Sat.Apr 06, 2024 - Fri.Apr 12, 2024

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Molten Salt Reactor Technology Solves Several Nuclear Industry Problems

POWER Magazine

Molten salt reactors (MSRs) represent a fascinating intersection of nuclear history and modern innovation. The concept of using molten salts as both a coolant and fuel carrier dates back to […] The post Molten Salt Reactor Technology Solves Several Nuclear Industry Problems appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 344
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Show-Me State’s School Districts Learn Benefits of Propane-Powered Buses

NGT News

Missouri school districts have found a clean, affordable and less complicated path to reducing harmful emissions with school buses powered by propane autogas. “Propane separated itself from the other fuels because of the following: a long-standing history of use by the National Park Service since the 1970s; improvements in fueling technology; long-term sustainability; a low […] The post Show-Me State’s School Districts Learn Benefits of Propane-Powered Buses appeared first on N


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Queensland Ready with Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap


Queensland Ready with Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap QueenslandhasunveiledthelatestREZRoadmap,aimingtoestablish12RenewableEnergyZones(REZs).Thestateplanstofacilitatethedevelopmentofapproximately22gigawat.

Energy 264
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Africa’s tripartite condition requires careful considerations on spending Official Development Assistance

Energy Transition

Africa is facing a tripartite problem that often require access to foreign funds. But Official Development Assistance flows from developed to developing often come with a caveat – donors often express how their concessional loans must be spent, such as on a specific climate project. But such preference sometimes conflicts with national priorities.

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Grids Brace for Solar Eclipse, Totality Poised to Test Ramping

POWER Magazine

Grid operators across the U.S. report they are largely prepared for the total solar eclipse that will pass over a large swath of North America on April 8, though they […] The post Grids Brace for Solar Eclipse, Totality Poised to Test Ramping appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Operator 290
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Double-Deck Electric Buses Ready to Roll in Limerick

NGT News

Limerick’s city bus service, operated by Bus Éireann, is set to become Ireland’s first fully electric regional city bus service, as part of a 54-million-euro investment by the National Transport Authority (NTA). The new service is to be officially launched April 12 by Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan at Limerick’s Colbert Station. As part of […] The post Double-Deck Electric Buses Ready to Roll in Limerick appeared first on NGT News.

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The United States has allocated $4 billion in tax credits, with $2.7 billion designated for energy manufacturing and recycling, through the 48C program.


The United States has allocated $4 billion in tax credits, with $2.7 billion designated for energy manufacturing and recycling, through the 48C program. TheU.S.DepartmentofEnergy(DOE),theU.S.DepartmentofTreasury,andtheInternalRevenueService(IRS)havejointlyannouncedtheallocationof$4billionintaxcreditsfo.

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GE Will Support Major South Korean Coal-to-Gas Conversion

POWER Magazine

A coal-fired power plant in South Korea will use equipment from GE Vernova’s Gas Power business as the facility switches to burn natural gas as soon as 2027. GE Vernova […] The post GE Will Support Major South Korean Coal-to-Gas Conversion appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 255
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More than 50 Electric Vehicle Models Eligible to Use EVgo’s Autocharge+

NGT News

Electric vehicle fast-charging network EVgo Inc. says more than 50 EV models are eligible for its seamless Autocharge+ feature. Once enrolled, Autocharge+ eliminates the need for drivers to open an app, swipe a credit card or tap an EVgo program (RFID) card to initiate a fast-charging session on the EVgo network. Since its launch in […] The post More than 50 Electric Vehicle Models Eligible to Use EVgo’s Autocharge+ appeared first on NGT News.

Drivers 246
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Italy had 2,022 MW/3,836 MWh of new distributed energy storage capacity in 2023


Italy had 2,022 MW/3,836 MWh of new distributed energy storage capacity in 2023 AttheendofDecember,Italyhadacumulativedistributedstoragecapacityof3,367MW/6,645MWh.Themajorityofstoragesystems,totaling516,475units,werepoweredbylithi.

Energy 147
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The KJ Show Episode 83: The Carbon Tax Man Cometh

Energy Central

Every week, I host 'The KJ Show,' which offers a mix of breaking news and practical advice on how the energy industry affects the consumer. During this fast-paced show, I combine weekly energy updates with conversations with leaders in the energy efficiency community. After each show, I'll share it here with the Energy Central Community in case you were unable to join me live.

