Sat.Oct 07, 2023 - Fri.Oct 13, 2023

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‘Incredible Milestone’ Reached on MARVEL Microreactor Enables Project to Proceed

POWER Magazine

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) MARVEL microreactor achieved 90% final design, a key step that will allow the project to move forward with preparation for fabrication and construction. “This […] The post ‘Incredible Milestone’ Reached on MARVEL Microreactor Enables Project to Proceed appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Engineer 362
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Holman Now Offering Fleet Electrification Solutions

NGT News

Global automotive services organization Holman has introduced a suite of electrification solutions designed to simplify the transition to electric vehicles for fleet operators. The company’s innovative fleet electrification services include a range of charge management resources and supporting programs that help customers easily navigate the complexities of transitioning a fleet to electric vehicles at scale. […] The post Holman Now Offering Fleet Electrification Solutions appeared first o


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Copper Plating Contributes to Silver-Free Cells, Accelerating the Industrialisation of XBC and HJT Cells


Copper Plating Contributes to Silver-Free Cells, Accelerating the Industrialisation of XBC and HJT Cells Copperelectroplatingplaysacrucialroleincostreductionandefficiencyenhancementduringthemetallizationprocessofphotovoltaiccells.Metallizationprimarilyinv.

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Anonymous ammonia

Energy Transition

Fossil fuel and synthetic fertilizer companies are aligning to pursue a new escape hatch to continue the fossil economy at the expense of the global climate, the environment, and people’s health and rights: blue ammonia. Lisa Tostado explains why this is an overlooked but central threat to the energy transition. Credits: Aqua Mechanical | Flickr, CC BY 2.0 The science is crystal clear: fossil.

Mechanic 144
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U.S. Unveils Seven Regional Hydrogen Hubs, Awards $7B to Kickstart National Hydrogen Network

POWER Magazine

Seven regional hydrogen hubs spanning Appalachia, California, the Midwest, the Gulf Coast, the American heartland, the Mid-Atlantic, and the Pacific Northwest are poised to receive $7 billion in Infrastructure Investment […] The post U.S. Unveils Seven Regional Hydrogen Hubs, Awards $7B to Kickstart National Hydrogen Network appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Solaris Buying 177 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engines from Ballard

NGT News

Ballard Power Systems says longtime customer Solaris Bus & Coach has signed multiple purchase orders totaling 177 hydrogen fuel cell engines. Ballard expects limited initial deliveries of the engines this year, with the remainder to ship from 2024 through 2026. The orders include the supply of fuel cell engines to support the largest announced deployment […] The post Solaris Buying 177 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Engines from Ballard appeared first on NGT News.

Engineer 208
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Wafer prices Declining is Inevitable; Cells and Modules End are under pressure and Their Profits will be Lower


Wafer prices Declining is Inevitable; Cells and Modules End are under pressure and Their Profits will be Lower Polysilicon:Polysiliconpriceshaveremainedstablethroughouttheweek.ThemainstreamconcludedpriceformonorechargepolysiliconisRMB83/KG,whilemonodensepolysil.


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Texas Utility Plans to Add New Gas-Fired Generation

POWER Magazine

A Texas utility that expects to bring another 228 MW of natural gas-fired power generation online in December also plans to begin operating an additional four gas-fired units over the […] The post Texas Utility Plans to Add New Gas-Fired Generation appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Utilities 312
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Westport and Partners Wrap Up Hydrogen Heavy-Truck Demo

NGT News

Westport Fuel Systems Inc. has completed a heavy-transport demonstration with its H2 HPDI fuel system-equipped hydrogen prototype truck hauling a refrigerated trailer in Madrid, Spain. The collaboration between Westport and key transportation and energy partners includes: The demo was made possible by Mercadona, a Spanish supermarket chain, which successfully implemented the test by carrying out […] The post Westport and Partners Wrap Up Hydrogen Heavy-Truck Demo appeared first on NGT News

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Export volume of PV Cells and Modules Turned Positive in August: demand in the overseas market shows positive dynamics


Export volume of PV Cells and Modules Turned Positive in August: demand in the overseas market shows positive dynamics InAugust,theexportvolumeofPVcellmodulessawapositivemonth-on-monthupswing,surpassingexpectations.Meanwhile,thedeclinerateofinvertersnarrowedcomparedtop.

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Oil Spill Liability: OPA 90 v. the IMO’S CLC

The Energy Law Blog

Most American maritime and environmental attorneys and vessel owners are familiar with OPA 90 and oil spill liability in the United States. But what happens when a vessel spills oil in the territorial waters of another country? As of June 2023, 146 countries have ratified or adopted the International Maritime Organization’s (“IMO”) International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (the “CLC”).

Oil 105
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Five Key Transformations Required to Achieve Net-Zero in the U.S.

