Sat.Mar 16, 2024 - Fri.Mar 22, 2024

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Bill Gates’ TerraPower Ready to Build New U.S. Nuclear Power Plant

POWER Magazine

A group established by Microsoft founder Bill Gates is preparing to begin construction of a new generation of nuclear power plants in June, according to the company’s chief executive. Chris […] The post Bill Gates’ TerraPower Ready to Build New U.S. Nuclear Power Plant appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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US BESS installations ‘surged’ in 2023 with 96% increase in cumulative capacity, ACP says


US BESS installations ‘surged’ in 2023 with 96% increase in cumulative capacity, ACP says USBESSinstallations‘surged’in2023with96%increaseincumulativecapacity,ACPsaysTheoperatingcapacityofbatterystorageintheUSgrewby7.9GWlastyear,bringingthe.

Energy 246

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Solaris Receives 20-Unit Order for Hydrogen Buses from Cologne, Germany

NGT News

The public transport operator in Cologne, Regionalverkehr Köln GmbH (RVK), has once again chosen Solaris Bus & Coach as its supplier of hydrogen-powered buses, ordering 20 new buses. Nine of the buses are Urbino 12 hydrogen buses with a length of 12 meters, while 11 are articulated Urbino 18 hydrogen buses. After the order is […] The post Solaris Receives 20-Unit Order for Hydrogen Buses from Cologne, Germany appeared first on NGT News.

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Why Latin America’s mining industry is embracing renewables

Energy Transition

The Latin American mining industry has historically been a cornerstone of the region’s economy, providing essential resources for global development. However, it has faced mounting criticism due to its significant environmental impact. Recognizing the need for change, many mining companies in Latin America are beginning to take proactive steps to mitigate their environmental footprint.

IT 130
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Japan Could Be Nearing Restart of World’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant

POWER Magazine

The world’s largest nuclear power plant, among the facilities taken offline after the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan, could be nearing a restart. Japanese media reported that on March 14, […] The post Japan Could Be Nearing Restart of World’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Energy China and the Indonesian Ministry of Marine and Investment Coordination discuss cooperation


Energy China and the Indonesian Ministry of Marine and Investment Coordination discuss cooperation OnMarch21,SongHailiang,SecretaryofthePartyCommitteeandChairmanofEnergyChina,metwithIndonesianMinisterofMarineandInvestmentCoordinationLuhutinJakarta.T.

Energy 130
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Delta 500-KW UFC 500 Charger Ramps Up the Power, Not the Footprint

NGT News

Power management provider Delta has launched its 500-kW DC ultra-fast electric vehicle charger UFC 500. Amid the rise of high-power charging needs and challenges in land acquisition for EV charging operators, the UFC 500 offers a remarkable power-versus-footprint ratio. The UFC 500 can charge one heavy-duty EV (e-truck or e-bus) with large battery capacity at […] The post Delta 500-KW UFC 500 Charger Ramps Up the Power, Not the Footprint appeared first on NGT News.

E&A 147

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The POWER Interview: Advanced Technology For Hydrogen Production

POWER Magazine

Governments worldwide are investing in hydrogen production as a way to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and help decarbonize the energy sector. The U.S. Dept. of Energy last year published […] The post The POWER Interview: Advanced Technology For Hydrogen Production appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Tungsten wire diamond line's permeability improved, achieving cost-effective efficiency.


Tungsten wire diamond line's permeability improved, achieving cost-effective efficiency. Diamondwireisanimportantconsumableinthephotovoltaicsiliconwafermanufacturingprocess.Electroplateddiamondwireiscurrentlyusedforcuttinghardandbrittlemat.

Energy 130
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Funding Enables Nearly 1,000 Zero-Emission Buses to Hit the Roads in England

NGT News

The United Kingdom’s government has invested another 143 million pounds to roll out almost a thousand new zero-emission buses in England. UK Transport Secretary Mark Harper has confirmed that 955 zero-emission buses will hit the road as 25 councils receive funding to decarbonize their bus fleets, with rural areas prioritized as part of the government’s […] The post Funding Enables Nearly 1,000 Zero-Emission Buses to Hit the Roads in England appeared first on NGT News.

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Book: Nuclear is Hot; From Glowing Steel to Public Support

Energy Central

New nuclear reactors exploit heat in fluids such as molten salts, liquid sodium, or helium gas. Their red-hot temperatures in the range of 650-800C puts nearly 50% more of the reactor’s fission energy into electric energy than conventional PWRs at 300C put in steam systems of conventional turbines. High heat from these reactors is the new benefit of nuclear power.

Gas 78
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New Wind Farm Part of Vietnam’s Energy Transition

POWER Magazine

Vietnam’s renewable energy goals are taking a step forward with the installation of a wind farm that will feature the largest onshore wind turbine installed in the country to date. […] The post New Wind Farm Part of Vietnam’s Energy Transition appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 291
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German‘s PV installation reached 1.07 GW in February.