Casing 59
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DOE Eases Requirements in Final Transformer Efficiency Standards Amid Supply Chain Strain

POWER Magazine

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) final energy efficiency standards for distribution transformers appear to strike a compromise with industry, softening the agency’s stance on steel requirements for essential transformer […] The post DOE Eases Requirements in Final Transformer Efficiency Standards Amid Supply Chain Strain appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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White Logistics Partners with HVS for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Trial

NGT News

Glasgow, Scotland-based manufacturer Hydrogen Vehicle Systems (HVS) has formed a partnership with White Logistics to explore the suitability of zero-emission hydrogen heavy goods vehicle (HGV) technology for adoption in its fleet. Based in Worcestershire, England, White Logistics has entered into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with HVS that will provide trial vehicles for the White […] The post White Logistics Partners with HVS for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Trial appeared first on NGT News

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New White House Directives Promote Battery Manufacturing Apprenticeships


New White House Directives Promote Battery Manufacturing Apprenticeships Inasignificantmovetobolsterthecleanenergysector,theUnitedStatesDepartmentofEnergyandDepartmentofLaborhavejointlyreleasedanewsetofregisteredapprentices.

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A Forgotten April Climate Day (It's Not Earth Day)

Energy Central

On April 27, 1882, thousands of people gathered in the City of Cincinnati to celebrate a newly declared state holiday that unbeknownst to them recognized and celebrated something that is in play today as a major factor to address climate change. There was a parade with marching bands, and seven thousand uniformed girls and boys from thirty school districts marching as part of it.

IT 59
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Management Strategies Needed as Power Sector Faces Increasing Risk

POWER Magazine

Owners and operators of thermal and renewable energy infrastructure are navigating new and emerging risks due to digitization of the grid, an uncertain regulatory landscape, and changing environmental and weather […] The post Management Strategies Needed as Power Sector Faces Increasing Risk appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Class 8 Electric Truck Makes Historic Border Crossing into Mexico

NGT News

A Class 8 heavy-duty electric freight truck has completed a historic crossing from the U.S. into Mexico, according to San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and Bali Express. The semi-truck made its maiden voyage into Mexico, marking a milestone as the binational region moves toward a net-zero future. The dedicated trucks will utilize recently built […] The post Class 8 Electric Truck Makes Historic Border Crossing into Mexico appeared first on NGT News.

E&A 130
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Curtailment Increases Across Japan: Economic Dispatch and Negative Prices Are Key Solutions


Curtailment Increases Across Japan: Economic Dispatch and Negative Prices Are Key Solutions Curtailmentisafailuretoconsumeorstoreclosetozeromarginalcostdecarbonizedelectricityfromsolar&windpower.Therefore,itshouldbeminimizedoneconomicande.

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On the Road to H2 in California

Energy Central

Sometimes, when looking at your past work, you feel that you have spending an inordinate amount of time on a given task, or in my case a subject for my posts. However, whether I’m really squandering my time would depend on (1) how important this subject is, (2) how timely it is, and (3) what are the net results. You can probably figure out what the subject of the above feeling is by.

Casing 59
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Navigating Change: Impact of California’s Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation on Businesses

POWER Magazine

The California Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) regulation, which began being implemented on Jan. 1, 2024, is designed to complement the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule, which mandates a significant increase […] The post Navigating Change: Impact of California’s Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation on Businesses appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Propel Fuels Brings Flex Fuel E85 to Northwest at Road Warrior Travel Center

NGT News

Low-carbon fuel retailer Propel Fuels has opened the company’s first Flex Fuel E85 station in Washington state, partnering with the Road Warrior Travel Center to introduce a new low-cost, high-performance fuel choice to the Yakima Valley. Propel and Road Warrior are celebrating the availability of Flex Fuel E85 with a $1.85/gallon event April 11-12 at […] The post Propel Fuels Brings Flex Fuel E85 to Northwest at Road Warrior Travel Center appeared first on NGT News.

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Polysilicon Market Dynamics: Financial Performance, Strategic Innovation, and the Shift to n-Type Materials


Polysilicon Market Dynamics: Financial Performance, Strategic Innovation, and the Shift to n-Type Materials IndustryFinancialOverviewandChallengesTherecentfinancialreportsfromseveralleadingcompaniesinthephotovoltaic(PV)industry,suchasDaqoNewEnergy(688303.SH).

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Now what the heck do we do about data centers?

Energy Central

Virginia’s 2024 legislative session wrapped up last month without any action to avert the energy crisis that is hurtling towards us. Crisis is not too strong a word to describe the unchecked proliferation of power-hungry data centers in Northern Virginia and around the state. Virginia utilities do not have the energy or transmission capacity to handle the enormous increases.

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Mitsubishi Power Supports New Gas-Fired Unit in Hong Kong

POWER Magazine

Mitsubishi Power, a division of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), announced the company has received an order for gas turbine combined cycle (GTCC) power generation system equipment for Lamma Power Station’s […] The post Mitsubishi Power Supports New Gas-Fired Unit in Hong Kong appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 130
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Lamppost Charging: Taking It to the Streets of US Cities

NGT News

Voltpost, the lamppost electric vehicle charging company, is developing and deploying EV charging projects in major U.S. metropolitan areas including New York, Chicago and Detroit this spring. The company retrofits lampposts into a modular and upgradable Level 2 EV charging platform powered by a mobile app. This first-of-a-kind platform provides people convenient and affordable charging […] The post Lamppost Charging: Taking It to the Streets of US Cities appeared first on NGT News.

