Sat.Jun 01, 2024 - Fri.Jun 07, 2024

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Dutch Government Supports Four New Nuclear Reactors

POWER Magazine

The incoming new government of the Netherlands reportedly will support construction of at least four new utility-scale nuclear power reactors, as part of a program to more than triple the […] The post Dutch Government Supports Four New Nuclear Reactors appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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GreenPower Introduces Electric Refrigerated Medium-Duty Delivery Truck

NGT News

GreenPower Motor Company Inc., a manufacturer and distributor of purpose-built, all-electric, zero-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicles, has unveiled the EV Star REEFERX, a new all-electric refrigerated medium-duty delivery truck. This vehicle is available for orders immediately. Built on GreenPower’s EV Star Cab & Chassis platform, the EV Star REEFERX is fully customizable with a lighter […] The post GreenPower Introduces Electric Refrigerated Medium-Duty Delivery Truck appea


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The implication of South Africa’s 2024 election on its energy transition plan

Energy Transition

South Africa’s 2024 election involves 27 million voters and 70 parties. Energy transition plans vary among candidates, revealing challenges and differing approaches to climate action and renewable energy. (Photo by Jacques Nel on Unsplash) 27 million registered voters in South Africa will go to the polls on 29 May to elect 400 parliamentary members in the national and provincial elections.

Energy 190
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Chinese Solar Firms Reroute from Southeast Asia to Middle East Due to U.S. Tariff Hikes


Chinese Solar Firms Reroute from Southeast Asia to Middle East Due to U.S. Tariff Hikes FacingtheU.S.government's"precisionstrikes,"Chinesephotovoltaic companieshavebeencompelledtoreassesstheiroverseasmarketstrategies.SomeChinesePVcompani.

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Filings Support 41 GW of New Gas-Fired Generation Across Texas

POWER Magazine

Texas’ plan to add more natural gas-fired power generation capacity, supported by money from a newly created energy fund, received a boost when several companies announced their intention to file […] The post Filings Support 41 GW of New Gas-Fired Generation Across Texas appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 306
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Scania Touring Vehicle Operates on Either Natural Gas, Biogas – or Both

NGT News

Scania has added an LBG/LNG (liquefied biogas/liquefied natural gas) variant of the Scania Touring vehicle. Able to run on both natural gas and biogas, or a mix of the two, it allows a smooth transition to biogas, creating a circular and economically viable solution for sustainable long-distance transport. “The new LBG/LNG variant of the Scania […] The post Scania Touring Vehicle Operates on Either Natural Gas, Biogas – or Both appeared first on NGT News.

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Hydrogen Powered Aircraft

Energy Central

Civil aviation provides an essential transportation network that connects the world and supports global economic growth. To maintain these benefits while meeting environmental goals, next-generation aircraft must have drastically reduced climate impacts. Hydrogen-powered aircraft have the potential to fly existing routes with no carbon emissions and reduce or eliminate other emissions.

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Michigan Coal Plant Eyes BECCS Retrofit: Could Become First U.S. Facility with ‘Carbon-Negative’ Power

POWER Magazine

CMS Energy’s subsidiary NorthStar Clean Energy has given Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) the green light to start initial work on converting a 73-MW coal-fired power plant in Michigan into a […] The post Michigan Coal Plant Eyes BECCS Retrofit: Could Become First U.S. Facility with ‘Carbon-Negative’ Power appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 299
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Rivian’s New R1S, R1T Pickup Trucks Evolve

NGT News

Rivian has introduced the second generation of its flagship vehicles. The new R1S SUV and R1T pickup trucks have been completely reengineered through hundreds of hardware improvements, performance upgrades, a fully redesigned software experience and updated in-house drive systems. “We continue to evolve our flagship R1 vehicles, offering quality and performance without compromise,” says R.J. […] The post Rivian’s New R1S, R1T Pickup Trucks Evolve appeared first on NGT News.

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Circumpolar Antarctic Current Accelerating

Energy Central

SciTechDaily: "Antarctica's hidden threat: world's most powerful water flow is accelerating, could have disastrous consequences." The Antarctic Circumpolar Current carries greater than 100 times more water than all the world's rivers combined. It extends from the ocean surface to the sea floor. In places it is as much as 2,000 km or some 1200 miles wide.

IT 98
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Circular Recycling Strategy Targets Perpetual Utility for PV Materials


Circular Recycling Strategy Targets Perpetual Utility for PV Materials AGermanresearchteamhasanalyzedthefuturematerialusageinthecrystallinesiliconPVindustry,focusingonkeymaterialssuchasglass,aluminum,silver,copper,ethylen.

