Sat.Aug 26, 2023 - Fri.Sep 01, 2023

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Solar Farm at a Landfill Site Brings New Meaning for Waste to Energy

POWER Magazine

The Mount Olive project in New Jersey is a model for turning a brownfield site into a “brightfield,” supporting cleaner power generation and providing a wealth of benefits for the local community. The U.S The post Solar Farm at a Landfill Site Brings New Meaning for Waste to Energy appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 299
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Ford Pro Offering New EV Chargers for Fleet Customers

NGT News

Ford Pro, the commercial division within Ford Motor Company, has debuted new charging hardware in its suite of EV solutions, including the Series 2 AC Charging Station 80 A and expanded DC fast charger options. Coupled with Ford Pro’s charging management software, the company provides a fully integrated solution that simplifies EV charging for both […] The post Ford Pro Offering New EV Chargers for Fleet Customers appeared first on NGT News.


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Surpassing 150 GW: Cumulative Shipments of 210mm Modules Cement Mainstream Status; 210+N Spearheads the Dawn of the 700W+ Era


Surpassing 150 GW: Cumulative Shipments of 210mm Modules Cement Mainstream Status; 210+N Spearheads the Dawn of the 700W+ Era Withadvancingtechnologyacrosseverylinkoftheindustrialchainandasimultaneousdriveforcostefficiency,theindustryiswitnessingapronouncedshifttowardslarger-.

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Lithium-rich Chile, already a global renewable energy leader, proposes a new strategy

Energy Transition

Despite its historic ties to fossil fuels and copper mining, in recent years Chile has accelerated its energy transition. With a population of just under 20 million, Chile is now targeting 80% renewable electricity by 2030 and a 100% zero emissions power grid by 2050. Last year wind and solar overtook coal as renewables now dominate the local energy sector.

Energy 130
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Texas Adding to U.S.-Leading Renewable Portfolio with 200-MW RWE Wind Farm

POWER Magazine

A 200-MW onshore wind farm project is under construction in Texas, an installation that will add to the state’s U.S.-leading renewable energy portfolio. RWE, a German multinational energy provider, on […] The post Texas Adding to U.S.-Leading Renewable Portfolio with 200-MW RWE Wind Farm appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 291
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Wawa Continues to Make Strides in Electrification

NGT News

Convenience retailer Wawa has announced two milestones in the company’s electric vehicle efforts, including reaching its 150th store offering EV charging across its operating area and launching its first battery-electric truck in partnership with Penske Logistics. Wawa continues to increase the number of stores hosting EV charging stations to increase charging access and convenience to […] The post Wawa Continues to Make Strides in Electrification appeared first on NGT News.

Operator 173
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TrendForce: The Prices of the Industry Chain Remain Stable; The Module Price is Expected to Rise


TrendForce: The Prices of the Industry Chain Remain Stable; The Module Price is Expected to Rise PolysiliconPolysiliconpriceshaveremainedstablethisweek.ThemainstreamconcludedpriceformonorechargepolysiliconisRMB77/KG,whilemonodensepolysiliconispric.


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South Korea’s First ‘K-Gas Turbine’ Begins Commercial Operation

POWER Magazine

Marking a significant inroad to establish a South Korean foothold in the world’s gas turbine technology market, heavy industrial company Doosan Enerbility this summer began commercial operation of its first The post South Korea’s First ‘K-Gas Turbine’ Begins Commercial Operation appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Operator 280
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Quantron, Ballard Now Delivering Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

NGT News

Quantron AG, a specialist in sustainable passenger and freight transportation, and Ballard Power Systems have delivered their first fuel-cell electric vehicles, combining QUANTRON’s vehicle engineering expertise with Ballard’s hydrogen fuel cell technology. The core of the Canadian-German partnership is the integration of Ballard’s FCmove fuel cell modules in Quantron vehicles.

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From green "intelligent" pioneer manufacturing to Fortune Global 500 listing, TW(Tongwei) Solar leads the industry’s upgrading & transformation


From green "intelligent" pioneer manufacturing to Fortune Global 500 listing, TW(Tongwei) Solar leads the industry’s upgrading & transformation TheFortuneGlobal500rankingmeasurestheoverallstrengthoflargecompaniesworldwide.Therecentlyreleased2023FortuneGlobal500listfeaturedmanyindustrygiants,in.

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Energy Central

HYDROGEN BACKBONE LINK CONNECTING SCOTLAND TO EUROPE Repurposing and Routing – Having reviewed multiple options for existing pipeline repurposing, the study concluded that whilst feasible, the technical complexities of repurposing and the current utilisation for hydrocarbons means that a new purpose-built pipeline route is preferable. The new build pipeline would connect.

