Sat.Aug 10, 2024 - Fri.Aug 16, 2024

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The POWER Interview: Using Home Batteries to Support the Grid

POWER Magazine

The Dell name is synonymous with technology and innovation, so perhaps it’s not surprising that a member of that famous computing family is working to solve the challenge of making […] The post The POWER Interview: Using Home Batteries to Support the Grid appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Engineer 306
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First Group of Hybrid Buses Hits the Roads in Phoenix

NGT News

As the Phoenix Public Transit Department continues working toward its zero-emissions bus fleet goal by 2040, the first group of hybrid buses have passed all tests and are now running on the Arizona city’s roads. The buses use a combination of a hybrid-electric motor and batteries and a biodiesel-fueled engine, meaning they have a higher […] The post First Group of Hybrid Buses Hits the Roads in Phoenix appeared first on NGT News.

Engineer 262

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India's solar capacity grew by over 2GW in July, reaching a total of over 87GW


India's solar capacity grew by over 2GW in July, reaching a total of over 87GW Drivenbytechnologicaladvancesandcostreductions,India'sphotovoltaicinstalledcapacityhasincreasedsignificantlyinrecentyears.AsofJuly2024,India'sphotovol.

Energy 147
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Robinson Helicopter, Unither Bioelectronics to develop zero-emission hydrogen-powered helicopters

Energy Central

Robinson Helicopter Company iworking with Unither Bioelectronics to develop zero-emission hydrogen-powered helicopters [link] Hydrogen Aviation

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RWE Signs PPAs With Meta for Power from Solar Farms

POWER Magazine

U.S. renewable energy major RWE announced the signing of two long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) that will supply electricity to social media company Meta. The deal is for clean energy […] The post RWE Signs PPAs With Meta for Power from Solar Farms appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 278
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ABC Supply Adds Mack MD Electric as Its First Medium-Duty EV

NGT News

Mack Trucks and Kriete Truck Centers, a commercial truck and equipment dealer with 10 locations across Wisconsin, recently delivered a Mack MD Electric vehicle — the first to operate in the state — to ABC Supply Co. Inc. during a handover event at the company’s National Fleet Center in Beloit, Wis. This is the first […] The post ABC Supply Adds Mack MD Electric as Its First Medium-Duty EV appeared first on NGT News.

IT 246
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These buildings will be forced to install photovoltaic power stations


These buildings will be forced to install photovoltaic power stations Israel'sMinistryofEnergyandInfrastructureissuedastatementsayingthatIsrael'sNationalPlanningandConstructionCommitteehasintroducednewregulationsrequirin.


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Myanmar Gas-Fired Plant Shut Down Amid Civil Unrest

POWER Magazine

Civil unrest in Myanmar has led Singapore-based Sembcorp Industries to at least temporarily shut down operation of the 225-MW Sembcorp Myingyan natural gas-fired power plant in Mandalay. Sembcorp, part of […] The post Myanmar Gas-Fired Plant Shut Down Amid Civil Unrest appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 272
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New HYLA Refueling Station Ramps Up Nikola Hydrogen Truck Infrastructure

NGT News

Nikola Corporation, provider of zero-emissions transportation and energy supply and infrastructure solutions via the HYLA brand, continues to deliver HYLA refueling solutions to support volume ramp-up for its Class 8 hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks in Southern California, just off Interstate 5, one of the busiest truck routes in the U.S. At 13443 Freeway Drive […] The post New HYLA Refueling Station Ramps Up Nikola Hydrogen Truck Infrastructure appeared first on NGT News.

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Overseas Solar Cell Capacity Scarcity: Manufacturers to Enjoy High Premiums


Overseas Solar Cell Capacity Scarcity: Manufacturers to Enjoy High Premiums Inthetrendofdeglobalization,multiplecountriesareimplementingtradeprotectionpoliciestoencouragethedevelopmentoftheirdomesticphotovoltaic(PV)manufacturi.

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UK, Hydrogen Network | Future Grid

Energy Central

UK, Hydrogen Network | Future Grid Future Grid innovation for the gas network is gaining traction, and a picture, they say, is worth a thousand words, so here goes:

Gas 96
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Sage’s First 3-MW Geothermal Power and Energy Storage Project Will Feed ERCOT

POWER Magazine

Sage Geosystems will build a first-of-its-kind 3-MW geothermal baseload power and energy storage system on land owned by San Miguel Electric Cooperative (SMECI) in Christine, Texas. The company plans to […] The post Sage’s First 3-MW Geothermal Power and Energy Storage Project Will Feed ERCOT appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 264
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Nuvve, WISE EV Partner to Make Charging Access Convenient Across U.S.

