Sat.Jun 15, 2024 - Fri.Jun 21, 2024

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The ADVANCE Act—Legislation Crucial for a U.S. Nuclear Renaissance—Clears Congress. Here’s a Detailed Breakdown

POWER Magazine

The U.S. Senate has passed the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act, sweeping legislation that seeks to promote U.S. nuclear leadership, accelerate advanced nuclear technology […] The post The ADVANCE Act—Legislation Crucial for a U.S. Nuclear Renaissance—Clears Congress. Here’s a Detailed Breakdown appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 348
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China's silicon wafer production capacity exceeds 900GW


China's silicon wafer production capacity exceeds 900GW 1.Developmentoftheglobalsiliconwaferindustryin2022Thescaleofsiliconwaferswillcontinuetomaintainarapidgrowthtrendin2023.Bytheendof2023,theglobaltotalsi.


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How Scotland can get its energy for renewables back

Energy Transition

Scotland has been a pioneer in renewables, says Kirsten Jenkins. But the easy wins are over and the task of decarbonising Scotland’s economy is becoming steadily more difficult, as the row over net zero targets showed. Nonetheless, the potential to build on its record is clear and the obstacles are not insurmountable.

IT 167
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EnergIIZE Project Will Open EV Jump Start Lane in July

NGT News

Funded by the California Energy Commission and administered by CALSTART, the Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles (EnergIIZE) Project will open its EV Jump Start funding lane July 16, 2024, at 9 a.m. and will run through September 10, 2024, at 5 p.m. Pacific time. This funding lane is intended for fleets interested in […] The post EnergIIZE Project Will Open EV Jump Start Lane in July appeared first on NGT News.

Energy 130
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NVIDIA CEO: AI Will Impact the Future of Energy

POWER Magazine

The future of energy may depend on technology with roots in the video game industry, by a company founded more than 30 years ago that wanted to use accelerated computing […] The post NVIDIA CEO: AI Will Impact the Future of Energy appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 318
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India's electricity demand hits record high


India's electricity demand hits record high Accordingtothelatestnews,India'spowersectorreachedarecordmaximumpowerdemandof250GWonMay30,2024.OnMay30,thenorthernregionalsoachievedarecorddemandof86.

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Climate Activists Are Wrong About Which Energy Source Reduces Air Pollution

Energy Central

Originally published in the Washington Examiner. Today’s media are filled with concerns about air pollution. But few people know which energy source has produced the greatest modern reduction in air pollution. The answer isn’t wind or solar energy. During the 1950s, my grandfather had a coal furnace in his basement, like many homes in Chicago.

Energy 105

More Trending

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DLR is More Than Optimizing Capacity; How Can Utilities Ensure Safety and Reliability?

POWER Magazine

Dynamic line rating (DLR) enables utilities to unlock up to 40% additional capacity from existing infrastructure, allowing grid operators to rapidly increase energy throughput. This capability is crucial in today’s […] The post DLR is More Than Optimizing Capacity; How Can Utilities Ensure Safety and Reliability? appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Utilities 265
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NEA: Measures to be taken to avoid repeated construction of low-end PV capacity


NEA: Measures to be taken to avoid repeated construction of low-end PV capacity OnJune20,ChinaNationalEnergyAdministrationheldapressconferenceonthethemeof"PromotingHigh-QualityDevelopment."LiChuangjun,DirectoroftheNewEnergyandRene.

Energy 130
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We can and must adjust to climate change – and not kill billions

Energy Central

Earth’s climate has changed many times over four billion years, and 99.999% of those changes occurred before humans were on this planet. During that short time, humans adjusted their housing, clothing and agriculture in response to climate changes. Can we now control the climate? Except for decades-long droughts or massive volcanic explosions that ended some civilizations, humanity.

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Eaton Assists Notre Dame in Establishing EV Charging Network Across Campus

NGT News

Intelligent power management company Eaton is helping the University of Notre Dame establish new electric vehicle charging infrastructure for use by its students, faculty, staff and maintenance fleet. The project will enable Notre Dame to meet growing demand for EV charging across its campus and accelerate progress toward its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by […] The post Eaton Assists Notre Dame in Establishing EV Charging Network Across Campus appeared first on NGT News.

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Construction Moves Forward on Australia’s Largest Wind Farm

POWER Magazine

The second stage of one of the world’s largest wind farms is moving forward after developer TagEnergy announced it had closed financing for the project. The $2.6 billion Golden Plains […] The post Construction Moves Forward on Australia’s Largest Wind Farm appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Finance 251
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Mono-Si wafer output in June is expected to raise, and prices of individual sizes rose slightly


Mono-Si wafer output in June is expected to raise, and prices of individual sizes rose slightly Waferpricesremainedstablethisweek,withslightincreasesinindividualsizes.Amongthem,theaveragetransactionpriceofP-typeG10monocrystallinesiliconwafers(182.