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A Symbol of Courage and Invincibility: DTEK Completes Wind Farm Despite War

POWER Magazine

When a hostile foreign country invades your homeland, many power projects might fall by the wayside, but for DTEK, providing reliable power to customers and continuing to develop secure energy resources was The post A Symbol of Courage and Invincibility: DTEK Completes Wind Farm Despite War appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Heavy-Duty Fleet Notches First Run with Hyzon Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck

NGT News

Performance Food Group Inc., one of the largest food and food service distribution companies in North America, has completed the first commercial run with a Hyzon Motors Inc. liquid hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle. Starting in Temple, Texas, the truck completed deliveries to eight PFG customers near Dallas, traveling over 540 miles on a 16-hour […] The post Heavy-Duty Fleet Notches First Run with Hyzon Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck appeared first on NGT News.

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The Final Outcomes of the U.S. Anti-circumvention Investigation Have Aligned as Anticipated


The Final Outcomes of the U.S. Anti-circumvention Investigation Have Aligned as Anticipated ThefinaloutcomesoftheU.S.anti-circumventioninvestigationhavealignedasanticipated.AlongsideNewEast,whichhasbeenidentifiedasengaginginanti-circumvention.

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The Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality

Energy Central

BACKGROUND: The first reference to climate change started towards the end of the 1950s – Spencer Weart, Retired director of Center for History of Physics, Maryland in an email expressed, “It was just a possibility for the 21st Century which seemed very far away, but seen as a danger that should be prepared for” Weart’s Discovery of Global warming website had.

IT 98
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Hydropower Horizons: Pioneering a Pelton Turbine Breakthrough

POWER Magazine

Voith Hydro in 2022 replaced four vertical Pelton turbines at Verbund’s 75-year-old 326-GWh Gerlos 1 pumped storage facility in Austria with a first-of-its-kind horizontal six-nozzle Pelton turbine The post Hydropower Horizons: Pioneering a Pelton Turbine Breakthrough appeared first on POWER Magazine.

IT 265
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CA Transit Agency Deploying More Than 400 Ford E-Transit Vans

NGT News

Public transit agency the California Vanpool Authority (CalVans) has purchased 403 Ford E-Transit vans through Model 1 Commercial Vehicles, a bus and transportation services dealer. CalVans’ fleet of electric vans was upfitted by Forest River Bus. The fleet includes both 12-person and nine-person passenger vans upfitted for different configurations and route needs, including ADA compliance […] The post CA Transit Agency Deploying More Than 400 Ford E-Transit Vans appeared first on NGT News

E&A 130
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The Export Value of Inverters to Europe is Expected to Increase 48% Year-on-Year in 2023


The Export Value of Inverters to Europe is Expected to Increase 48% Year-on-Year in 2023 Europeremainstheprimaryhubforinverterdemand,playingapivotalroleinshapingtheprofitabilitylandscapeforinverterenterprises.DuringtheperiodspanningJanuary.

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First-Ever Gulf of Mexico Wind Auction Results in Only 1 Wind Lease Offshore Louisiana. What Happens Next?

The Energy Law

GOM Lease Sale: The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) held its long-anticipated offshore wind lease sale for the federal Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) on Tuesday, August 29, 2023. Three GOM leases were offered for sale, with one located offshore Lake Charles, Louisiana, covering 102,480 acres (OCS-G 37334), and two located offshore Galveston, Texas, covering 102,480 acres (OCS-G 37335) and 96,786 acres (OCS-G 37336).

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AusNet Embraces Data-Driven Storm Impact Modeling

POWER Magazine

Power companies must respond to outages caused by extreme weather events. Having accurate predictions concerning the severity of impending storms can ensure companies are prepared with the right resources on The post AusNet Embraces Data-Driven Storm Impact Modeling appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Offshore 246
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Stellantis Selects Charge Enterprises As EV Charging Partner for Dealers

NGT News

Global vehicle OEM Stellantis, whose brands include Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge and Ram, has formed a partnership with Charge Enterprises Inc. in which Charge has become an EV charging installation partner for Stellantis’ 2,600+ U.S. dealer network. Charge is now the fourth recommended partner for dealer EV readiness for Stellantis, joining Future Energy, Vehya and AGI. […] The post Stellantis Selects Charge Enterprises As EV Charging Partner for Dealers appeared first on NGT News.

Energy 130
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Why Lithium Enterprises Develop in Overseas Markets (Including Enterprises’ Development Process in Overseas Markets?


Why Lithium Enterprises Develop in Overseas Markets (Including Enterprises’ Development Process in Overseas Markets) Recently,EVEBatterymadeanannouncementregardingthesigningofaMemorandumofUnderstandingwithEnergyAbsolutePublicCompanyLimited.Thecollaborativeobjectiveof.

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Li-Ion was good enough for many Breakthroughs

Energy Central

Based on the title you can probably guess that this post is about Li-Ion Batteries. However, rather than looking to the future of these amazing energy storage devices, we are going into the past to see how these played a key role in two technological revolutions. And furthermore, we will look at the people that developed them, especially one individual whose name is in the above title.