NGT News

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology provider Nuvve Holding Corp. and WISE EV, a supplier of sustainable energy solutions, have partnered to bring electric vehicle charging to more than 100 high-traffic locations across the United States. “We’re making EV adoption even more attractive to those with range anxiety,” says Gregory Poilasne, CEO of Nuvve. “These charging stations have […] The post Nuvve, WISE EV Partner to Make Charging Access Convenient Across U.S. appeared first on NGT News.

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Total 1GWh, Gotion High-Tech will land one user-side energy storage project and two independent energy storage projects in Tangshan


Total 1GWh, Gotion High-Tech will land one user-side energy storage project and two independent energy storage projects in Tangshan OnAugust8,GotionHigh-TechcooperatedwithDatangTangshanNewEnergytobuild200MWhuser-sideenergystoragepowerstation,andcooperatedwithLinhaiTechnologyGroupto.

Energy 147
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Joby Rolls Third Aircraft Off Production Line

Energy Central

Joby announced it has rolled its third production prototype aircraft off the company’s pilot production line in Marina, CA, with four aircraft expected to be in active flight test during the next quarter. Two of Joby’s battery-electric production prototype aircraft in Marina, California, with the company’s hydrogen-electric technology demonstrator in flight.

IT 75
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Investment Firm Buys Major U.S. Community Solar Provider

POWER Magazine

A New York-based infrastructure investment fund said it has completed its purchase of a community solar and battery energy storage business in a deal to expand the U.S. community solar […] The post Investment Firm Buys Major U.S. Community Solar Provider appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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HVS Collaborates with Guangzhou Hybot to Promote Hydrogen Fuel Cell Trucks

NGT News

Hydrogen Vehicle Systems (HVS), the United Kingdom-based hydrogen fuel cell truck manufacturer, has formed a strategic collaboration with Guangzhou Hybot Technology Co. Ltd. to promote the application of hydrogen fuel cell trucks in the U.K. and European Union markets, developing hydrogen fuel cell trucks suitable for various transportation scenarios.

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New technologies are expected to open a new upward cycle in the PV industry


New technologies are expected to open a new upward cycle in the PV industry GranularsiliconThecostadvantageofgranularsiliconishighlighted,andthemarketshareisexpectedtofurtherincrease.GCLTechnology'smarketshareofgranularsilicon.

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Colorado oil and gas regulators adopt ‘deep geothermal’ drilling rules

Energy Central

This article was originally published by Colorado Newsline. The state commission that regulates Colorado’s oil and gas industry this week adopted its first set of rules governing geothermal drilling, taking another step towards fulfilling the broader mandate it was given as part of a legislative makeover of the agency last year. But regulators and experts say not to expect a.

Oil 59
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China’s Mingyang Will Install Wind Turbines in Brazil

POWER Magazine

A major China-based wind turbine manufacturer confirmed it has an agreement with a Brazilian energy company to install its equipment for the first time in Latin America. Mingyang, the largest […] The post China’s Mingyang Will Install Wind Turbines in Brazil appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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ABM Receives NASPO ValuePoint Contract for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

NGT News

ABM, a provider of integrated facility services, infrastructure solutions and parking management, has been awarded a NASPO ValuePoint contract for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. This contract authorizes ABM to offer its single-source EV charging infrastructure solutions to state and local government and educational entities nationwide more efficiently and cost-effectively.

Education 130
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Cell Efficiency Exceeds 27.02%! Yingfa Ruinen's N-type 210R Products Achieved Another Record


Cell Efficiency Exceeds 27.02%! Yingfa Ruinen's N-type 210R Products Achieved Another Record Sincethebeginningoftheyear,YingfaRuinenghasbeenonajourneytoimprovetheconversionefficiencyofitscells,startingwithanefficiencyof26.61%andclimbingup.Rece.

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LPO Announces Conditional Commitment to Qcells to Finance a Solar Manufacturing Facility in Georgia

Energy Central

Strengthening America's PV solar supply chains, starting with the largest ingot & wafer plant ever built in the U.S.! (see: [link] Today, LPO announced a conditional commitment for a loan guarantee of up to $1.45 billion to Qcells USA Corp.—a leading North American crystalline silicon solar manufacturer—to finance the first vertically integrated solar.

Finance 59
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Florida Investors and the Shift to Alternative Investments in Oil and Gas


In recent years, the global financial markets have been plagued by volatility, driven by a host of factors such as geopolitical tensions, economic uncertainties, inflationary pressures, and the ongoing aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic. Traditional investments, such as stocks and bonds, have seen fluctuating returns, leaving investors in Florida and elsewhere searching for more stable and potentially lucrative opportunities.