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Hydrogen Powered Aircraft

Energy Central

[link] [link] [link] Hydrogen Aviation

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Several U.S. Municipalities Sign Emissions-Reducing Agreements with Clean Energy Fuels

NGT News

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. has reached a series of new agreements with several municipalities across the United States. These agreements represent a collective growing demand within city agencies for more sustainable, low-carbon solutions for their operations. “What we are now observing is that municipalities that are eager to meet their environmental and fiscal goals can […] The post Several U.S.

Energy 130
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Ensuring Electrical Safety in Hydrogen Operations

POWER Magazine

In this article we explore the current use of hydrogen in industrial processes, as well as its role in the ongoing global transition to a net-zero economy. We’ll provide insights […] The post Ensuring Electrical Safety in Hydrogen Operations appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Operator 246
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Trina Solar Evaluates 5 GW cell Factory in the U.S. to Enhance Local Production Capacity


Trina Solar Evaluates 5 GW cell Factory in the U.S. to Enhance Local Production Capacity Accordingtoforeignmediareports,StevenZhu,CEOofTrinaSolar'sNorthAmericanbusiness,recentlystatedthatTrinaSolarUSAisevaluatingtheconstructionofacell fact.

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Essentials of Hydrogen Aviation

Energy Central

Hydrogen Aviation Essentials [link] Airbus There are many aspects to a potential hydrogen economy with transport featuring heavily amongst sectors seeking to decarbonise. They all face challenges and perhaps none more so than the Aviation Sector with many constraints to.

article thumbnail, FlexCharging Partner to Optimize Electric Vehicle Charging, Grid

NGT News and FlexCharging have partnered to expand access to distribution system-optimized managed charging and asset management for utilities and electric vehicle owners. This collaboration offers great potential for enhancing utility-managed and fleet charging programs. Power consumption is projected to triple by 2050, and the mix of renewables will likely double in the next 15 years. […] The post, FlexCharging Partner to Optimize Electric Vehicle Charging, Grid appeared f

Utilities 130
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Japanese Firms Collaborate on Green Hydrogen Project in Hokkaido’s Chitose Area

POWER Magazine

Mitsubishi Corp. (MC), Takasago Thermal Engineering Co. Ltd. (TTE), Hokkaido Electric Power Co. (HEPCO), and Air Water Hokkaido Inc. (AWH) announced the signing of a joint development agreement to supply […] The post Japanese Firms Collaborate on Green Hydrogen Project in Hokkaido’s Chitose Area appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Engineer 174
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Global PV installations forecast to reach 1TW per year by 2028


Global PV installations forecast to reach 1TW per year by 2028 Recently,theGermanmarketresearchorganizationBernreuterResearchandtheEuropeanPhotovoltaicIndustryAssociationhavebothreleasedasetofforecastdata,pleasese.

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Airbus UpNext

Energy Central

Airbus UpNext, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Airbus, has launched a new technological demonstrator that aims to accelerate the maturation of superconducting technologies for use in electric propulsion systems of a future hydrogen-powered aircraft. [link].

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10-Minute Charge Time for Prototype E-Bus

NGT News

Toshiba Corporation and Sojitz Corporation of Japan, along with Brazil-based niobium producer CBMM, have completed development of a next-generation lithium-ion battery that uses niobium titanium oxide (NTO) in the anode. At an opening ceremony, the companies unveiled a prototype E-bus powered with the new battery, which realizes an ultra-fast charge time of around 10 minutes […] The post 10-Minute Charge Time for Prototype E-Bus appeared first on NGT News.

E&A 130
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Nextracker Building New Solar Equipment Manufacturing Plant near Las Vegas

POWER Magazine

A leading solar energy equipment provider announced construction of a new factory that will expand its U.S. operations. California-based Nextracker on June 18 held a ceremony to mark the second […] The post Nextracker Building New Solar Equipment Manufacturing Plant near Las Vegas appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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The increase in polysilicon expansion is smaller than the reduction in maintenance, and the market price continues to approach the bottom


The increase in polysilicon expansion is smaller than the reduction in maintenance, and the market price continues to approach the bottom Thisweek,thepriceofpolysiliconN-typerodsiliconandn-typegranularsiliconfellslightly.

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The KJ Show Episode 94: Climate Education or Indoctrination?

