global nuclear power capacity has remained at a consistent level over the past decade, newly released data from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) suggests that more than two-thirds […] The post IAEA: Aging Nuclear Fleet Warrants Reactor Life Extensions, Much More New Capacity appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 312
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Competition continued to escalate in July; Chinese photovoltaic companies rush to build factories in the Middle East


Competition continued to escalate in July; Chinese photovoltaic companies rush to build factories in the Middle East InJuly2024,pricesinthephotovoltaicindustrychaincontinuedtobesluggish,projectdelaysandterminationsoccurredfrequently,andinvolutioncompetitioncontinuedt.

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Sustainability Efforts Take Off at Ireland’s Cork Airport

NGT News

Ireland’s Cork Airport has taken significant strides in its commitment to sustainability with the introduction of a series of environmentally friendly initiatives. In August 2024, the airport doubled the number of high-speed electric vehicle charging points, expanded its fleet of EVs, introduced cutting-edge waste management technologies, and enhanced the landscaping and biodiversity across the airport […] The post Sustainability Efforts Take Off at Ireland’s Cork Airport appeared first on

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ADNOC, PETRONAS And Storegga To Develop Carbon Capture In Malaysia

Energy Central

Malaysia's Carbon Capture Collaboration: ADNOC, Petronas & Storegga Lead the Charge Key Points: 1. ADNOC, Petronas, and Storegga join forces to develop a major carbon capture project in Malaysia. 2. The collaboration aims to accelerate carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology deployment in Southeast Asia.

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BlueWave Announces Agrivoltaic Projects in Massachusetts

POWER Magazine

BlueWave, a solar power developer and owner in the U.S. Northeast, announced five projects across Massachusetts that incorporate the company’s innovative dual-use solar design and operate under the Solar Massachusetts […] The post BlueWave Announces Agrivoltaic Projects in Massachusetts appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Operator 264
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Wafer and Cell Prices Fluctuate, Enhanced Production Signals for Next Month’s Modules


Wafer and Cell Prices Fluctuate, Enhanced Production Signals for Next Month’s Modules PolysiliconThemainstreamconcludedpriceformonorechargepolysiliconisRMB34/KG,whilemonodensepolysiliconispricedatRMB32/KGandN-typepolysiliconiscurrentlyp.

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Volvo Trucks Receives Order for 300 Electric Trucks from DSV

NGT News

Volvo Trucks and global logistics company DSV have signed a cooperation agreement for 300 heavy electric trucks, one of the largest commercial orders to date for Volvo electric trucks. With the order, DSV will have one of the largest company fleets of heavy electric trucks in Europe. DSV is moving quickly toward a more sustainable […] The post Volvo Trucks Receives Order for 300 Electric Trucks from DSV appeared first on NGT News.

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Decarbonizing Buildings: A Carbon and Climate Issue or a People and Pocketbook Issue?

Energy Central

As governments across Europe finally start tackling the outsized carbon footprint associated with the built environment, responsible for roughly 40 percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions, there’s something often overlooked that could aid or obstruct this decarbonization effort. It’s public perception. Currently, building decarbonization receives just one-third the media.

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Chinese Group Deploying Largest Floating Wind Turbine Platform

POWER Magazine

A floating wind turbine platform developed by Mingyang Group is now sited at a Chinese offshore wind farm. OceanX, at present the world’s largest single capacity technology of its type, […] The post Chinese Group Deploying Largest Floating Wind Turbine Platform appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Offshore 264
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Smart Manufacturing Drives Efficient Photovoltaic Film Production as Tianyang Photovoltaic Project Expands Steadily


Smart Manufacturing Drives Efficient Photovoltaic Film Production as Tianyang Photovoltaic Project Expands Steadily WalkingintotheEVAencapsulationfilmproductionworkshopatNantongTianyangPhotovoltaicMaterialsTechnologyCo.,Ltd.,youseeindustrialrobotswavingtheir"arms"an.

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Ford Revamps Electrification Strategy to Broaden Choices, Continue Emissions Reduction

NGT News

Ford Motor Company is taking further actions to deliver a profitable, capital-efficient and growing electric vehicle business and add even more propulsion choices that generate lower CO2 emissions. The plan includes adjusting the company’s North America vehicle roadmap to offer a range of electrification options designed to speed customer adoption — including lower prices and […] The post Ford Revamps Electrification Strategy to Broaden Choices, Continue Emissions Reduction appeared first

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The KJ Show Episode 99: Trees- A Shady Climate Solution

Energy Central

Every week, I host 'The KJ Show,' which offers a mix of breaking news and practical advice on how the energy industry affects the consumer. During this fast-paced show, I combine weekly energy updates with conversations with leaders in the energy efficiency community. After each show, I'll share it here with the Energy Central Community in case you were unable to join me live.

Casing 64
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Top 10 most important actions to ensure successful digital transformation


Digital Transformation is, nowadays, a buzzing world in industry, which everybody wants to utilize and apply in their business. Nevertheless, it is also starting to be a major cause of confusion, empty promises and big words with no real impact on business performance. Why is there such an extreme dichotomy in the most important enabler for our Future Digital Energy Systems ?

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New Opportunities! Another Market for U.S. PV Projects


New Opportunities! Another Market for U.S. PV Projects Recently,AlaskaGovernorMikeDunleavysignedlegislationthatallowsforPVprojectsinthestate,whereAlaskanscanorderPVmodulesfromnon-homecommunities,whichprovi.