POWER Magazine

During President Biden’s first year in office, his administration published a document titled “The Long-Term Strategy of the United States: Pathways to Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050.” The document […] The post Five Key Transformations Required to Achieve Net-Zero in the U.S. appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 290
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Louisiana Utility Wraps Up EV Charging Initiative

NGT News

Entergy New Orleans, in partnership with the City of New Orleans, has installed 30 charging stations at 25 locations across the city to complete the state’s first utility-owned public electric vehicle charging program. The last completed station in front of New Orleans City Hall is now live, joining additional sites including Pontchartrain Park, East NOLA […] The post Louisiana Utility Wraps Up EV Charging Initiative appeared first on NGT News.

Utilities 130
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Inverter export data came in: Demand in the overseas market Declined Temporarily


Inverter export data came in: Demand in the overseas market Declined Temporarily TheglobalPVindustryisexperiencingrapidgrowth,andwithinthissector,themarketforPVinvertersisalsoexpandingquickly.Recently,theGeneralAdministrationofCust.

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Fermata Energy Announces Affordable Access V2G Pilot

Energy Central

BlueHub Energy, a division of the national nonprofit community development financing group known as BlueHub Capital, and Fermata Energy, the premier provider of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) services in the United States, have recently announced the inauguration of the first V2G trial program for multi-family affordable housing in the nation. This innovative program aims to enhance the affordable.

Energy 105
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TVA, Origis Announce Three Solar-Plus-Storage Projects for Mississippi

POWER Magazine

A renewable energy development group said it has started work on the first of three planned solar-plus-storage projects in Mississippi that will serve both residential and industrial customers. Origis Energy, […] The post TVA, Origis Announce Three Solar-Plus-Storage Projects for Mississippi appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 288
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DOE Putting $7 Billion Toward Hydrogen

NGT News

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has earmarked $7 billion to launch seven Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (H2Hubs) across the nation and accelerate the commercial-scale deployment of hydrogen fuel. Funded by President Joe Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the seven H2Hubs will kickstart a national network of clean hydrogen producers, consumers and connective infrastructure while supporting […] The post DOE Putting $7 Billion Toward Hydrogen appeared first on NGT News.

Energy 130
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Commercial and industrial energy storage is General Trend: Analysis of Its Cost, Policies and Market


Commercial and industrial energy storage is General Trend: Analysis of Its Cost, Policies and Market Commercialandindustrialenergystorageiscurrentlyexperiencingaboomindevelopment.AccordingtodatafromtheWhitePaperon2023ChinaIndustrialandCommercialEnergy.

IT 130
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Offshore pipeline re-use | Hydrogen

Energy Central

Offshore pipeline re-use Two main scenarios which can be realized before 2030. In both scenarios, one of the pipelines becomes fully available for hydrogen; the other pipeline continues to facilitate the transport of existing and future natural gas production. In these scenarios, blending - the blending of hydrogen with natural gas - would also be possible, in.

Pipeline 105
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First Power Flows from World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm

POWER Magazine

The massive Dogger Bank Wind Farm, which will be the world’s largest offshore wind installation when completed, has begun sending power to the UK grid. GE officials on Oct. 10 […] The post First Power Flows from World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Offshore 284
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Indiana School District Adds 33 Propane Autogas Buses to Fleet

NGT News

Zionsville Community Schools in Indiana is now operating 33 new propane autogas school buses to transport 8,000 students across nine campuses. “We love operating propane buses,” says Amy Eaton, transportation manager at Zionsville Community Schools. “They produce less pollution, which is great for our students. They’re much quieter, which benefits the drivers.

Drivers 130
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Vermont Group Offers Customers Energy Storage to Avoid Blackouts

POWER Magazine

A Vermont utility has filed a plan with state regulators that would enable the power company to offer more customers battery energy storage to keep the lights on during outages. […] The post Vermont Group Offers Customers Energy Storage to Avoid Blackouts appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 279
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NiSource Announces Blending Project with Hydrogen, Natural Gas

POWER Magazine

An Indiana-based utility said it has launched a multi-phase hydrogen blending project, a move that supports one of the first such installations in the U.S. to mix hydrogen and natural […] The post NiSource Announces Blending Project with Hydrogen, Natural Gas appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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GE Vernova Seals Deal for 1.7-GW Combined Cycle Plant in China

POWER Magazine

GE Vernova’s Gas Power business and Harbin Electric announced that Chinese State Development & Investment Corp. Ltd. (SDIC) Jineng (Zhoushan) Gas Power Generation Co. Ltd. has ordered two GE 9HA.02 […] The post GE Vernova Seals Deal for 1.7-GW Combined Cycle Plant in China appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 230
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Volvo Trucks’ SuperTruck 2 Exceeds Freight Efficiency Goals

NGT News

Volvo Trucks North America has unveiled the company’s SuperTruck 2, a part of the public-private partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that tasks OEMs with achieving a 100% freight efficiency improvement over their submitted 2009 baseline. Volvo Trucks says it has exceeded expectations, achieving a 134% increase in freight efficiency.