Oil 52
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Nuvera, Viritech Collaborate to Deploy Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powertrain for Vehicles

NGT News

Nuvera Fuel Cells LLC has signed a memorandum of understanding with Viritech Limited, a United Kingdom-based developer of hydrogen powertrain solutions. The companies will collaborate to deploy, market and support Viritech’s VPT60N powertrain for on-road commercial vehicles. Nuvera will supply its E-Series hydrogen fuel cell engines for testing integration with Viritech’s powertrain product line and […] The post Nuvera, Viritech Collaborate to Deploy Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powertra

E&A 130
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First National Wide-Temperature Quasi-Solid-State Large Cylindrical Battery Production Launched!


First National Wide-Temperature Quasi-Solid-State Large Cylindrical Battery Production Launched! AccordingtoXianningNewsNetwork,ChuangmingNewEnergyrecentlyestablishedthefirstfullyautomatedhigh-speedproductionlineforwide-temperaturequasi-solid-stat.

Energy 130
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CREGI-RES Project: A Vision for the Caribbean Sustainable Energy

Energy Central

The CREGI-RES Project: Pioneering Sustainable Energy The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has conceived the Accelerated Sustainable Energy and Resilient Transition (ASERT) ASERT-2030 Framework. This is part of the CDB’s Energy Sector Policy and Strategy (ESPS) aimed to facilitate its leadership role in pursuing renewable energy projects. The CREGI-RES project.

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Photovoltaic LCOE as low as 0.041 EUR/kWh


Photovoltaic LCOE as low as 0.041 EUR/kWh Thestudyfoundthatthelevelizedcostofelectricity(LCOE)forground-mountedPVprojectscouldbeaslowas€0.041/kWh(US$0.045/kWh),makingitthelowestandmostcost-eff.

Energy 130
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US Bureau of Land Management approves nine solar and energy storage projects


US Bureau of Land Management approves nine solar and energy storage projects Ninesolar-plus-storageprojectsapprovedbytheU.S.BureauofLandManagement(BLM)willfeature6.2GWofbatteryenergystorage,foratotalof7.17GWofsolarfarmson124,50.

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Toward energy storage applications! EVE and GEM signed a contract for energy storage project


Toward energy storage applications! EVE and GEM signed a contract for energy storage project OnthemorningofAugust14,thesigningceremonyforthe60.2MW/120.4MWhenergystorageprojectbetweenEVEandGEMwasheldinJingmenHighTechZone,DuodaoDistrict,HubeiPro.

Energy 130
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Trina Solar's 5GW U.S. Module Plant Receives $235 Million Loan


Trina Solar's 5GW U.S. Module Plant Receives $235 Million Loan OnAugust7,2024,StandardCharteredBankannouncedthesuccessfulcompletionofasix-year,$235millionnon-recourseseniorsecuredtermgreenloantofinanceTrinaSolar,a.

Energy 130
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The Italian energy storage market will enter the peak period of large-scale energy storage grid connection


The Italian energy storage market will enter the peak period of large-scale energy storage grid connection Underthegoalofenergytransition,amongemergingmarkets,TrendForcehastakenstockofmarketswithfastgrowthandobviousvolumetrendsin2024andfoundthatItalyhasperf.

Energy 130
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EVgo Enhances Nationwide Fast-Charging Network

NGT News

EVgo Inc., a leading public fast-charging network for electric vehicles, has made several significant network enhancements through EVgo ReNew, the company’s comprehensive program created to elevate the customer experience. Besides network advances, EVgo has debuted the Canary Model, a performance monitoring tool designed to automatically identify and analyze patterns and support diagnostics, augmenting EVgo’s maintenance […] The post EVgo Enhances Nationwide Fast-Charging Network appeared

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Tongwei plans to buy 51% of Runergy's equity with no more than 5 billion


Tongwei plans to buy 51% of Runergy's equity with no more than 5 billion Tongweisaidthatthecompanyintendstosignthe"AgreementofIntenttoIncreaseCapitalIncrease"withrelevantshareholderssuchasRunergy,andJiangsuYuedaGroupCo.,Ltd.

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India to build a PV model village for each district


India to build a PV model village for each district OnJanuary22,2024,India'sPrimeMinisterNarendraModi,returningfromAyodhyaafterconsecratingtheRamtemple,announcedthefirstprogramhewillhold:installingphoto.

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BYD signed another new partnership!


BYD signed another new partnership! AstrategiccooperationagreementsigningceremonywasrecentlyheldinShenzhenbetweenZhongchengDayouIndustrialGroupandBYD'sEnergyStorageandNewBatteryDivision.

Energy 130
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Hexagon Agility Receives $18.7M in RNG Fuel System Orders from Refuse Fleet

NGT News

Hexagon Agility, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites, has received orders for renewable natural gas (RNG) fuel systems from a major refuse fleet in North America. The orders have a total value of $18.7 million (approximately 203 million Norwegian krones). “We are proud to enable this refuse fleet to achieve cost-effective, carbon-negative transportation without compromising their […] The post Hexagon Agility Receives $18.7M in RNG Fuel System Orders from Refuse Fleet appeared first on