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EV Connect, BlueSnap Partner to Streamline Payment Processing

NGT News

To streamline global expansion of electric vehicle charging networks in preparation for a projected 1.5 billion charging sessions by 2026, EV Connect has formed a strategic partnership with the BlueSnap payment orchestration platform for businesses worldwide. The collaboration introduces a streamlined payment processing solution, providing charge point operators (CPOs) and charging network operators access to […] The post EV Connect, BlueSnap Partner to Streamline Payment Processing appear

Operator 130
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IRA Year Two: A Clean Future in Clear Focus

Energy Central

Today, we're celebrating the second anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) and the over $27 billion in new clean energy, advanced transportation, and tribal energy deals that LPO has committed project financing for across America since it was enacted. Read LPO's blog for the full review ([link] and learn more about all of LPO's conditional.

Finance 64
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Energy Procurement: How It Works and Why It Matters

Navigate Power

Effective energy procurement requires careful planning and a sophisticated understanding of modern energy markets. This is especially true for companies that rely heavily on reliable electricity or natural gas supplies and operate in locations where suppliers compete for customers. Navigate Power provides guidance below about how energy procurement helps businesses manage the intricate web of energy suppliers, contracts, and pricing strategies.

IT 52
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Australia approves giant solar power project to supply electricity to Singapore


Australia approves giant solar power project to supply electricity to Singapore TheAustraliangovernmentannouncedonthe21stthatithasapprovedtheconstructionofasolarpowerparkinthenorthofthecountry.Oncecompleted,itwillbecomethe"world's.

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Princeton University Unit Orders Class 3 Electric Box Truck Upfit from Mullen

NGT News

Electric vehicle manufacturer Mullen Automotive Inc. has sold the Mullen THREE, Class 3 electric box truck upfit to Princeton University’s facilities operations unit, located in Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton’s facilities operations have selected the Mullen THREE to support campus operations and contribute to overall sustainability goals, including reaching zero emissions for on-campus university service vehicles. […] The post Princeton University Unit Orders Class 3 Electric Box Truck

Operator 130
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Are EV Sales Up or Down?

Energy Central

The news about EV sales is confusing. Sales are up, no there down. Tesla sales are down, but sales at Ford are up. But Ford – along with many other manufacturers - are pulling back. And then there is the growth in plug-in hybrids (PHEVs). Do they count? The confusion partly lies in how the data is presented. Those that wish to portray the market as growing will often rely on.

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Vorys Energy

Last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit vacated four pipeline-safety standards promulgated by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and denied the petition of a fifth challenged standard. Interstate Natural Gas Association of America v. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and United States Department of Transportation , Case No. 23-1173.

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Photon Crystal Energy 100MW 100MW Perovskite Pilot Production Line Commences Operation


Photon Crystal Energy 100MW 100MW Perovskite Pilot Production Line Commences Operation OnthemorningofAugust20,2024,PhotonCrystalEnergy heldagrandinaugurationceremonyforits100MWperovskitepilotproductionlineandthefirstproductrolloutinDanza.

Operator 130
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Pioneer Power, SparkCharge Establish Technology Alliance

NGT News

Pioneer Power Solutions Inc. has formed a strategic partnership with SparkCharge Inc., an electric vehicle charging delivery service. Through this alliance, Pioneer’s e-Boost off-grid, sustainable mobile EV charging solution will be integrated with SparkCharge’s mobile battery energy storage systems. This collaboration combines Pioneer’s e-Boost with SparkCharge’s EV Charging as a Service (CaaS) model with the […] The post Pioneer Power, SparkCharge Establish Technology Alliance appeared f

E&A 130
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Hydrogen Helicopters | Organ Delivery

Energy Central


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Canadian Groups Invest Millions to Support Commercial Fusion Energy

POWER Magazine

A leading nuclear science and technology group in Canada, along with the investment arm of one of the country’s top banks, said they together would invest about CA$20 million ($14.6 […] The post Canadian Groups Invest Millions to Support Commercial Fusion Energy appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 278
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Overseas First Stop! JinenU Solar's 7th Production Base Settles in Indonesia


Overseas First Stop! JinenU Solar's 7th Production Base Settles in Indonesia OnAugust20th,DDI,Suntech,andJinenUSolar,togetherwithanumberofChinesePVindustrychaincompanies,officiallysignedacooperationagreementwiththeUniversityofB.

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Carbonix Agrees to Finance HydrogenXT’s NeXTstop

NGT News

HydrogenXT, an innovator in hydrogen fuel production and distribution, and AI Data Centers have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Carbonix to finance the first NeXTstop, in Avenal, California, strategically located halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Carbonix, a Newport Beach green finance pioneer, will receive a minority stake in the Avenal facility. […] The post Carbonix Agrees to Finance HydrogenXT’s NeXTstop appeared first on NGT News.

Finance 100
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Two Surprising Consequences from Heat Waves

Energy Central

High temperatures are constantly in the news. As I write this a heat dome is encompassing Texas and the Southwest. Yesterday, according to, more than 23 million Americans were under some level of heat advisory. This week, temperatures reached 112 degrees in Phoenix and Houston experienced temperatures between 100 and 105. Heat and humidity were also hammering the Southern Plains.

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Aiko Solar to Establish Solar Module Capacity in Pakistan!


Aiko Solar to Establish Solar Module Capacity in Pakistan! AfterfacingchallengesofmarketsaturationdomesticallyandsetbacksinSoutheastAsia,Chinesephotovoltaic(PV)companiesarenowturningtheirattentiontonewpotentia.

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Italy adds 3.34GW of new PV installations in H1 2024


Italy adds 3.34GW of new PV installations in H1 2024 AccordingtoareportbyItaliaSolare,theItalianphotovoltaicassociation,thecumulativeinstalledPVpowercapacityinItalyreached33.62GWbytheendofJune2024.Inthef.