IT 130
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Maxeon 6 modules ramp-down results in higher restructuring costs in Q4 2023


Maxeon 6 modules ramp-down results in higher restructuring costs in Q4 2023 Theacceleratedramp-downofMaxeon6modulecapacityhasresultedinhigherthaninitiallyplannedrestructuringcostsduringthefourthquarterof2023.BillMulligan,CEOof.

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Oklo Signs $25M Deal for Data Center Power

Energy Central

Oklo Signs $25M Deal for Data Center Power Norway Opens Site Selection Process for Five SMRs UK Gov’t Awards $3.4M to X-Energy and Cavendish Nuclear for Supply Chain Work New Industry Association for Maritime Nuclear Launched PSEG Nuclear To Seek 20-Year License Renewals For Three New Jersey Reactors Thorium Fuel Set for Testing at INL DOE Study – Coal to Nuclear.

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Utility’s Grid Modernization Efforts Leverage Community’s Investment in Fiber-to-the-Home Network

POWER Magazine

Tantalus Systems, a grid modernization technology company focused on helping utilities harness the power of data, said Bolivar Energy Authority (BEA) selected its Grid Modernization Platform (TGMP) to modernize the […] The post Utility’s Grid Modernization Efforts Leverage Community’s Investment in Fiber-to-the-Home Network appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Utilities 130
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Air Liquide Enhances RNG Capacities with Two New Production Units

NGT News

Air Liquide continues to expand its capacities in renewable natural gas (RNG) in the U.S. with the construction of two new production units. These units — one in Center Township, Pennsylvania, and another in Holland Township, Michigan — will treat waste sourced from dairy farms. The units will produce biogas from manure feedstock in an […] The post Air Liquide Enhances RNG Capacities with Two New Production Units appeared first on NGT News.

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Crystalline Silicon Weekly Review: Prices have been reduced across the board, and differences between upstream and downstream have increased.


Crystalline Silicon Weekly Review: Prices have been reduced across the board, and differences between upstream and downstream have increased. Polysiliconpricesfellacrosstheboardinthisweek.Thetransactionpricerangeofn-typerodsiliconwas55,000-60,000yuan/ton,andtheaveragetransactionpricewas58,60.

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Hydrogen Train | Namibia

Energy Central

Hydrogen Train | Namibia Progress is becoming tangible since I shared a summary of the Financial Summit held in Paris two years ago and embedded below. This time it's the HyRail project is expected to target moving copper concentrate, cement, manganese, iron ore and steel. “The project will put Namibia on the map as both a producer and an industrial.

IT 52
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5 Awesome New Features for Gun Barrel Plots


As we progress towards releasing version 3.2 of Unconventionals Analyst for ArcGIS Pro (due out within a few months), I couldn’t help but give you folks a sneak peek of whats coming your way by sharing some of the new features we are including to help take your gun barrel plots to the next level. 1 – Visualize Ranges of Well Depth Looking at a gun barrel plot can sometimes make you forget that you’re dealing with wells that are not at the same depth for their entire lateral

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Fuel Retailers Call on FHWA to Harmonize NEVI Grant Application Standards

NGT News

NATSO, representing truck stops and travel plazas; SIGMA: America’s Leading Fuel Marketers; and the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) urged the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to better harmonize state application standards under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) grant program to ensure that consumers’ charging experiences are consistent from state to state.

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Energy Storage Deployment in New York Approaching 1 GW


Energy Storage Deployment in New York Approaching 1 GW TheNewYorkDepartmentofPublicServicereportedonApril1thatsincethestateinitiallysetenergystoragegoalsin2018,developershavesuccessfullydeployedanenergysto.

Energy 147
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Green Hydrogen for decarbonizing Asia's Industrial Giants

Energy Central

Green Hydrogen for decarbonizing Asia's Industrial Giants To enhance Asia’s role in accelerating industry’s net zero transformation, the High-level Policy Commission on Getting Asia to Net Zero commissioned efforts to explore the market opportunities underlying Asia’s clean industrial transformation. This scope of inquiry included the state of emerging.

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In todays fast-paced world, innovation is the key to staying ahead of the curve, especially in the energy sector. Local Oil Companies are no strangers to this reality, constantly seeking cutting edge technologies to streamline operations, enhance safety, and maximise efficiency. Some of the innovations tailored specifically to Oil Companies include: 1.

Energy 40
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North Carolina Issues Request for Proposals in First Round of EV Charger Funding

NGT News

Businesses can now apply for federal funds to build and operate the first in a series of electric vehicle charging stations along North Carolina’s interstates and major highways. The N.C. Department of Transportation has issued a request for proposals for firms interested in applying in the first round of North Carolina’s share of National Electric […] The post North Carolina Issues Request for Proposals in First Round of EV Charger Funding appeared first on NGT News.