German‘s PV installation reached 1.07 GW in February. AccordingtotheFederalNetworkAgency(Bundesnetzagentur), 1,071.3MWofnewPVcapacitywasinstalledsuccessfullyinFebruary,indicatingasignificantincreasewhenco.

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Nikola Marks Opening of HYLA Refueling Station in Southern California

NGT News

Nikola Corporation, provider of zero-emissions transportation, energy supply and infrastructure solutions via the HYLA brand, celebrated the grand opening of its inaugural HYLA high-pressure modular refueling station and facility in Southern California. The celebration welcomed fleet customers, dealers from Nikola’s sales and service network, government officials, industry press and members of the Nikola leadership and […] The post Nikola Marks Opening of HYLA Refueling Station in So

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Recognizing the Importance of Innovation at the Front End of the Energy Transition.

Energy Central

For me, the front end of the Energy Transition is vital. What I mean by the front end is that link where innovation, ingenuity and creativity get created. Today, this must be done through more outstanding collaborations, especially recognizing the value and benefits of ecosystem thinking and design. advocates for a systematic, innovative, and flexible approach to.

Energy 64
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UK Companies See Major Opportunity in Nuclear Supply Chain

POWER Magazine

The UK government has ambitions for 24 GW of nuclear energy by 2050 to help in providing energy security for the UK and for meeting its net-zero goals. Among groups […] The post UK Companies See Major Opportunity in Nuclear Supply Chain appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Leascend signed important contracts with Guosheng Shi'an


Leascend signed important contracts with Guosheng Shi'an OnMarch19,LeascendannouncedthatitssubsidiaryMeishanLeascendPhotovoltaicTechnologyCo.,Ltd.andtheholdingsubsidiariesofGuoshengShianTechnologyCo.,Ltd.sig.

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ANGI Breaks Ground on Midwest’s First Hydrogen Refueling Test Facility

NGT News

ANGI Energy Systems, a Vontier business, has broken ground on its new, $4 million Hydrogen Refueling Test Facility: the first of its kind in the Midwest. Attending the groundbreaking event were senior executives from ANGI and FASTECH, together with members of the Janesville and wider Wisconsin administration and community. ANGI, with more than 40 years […] The post ANGI Breaks Ground on Midwest’s First Hydrogen Refueling Test Facility appeared first on NGT News.

IT 130
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IAEA Kicks Off Nuclear Summit March 21st in Brussels

Energy Central

IAEA Kicks Off Nuclear Summit March 21st in Brussels Experts Outline Key Challenges for SMR Commercialization Japan’s Government to Back Restart Of Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Station Germany / Minister Announces Funding Program For First Fusion Reactor By 2040 Turkey Continues Negotiations on New Nuclear Power Plants – No Decisions for Now X-Energy Opens Advanced.

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Deep Geothermal Can Solve the Need for Baseload Power

POWER Magazine

The Earth is a tremendous source of power. We’re sitting on a dynamic ball of fire, from which only a few regions have been able to extract energy since the […] The post Deep Geothermal Can Solve the Need for Baseload Power appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 280
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Tesla’s new power play


Tesla’s new power play NaturalSolar,aPVandbatteryretailerbasedinSydney,madehistorybysellingtheworld'sfirstPowerwallinJanuary2016.ChrisWilliams,thecompany'sfounder,notedthatw.

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PSI Obtains Approval for Diesel Engines to Use Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil

NGT News

The diesel engine line of Power Solutions International Inc. (PSI), provider of emission-certified engines and power systems, is now approved for the use of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). This approval is a significant step in PSI’s efforts to offer more sustainable fuel options to its customers. HVO, a renewable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional diesel, […] The post PSI Obtains Approval for Diesel Engines to Use Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil appeared first on NGT News.

Engineer 130
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Is Alaska an Epicenter for an "Environmental Gold Rush"?

Energy Central

Alaska has been home to both a gold and oil "rush" Now it could be home to an environmentally-beneficial "rush"

Oil 59
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Advancing Lithium-Ion Battery Technology: The Role of Silane in Silicon-Based Anode Materials

POWER Magazine

In the midst of the energy transformation taking place around the world, lithium-ion batteries stand as pivotal components for both electric vehicles (EVs) and energy storage systems, demanding momentum in […] The post Advancing Lithium-Ion Battery Technology: The Role of Silane in Silicon-Based Anode Materials appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 265
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Turkey Implements Anti-Dumping Measures on Solar module Imports to Foster Domestic Industry and Green Investments


Turkey Implements Anti-Dumping Measures on Solar module Imports to Foster Domestic Industry and Green Investments TherecentdevelopmentsinTurkey'sstanceonsolarmoduleimportsarepartofabroaderglobaltrendconcerningthebalancebetweenfreetradeandtheprotectionofdomesticind.