Utilities 147
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U.S. Solar Sector Shows Record-Setting Growth

POWER Magazine

A new report from two leading energy industry groups said a record 11 GW of new solar power module manufacturing capacity entered service during the first three months of this […] The post U.S. Solar Sector Shows Record-Setting Growth appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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One in Six Medium-, HD Vehicles Sold in California Produce Zero Emissions

NGT News

The sales of new zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks in California in 2023 doubled from the prior year, now representing one out of every six new vehicles sold for services that include last-mile delivery, freight transportation and school buses, according to the California Air Resources Board (CARB). With 18,473 medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) […] The post One in Six Medium-, HD Vehicles Sold in California Produce Zero Emissions appeared first on NGT News.

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Hydrogen-Powered Jet With Supersonic Speeds Revealed - Reuters Today

Energy Central

A Spanish designer revealed his concept for a “wingless” jet with supersonic speeds that runs on hydrogen. Oscar Viñal’s futuristic aircraft, “Sky OV,” can travel at speeds up to over 1,100 mph.

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Giants Compete in the Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Track


Giants Compete in the Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Track Currently,ternarybatteriesandlithiumironphosphate(LFP)batteriesarethetwomainstreamtechnologiesinelectricvehiclepowerbatteries.Duetocostadvantages,them.

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Why the U.S. Government Should Fund Cybersecurity Efforts of Private Companies Protecting the Power Grid

POWER Magazine

FBI Director Christopher Wray, while speaking at the Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats in Nashville, Tennessee, in April, warned that U.S. critical infrastructure is a prime target […] The post Why the U.S. Government Should Fund Cybersecurity Efforts of Private Companies Protecting the Power Grid appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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HVS Will Supply 30 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Trucks to U.K. Transport Firm

NGT News

Hydrogen Vehicle Systems (HVS), the United Kingdom-based hydrogen fuel cell truck original equipment manufacturer (OEM), has signed a partnership agreement with Explore Plant & Transport Solutions to supply 30 HVS hydrogen electric tractor units to its fleet. Under the terms of the agreement, HVS will deliver 30 state-of-the-art hydrogen-powered fuel cell tractor units for Explore […] The post HVS Will Supply 30 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Trucks to U.K.

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Environment - How Badly Humans Handled It?

Energy Central

Industrial revolution of the 18th to 19th centuries exploited the growth potential of energy in fossil fuels. Coal for examples was used to power efficient engines and later was opted for electricity generation. Mid-20th century saw environmental movement indicating that material benefits that were being enjoyed had an environmental cost associated with it.

IT 81
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Comments on the ECB's rate cut: Good for PV terminal demand, accelerating HJT penetration, and heralding the era of solar-storage parity


Comments on the ECB's rate cut: Good for PV terminal demand, accelerating HJT penetration, and heralding the era of solar-storage parity OnJune6,2024,theEuropeanCentralBankstartedtocutinterestrates,reducingthedepositfacilityratefrom4%to3.75%andtherefinancingratefrom4.5%to4.25%.(1)Intere.

Energy 130
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New Gas-Fired Power Plants Proposed in Southeast Texas

POWER Magazine

Entergy Texas filed an application with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) for approval to build two natural gas power plants—one in Jefferson County and the other in Liberty […] The post New Gas-Fired Power Plants Proposed in Southeast Texas appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 290
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Cemex Rolls Out Its First HVO-Powered Vehicle in the U.K.

NGT News

Cemex has unveiled its first vehicle powered by hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) in the United Kingdom as part of its Future in Action program, which acts as the driver for Cemex to become a carbon net-zero business by 2050. HVO is a diesel-like biofuel that can be produced without fossil resources by processing renewable waste. […] The post Cemex Rolls Out Its First HVO-Powered Vehicle in the U.K. appeared first on NGT News.

IT 130
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New Initiatives in White House Summit on Nuclear Energy

Energy Central

New Initiatives in White House Summit on Nuclear Energy Duke Energy Offers New Rates for Data Centers and Steel Mills South Korea To Build Three New Nuclear Plants, Plans Exports Bulgaria Pitches US EXIM for Financing of Twin AP1000s TerraPower and Framatome to Develop HALEU Pilot Plant Thailand PM Interested in SMRs New Initiatives in White House Summit on Nuclear Energy.

Energy 64
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India's PV project costs fall 7.1% in Q1 2024


India's PV project costs fall 7.1% in Q1 2024 Accordingtotherecent"IndiaSolarMarketUpdateQ12024"reportbyMercomIndiaResearch,theaveragecostofutility-scalesolarPVprojectsinIndiadecreasedby28.2%year-.