Energy 98
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Power Grid Investments Improve Reliability and Make Blackouts Less Likely

POWER Magazine

While power outages are not uncommon in the U.S., widespread blackouts that last more than a couple of hours are pretty rare. However, this summer marks the 20th anniversary of […] The post Power Grid Investments Improve Reliability and Make Blackouts Less Likely appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Mercedes-Benz Ready to Kick Off Buildout of 2,000 EV Charging Hubs

NGT News

Mercedes-Benz says it will begin opening high-power charging stations in October, with the first Mercedes-Benz Charging Hubs going into operation in Atlanta; Chengdu, China; and Mannheim, Germany. By the end of next year, Mercedes-Benz aims to further expand its global charging network to over 2,000 high-power charging points. The long-term goal is to create more […] The post Mercedes-Benz Ready to Kick Off Buildout of 2,000 EV Charging Hubs appeared first on NGT News.

Operator 130
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India’s Affordable Power Decarbonization by 2050: Optimal Solar and Wind Expansion are Key


India’s Affordable Power Decarbonization by 2050: Optimal Solar and Wind Expansion are Key ArecentreportbyBloombergNewEnergyFinance(BloombergNEF)envisionsIndiaachievingnet-zeroemissionsby2050,poweredbyanimpressive3TWofcombinedwindandsolarcap.

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Orkney to Emden, Germany | Proposed Hydrogen Pipeline

Energy Central

Orkney to Emden NZTTP | Proposed Hydrogen Pipeline [link] ScotWind

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Companies Announce Advancements for Diesel-, Gas-Powered Engines

POWER Magazine

The global market for diesel- and gas-powered engines continues to grow, as manufacturing companies unveil products designed to produce power more efficiently while at the same time lowering emissions. The The post Companies Announce Advancements for Diesel-, Gas-Powered Engines appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Texas Court Decides Who Owns Produced Water from Hydraulic Fracturing in Texas

Texas Oil & Gas Attorney

The El Paso Court of Appeals , in the recent case of Cactus Water Services LLC v. COG Operating LLC , was faced with the issue of who owns the water produced by a hydraulic fracturing operation: the oil and gas company operating the well or the surface owner and the company the surface owner leased its water rights to? The operator, COG, was the lessee of several mineral leases in Reeves County on which it was drilling and completing horizontal wells, which require fracing.

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Meyer Burger Suffered Serious Losses in H1 This Year, and its Focus of Capacity Expansion Shifts to the U.S.


Meyer Burger Suffered Serious Losses in H1 This Year, and its Focus of Capacity Expansion Shifts to the U.S. Recently,MeyerBurger,aEuropeanmanufacturerofphotovoltaic(PV)modules,unveiledits2023semi-annualreport.Accordingtothisreport,thecompanyexperiencedasigni.

IT 130
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The KJ Show #56 - Electricity's Giant Green Footprint

Energy Central

Every week, I host 'The KJ Show,' which offers a mix of breaking news and practical advice on how the energy industry affects the consumer. During this fast-paced show, I combine weekly energy updates with conversations with leaders in the energy efficiency community. After each show, I'll share it here with the Energy Central Community in case you were unable to join me.

Casing 52
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Accelerating Sustainable Hydropower Development Around the World

POWER Magazine

The hydropower industry has placed a keen focus on sustainability in recent years. “The San José Declaration on Sustainable Hydropower,” a landmark declaration issued on Sept. 24, 2021, by the hydropower The post Accelerating Sustainable Hydropower Development Around the World appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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USEPA Releases “Post-Sackett Rule” Revising WOTUS Definition (Again)

Vorys Energy

USEPA Releases “Post-Sackett Rule” Revising WOTUS Definition Consistent with Sackett Opinion that Narrows the Scope of the Clean Water Act

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Tongwei: Revenue in H1 Reached 74.1 Billion yuan, a Year-on-Year Increase of 23%, While the Net Profit Reached 13.3 Billion yuan, Rising 9% Year-on-Year


Tongwei: Revenue in H1 Reached 74.1 Billion yuan, a Year-on-Year Increase of 23%, While the Net Profit Reached 13.3 Billion yuan, Rising 9% Year-on-Year Tongwei:Thecompanyhasmadeaproclamationofitsintenttoforgeaheadwithproducingacolossal16GWofrods,wafers,andcells.Thisambitiousendeavorwillbestrategically.

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Scottish hydrogen pipeline ambition

Energy Central

Scottish hydrogen pipeline ambitions

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Planning Is Key to Successful Nuclear Refueling Outages

POWER Magazine

U.S. nuclear power plants typically refuel every 18 to 24 months. Refueling outages normally occur in the spring and fall of the year when demand for electricity is at its lowest. The Energy Information The post Planning Is Key to Successful Nuclear Refueling Outages appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 244
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Marnie Surfaceblow: Bowing Under Pressure

POWER Magazine

Just because something hasn’t failed doesn’t mean it won’t—especially when an “old dog” of a plant is taught new tricks. Two women wearing personal protective equipment waited impatiently in the The post Marnie Surfaceblow: Bowing Under Pressure appeared first on POWER Magazine.

IT 244