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First bp pulse EV Charging Gigahub in US Opens at Houston Headquarters

NGT News

The oil company bp plans to celebrate the opening of its new electric vehicle charging site at its bp America headquarters in Houston, Texas, expanding its network of EV chargers in the U.S. The new bp pulse station is the first bp pulse-branded Gigahub in the U.S. and will be open to the public April […] The post First bp pulse EV Charging Gigahub in US Opens at Houston Headquarters appeared first on NGT News.

Oil 130
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Glaring Disconnect Between Utility Incentives and Climate Goals

Energy Central

The electric grid is the foundation for the transition to clean energy. Yet ensuring utilities are properly rewarded for helping to facilitate that transition has been virtually ignored. Only in Washington can such a disconnect occur. That’s because Washington’s incentives (being re-elected) are disconnected with what’s good for the country.

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UK Commercial Gas Power Project Equipped With Carbon Capture Unveils Contractors

POWER Magazine

Eight engineering, procurement, and construction contract packages have been unveiled for the UK’s Teesside-based Net Zero Teesside Power (NZT Power), a landmark integrated project that could become one of the […] The post UK Commercial Gas Power Project Equipped With Carbon Capture Unveils Contractors appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 246
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Foxconn and Xuzhi Capital plan to establish a 7 billion yuan green energy development fund


Foxconn and Xuzhi Capital plan to establish a 7 billion yuan green energy development fund TrendForcehaslearnedthatFoxconnonMarch132024announcedthatithadsignedanagreementwithXuzhiCapital,whichplanstoestablishagreenenergyassetmanagementcompan.

Energy 130
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EPA Issues Final National Pollution Standards for Motor Vehicles

NGT News

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued final national pollution standards for light-duty trucks, medium-duty vehicles and passenger cars for model years 2027 through 2032 and beyond. These standards will avoid more than 7 billion tons of carbon emissions and provide nearly $100 billion of annual net benefits to society, including $13 billion of annual […] The post EPA Issues Final National Pollution Standards for Motor Vehicles appeared first on NGT News.

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Rivian Targets Tesla, Ford

Energy Central

I have at least one nearby neighbor in Livermore that has a Rivian Pickup. Ditto a Ford Mach E, and probably several that have Teslas, mostly Model Ys and/or 3s, but a few Model S and Xs. Keep in mind that Livermore is very high-tech (two National Labs, and the Livermore Valley is sort of a northeastern annex to Silicon Valley). Rivian’s first two consumer models, the R1T pickup and.

E&A 59
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Combining the Digital and the Personal in CCPP Maintenance

POWER Magazine

In the era of cloud computing, the immense potential of planned predictive maintenance (PPM) cannot be denied. Access to a broad range of application programming interfaces could revolutionise critical component […] The post Combining the Digital and the Personal in CCPP Maintenance appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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SunPower Struggles Amidst a Shaky Residential Solar Market: Challenges and the Road Ahead


SunPower Struggles Amidst a Shaky Residential Solar Market: Challenges and the Road Ahead SunPowerStumblesAmidstaShakyResidentialSolarMarketSunPower,amajorplayerintherooftopsolarindustry,haseengrapplingwithfinancialdifficultiesrecently.Asub.

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WeaveGrid Partners with ACM to Test EV Grid Integration Software

NGT News

WeaveGrid, a software company enabling the rapid integration of electric vehicles with the electric grid, is partnering with the American Center for Mobility (ACM) to test its software with real-world EVs and charging infrastructure at ACM’s Willow Run facility in Ypsilanti, Michigan. This effort will be supported by the Michigan Mobility Funding Platform, a grant […] The post WeaveGrid Partners with ACM to Test EV Grid Integration Software appeared first on NGT News.

IT 130
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What’s the future of gas? In Minnesota, utilities have to share 10-year visions

Energy Central

No one knows what a gas utility will look like a quarter-century from now, as many states near deadlines for their 2050 climate goals. In Minnesota, though, state regulators will soon expect utilities to at least have a vision for the next decade. The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission voted last month to require long-range resource planning from the state’s three.

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Offshore Wind Area Detailed for Gulf of Maine; New York Project Delivering Power

POWER Magazine

The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has completed its designation of an offshore wind energy area in the Gulf of Maine. The BOEM, in a notice published in […] The post Offshore Wind Area Detailed for Gulf of Maine; New York Project Delivering Power appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Offshore 148
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India's Ambitious Solar Push: Boosting Rooftop Solar to Drive Clean Energy Adoption


India's Ambitious Solar Push: Boosting Rooftop Solar to Drive Clean Energy Adoption A$9BillionPushforCleanEnergyGonearethedaysofbureaucratichurdlesandheftyupfrontcostsforrooftopsolarinIndia.Justafewyearsago,installingsolarpanelswasate.

Energy 130