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China Brings World’s Largest Solar Power Plant Online

POWER Magazine

The state-owned Power Construction Corp. of China has brought a 5-GW solar power plant into commercial operation, with the project taking over as the world’s largest operating photovoltaic (PV) facility. […] The post China Brings World’s Largest Solar Power Plant Online appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Operator 289
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Honda Begins Producing Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

NGT News

Honda is celebrating the start of production of the all-new 2025 Honda CR-V e:FCEV fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) at the Performance Manufacturing Center (PMC) in Ohio. The all-new CR-V e:FCEV is the only FCEV made in America, as well as the first production hydrogen FCEV in the United States to combine an all-new U.S.-made […] The post Honda Begins Producing Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle appeared first on NGT News.

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55 MW Hunter Valley Hydrogen Hub lands NSW planning approval

Energy Central

55 MW Hunter Valley Hydrogen Hub lands NSW planning approval [link] [link] Hydrogen Australia.

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Investing $73 billion! Turkey targets green energy future


Investing $73 billion! Turkey targets green energy future RamazanUsta,deputydirector-generalforenergyaffairsatTurkey'sMinistryofEnergyandNaturalResources,recentlysaidinpublicthatTurkeyplanstomakelarge-scalein.

Energy 130
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Group Produces Green Hydrogen Using Wind Turbines on Ships

POWER Magazine

An Oregon-based sustainable energy innovation group said it has successfully produced green hydrogen through the use of vertical wind turbines on an oceangoing vessel. ONESTONE HOLDINGS on June 3 said […] The post Group Produces Green Hydrogen Using Wind Turbines on Ships appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Clean Energy Fuels Widens RNG Footprint in Southern California

NGT News

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. has significantly increased its renewable natural gas (RNG) fueling footprint in Southern California with the opening of two additional stations in San Bernadino and Perris. These stations give heavy-duty trucks and other fleet vehicles convenient access to RNG, a low carbon-intensity transportation fuel made entirely of organic waste that reduces greenhouse […] The post Clean Energy Fuels Widens RNG Footprint in Southern California appeared first on NGT News.

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Fokker Next Gen Liquid Hydrogen and SAF

Energy Central

Fokker Next Gen Liquid Hydrogen and SAF

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May EV Battery Demand and Prices Remain Stable, June Prices Likely to Drop, Says TrendForce


May EV Battery Demand and Prices Remain Stable, June Prices Likely to Drop, Says TrendForce TrendForceresearchrevealsthatafterexperiencinglowcapacityutilizationinthefirstquarter,theEVbatteryindustrysawasignificantrecoveryinmarketdemandstartin.

Energy 130
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Colorado Co-op Tri-State Buying Two Solar Power Projects

POWER Magazine

Colorado-based electric cooperative Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association for the first time has purchased renewable energy projects that will provide power for its members. The co-op, a not-for-profit wholesale power […] The post Colorado Co-op Tri-State Buying Two Solar Power Projects appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 276
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Equipmake Agrees to Electric Bus Repower Contract with Golden Tours

NGT News

Electrification engineering specialist Equipmake has secured a successive contract with Golden Tours to repower a further 10 Volvo B5 London tour buses using its in-house developed Zero-Emission Drivetrain (ZED). This contract follows a 2 million pound initial order in February from Golden Tours, illustrating the scaling of initial customer relationships as product is delivered and […] The post Equipmake Agrees to Electric Bus Repower Contract with Golden Tours appeared first on NGT News.

Engineer 130
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This is the "primary energy fallacy"

Energy Central

The world's current energy system is incredibly INefficient. More than two thirds of today's global primary energy input is lost after conversion. Most of this is waste heat from fossil-fuelled power stations and transport. Burning stuff. Funnily enough, this is also what produces CO2 emissions. Critics of the energy transition like to point to charts of global primary energy.

Energy 59
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Electricity Prices Decline Across Most European Markets


Electricity Prices Decline Across Most European Markets AleaSoftEnergyForecastingreportedadeclineinelectricitypricesacrossmostmajorEuropeanmarketsduringthelastweekofMay,withtheexceptionoftheItalianandNordic.

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Equinor Announces Offtake Deal for New York Offshore Wind Project

POWER Magazine

Equinor on June 4 announced its has finalized an agreement with New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for the renewable power generated by the 810-MW Empire Wind […] The post Equinor Announces Offtake Deal for New York Offshore Wind Project appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Offshore 264
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Westport, Volvo Group Begin HPDI Joint Venture

NGT News

Volvo Group and Westport Fuel Systems Inc. have completed and launched their previously announced joint venture transaction. The joint venture is committed to accelerating the commercialization and global adoption of Westport’s HPDI fuel system technology for long-haul and off-road applications. On an interim basis, the joint venture will be led by Dan Sceli, chief executive […] The post Westport, Volvo Group Begin HPDI Joint Venture appeared first on NGT News.