Energy Central

Every week, I host 'The KJ Show,' which offers a mix of breaking news and practical advice on how the energy industry affects the consumer. During this fast-paced show, I combine weekly energy updates with conversations with leaders in the energy efficiency community. After each show, I'll share it here with the Energy Central Community in case you were unable to join me live.

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KLOG-IKEA Collaboration Drives Shift to Electric Transportation in Portugal

NGT News

In late June 2024, Portuguese transporter KLOG Logistics Solutions will deploy the first of several heavy-duty battery electric vehicles from Scania to transport IKEA products from the IKEA Industry factory in Paços de Ferreira to the Porto Harbor in Leixões, and to IKEA stores. This collaboration and electric transition are the result of discussions initiated […] The post KLOG-IKEA Collaboration Drives Shift to Electric Transportation in Portugal appeared first on NGT News.

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Four O&M Strategies to Give Your Solar Asset Efficiency a Boost

POWER Magazine

As the solar industry matures, pressure for asset owners to deliver higher returns continues to mount. Not surprisingly, so has the demand to improve operations and maintenance (O&M) efficiency – […] The post Four O&M Strategies to Give Your Solar Asset Efficiency a Boost appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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EVE: 400Wh/Kg All-Solid State Battery to be Launched in 2028


EVE: 400Wh/Kg All-Solid State Battery to be Launched in 2028 OnJune18,EVEdisclosedtheall-solid-statebatterydevelopmentplan.Thedevelopmentoflithiumbatterytechnologyismakingsignificantprogressinanumberofareas.Theg.

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China's Nuclear Battery: 50 Years

Energy Central

Beijing Betavolt New Energy Technology Company Ltd claims to have developed a miniature atomic energy battery that can generate electricity stably and autonomously for 50 years without the need for charging or maintenance. It said the battery is currently in the pilot stage and will be put into mass production on the market. Atomic energy batteries - also known as nuclear batteries or.

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ChargePoint, LG Electronics Join Forces to Innovate Electric Vehicle Charging

NGT News

ChargePoint, a provider of networked charging solutions for electric vehicles, and LG Electronics have formed a strategic partnership to leverage their respective strengths for future innovations in EV charging. The first output of this relationship will be commercial charging solutions that encompass ChargePoint’s charger management software and LG’s advanced EV charging hardware, with deliveries expected […] The post ChargePoint, LG Electronics Join Forces to Innovate Electric Vehicle Ch

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Green Hydrogen Delivered to French Salt Cavern Storage Facility for Testing

POWER Magazine

Lhyfe, a pioneer in the production of green and renewable hydrogen, delivered 350 kilograms of green hydrogen (Figure 1) to natural gas expert Géométhane, on June 13, for it to […] The post Green Hydrogen Delivered to French Salt Cavern Storage Facility for Testing appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Collapse of Titan Solar Power Highlights Challenges in U.S. Residential Solar Market


Collapse of Titan Solar Power Highlights Challenges in U.S. Residential Solar Market AnotherLeadingCompanyintheU.S.ResidentialSolarMarketGoesBankrupt.OnJune18,accordingtoforeignmediareports,U.S.residentialsolarinstallerTitanSolarPowerr.

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How a Clean Energy Fund is Revolutionizing a City Government

Energy Central

Cities all across the U.S. are struggling with a range of concerns, from an unhoused population that soared 12% last year to continued fears of violent crime despite recent declines; an increasing number of drug overdose deaths; and COVID-emptied downtowns that are being reconfigured and rethought. It’s not an easy time to be a city—or the mayor and city council that lead it.

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EvGateway Introduces Solution to Optimize EV Fleet Management

NGT News

EvGateway has launched a cutting-edge fleet solution designed to enhance the management of electric vehicle fleets. This innovative platform offers advanced features tailored to fleet operators, ensuring improved efficiency and cost savings. Key features include: EvGateway’s new fleet solution is poised to lead the transition to sustainable fleet operations by simplifying EV charging management and […] The post EvGateway Introduces Solution to Optimize EV Fleet Management appeared fi

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Texas Court of Appeals Rules on Production Sharing Agreement

Texas Oil & Gas Attorney

Earlier this year, the Corpus Christi Court of Appeals was called on to interpret the rights provided by a production sharing agreement. A production sharing agreement is an agreement between an oil company-lessee and the lessor mineral owners setting out how a horizontal well’s production will be allocated to the various mineral owners. In Hamilton v.

Oil 52
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Bottomed out! TOPCon Module Prices Increase


Bottomed out! TOPCon Module Prices Increase PricesforU.S.solarPVmoduleshavebottomedoutinthewakeofthelatestanti-dumpingandcountervailingduty(AD/CVD)filingsandsolartariffs.Initslatestmodulepricing.

Energy 130