Energy 130
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San Bernardino Transit Agency Acquiring Electric Buses

NGT News

Omnitrans of San Bernardino Valley has ordered 18 battery-electric, three-door bus rapid transit Xcelsior CHARGE NG 40-foot transit buses and four fuel cell-electric Xcelsior CHARGE FC 40-foot transit buses from New Flyer of America Inc. Omnitrans provides public transportation services to 15 cities and unincorporated San Bernardino County, Calif., supporting over 11 million annual passenger […] The post San Bernardino Transit Agency Acquiring Electric Buses appeared first on NGT News.

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New Flyer Launching Expanded-Range 60-Foot Electric Bus

NGT News

New Flyer of America Inc. has enhanced its 60-foot zero-emission, battery-electric Xcelsior CHARGE NG bus to include two additional battery strings that increase the vehicle’s energy storage capacity by 33% and range by about 46 miles. New Flyer says it will begin demonstrations this month with a newly outfitted eight-string Xcelsior CHARGE NG 60-foot model. […] The post New Flyer Launching Expanded-Range 60-Foot Electric Bus appeared first on NGT News.

IT 130
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B-Metro, Allison Transmission Partner on Hybrid Electric Technology

NGT News

B-Metro, the public transit system in Brownsville, Texas, is working with Allison Transmission to integrate the Allison eGen Flex electric hybrid propulsion system for 35-foot GILLIG buses. The city recently received a $4.7 million grant from the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) 2023 Low or No Emission Program to support the project. “Receiving the FTA grant […] The post B-Metro, Allison Transmission Partner on Hybrid Electric Technology appeared first on NGT News.

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IKEA Rolls Out Quantron Hydrogen Fuel Cell Trucks

NGT News

Quantron AG, a specialist in sustainable passenger and freight transport, has supplied QLI FCEV hydrogen fuel cell trucks to IKEA Austria. IKEA notes that the trucks will be fueled with green hydrogen from energy supplier Wien Energie. “By introducing the hydrogen trucks – as the first IKEA market worldwide – we succeed in Austria in […] The post IKEA Rolls Out Quantron Hydrogen Fuel Cell Trucks appeared first on NGT News.

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Battolyser, European Investment Bank | Euro - 40M

Energy Central

I enjoy sharing the splendidly-named Battolyser’s progress with the community so it's great be invited to the signing of a 40m euro finance- package from the European Investment Bank, at the World Hydrogen Congress.

Finance 98
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‘Sustainable Design' Towards Carbon Reduction

Energy Central

INTRODUCTION: The word ‘Design’ sounds different under different circumstances – the first thought that comes to mind is ‘House Design’ or for that matter, ‘Shirt design’ But, have you ever wondered about its application in sustainability, circularity and efficiency? – All of them are critical features in a society that is outstripping.

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U.S. Oil Production Is Setting New Records

Energy Central

One of my 2023 energy sector predictions was that U.S. oil production would set a new all-time high this year. After record-setting production thus far this year, it would take a collapse along the lines of the huge Covid drop seen in the spring of 2020 for the U.S. to not set a new annual production record for 2023. For the first three quarters of 2023, U.S. oil production has averaged.

Oil 75
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Forgone oil revenues in Saudi Arabia

Energy Central

Saudi Arabia experiences forgone oil revenues by keeping domestic oil prices below market levels. This paper estimates that the true forgone oil revenues to the Saudi government may not be as high as anticipated. Most analyses of forgone revenues use the difference between international market and domestic prices, multiplied by the quantity consumed domestically.

Oil 59
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Could this Mark the Advent of Green Steel?

Energy Central

The Sustainable Steel Buyers Platform might just be the catalyst. It’s one thing to develop new manufacturing processes to produce green steel, but you still have to have demand. And that demand needs to be willing to pay a premium. The Platform hopes to accomplish its goals in two steps. First issue a “request for information” to determine what is possible.

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Pathways to Decarbonizing Heat: Building a Holistic Framework

Energy Central

Heat is arguably the most important form of energy in the United States and the world. Without it, we could not forge steel to build our infrastructure, we could not process raw materials, we could not generate most utility-scale electricity, recycling would not be possible, and our food and water would be unsafe. In its various applications, commercial and industrial heat are central to the.

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World hydrogen week World Trade Center, Rotterdam, 2023

Energy Central

World hydrogen week World Trade Center, Rotterdam, 2023

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4 ways protective, greenhouse gas standards can benefit heavy-duty fleets

Energy Central

By Jason Mathers A paradox has become evident through many of my recent discussions and projects with fleets: while fleet managers have more tools at their disposal than ever before, the ambition of their efforts has grown significantly, too. Thus, it can feel as challenging as ever to make progress on reducing pollution from trucks at a pace that meets the urgent health and climate imperative.

Gas 52