Sat.May 18, 2024 - Fri.May 24, 2024

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Congress Wants to Solve Nuclear Waste. The Solutions Are Known. 

POWER Magazine

It’s welcome that the U.S. House of Representatives in April revived policy discussions over nuclear waste. Our organizations support nuclear energy as a tool of economic opportunity and emissions reduction, […] The post Congress Wants to Solve Nuclear Waste. The Solutions Are Known. appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 352
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Zeem Will Develop Massive Electric Truck Charging Depot at New Jersey Port

NGT News

Zeem Solutions, an electric vehicle charging infrastructure and fleet management provider, is planning a large-scale electric truck depot development near Port Newark, New Jersey. The development is designed to facilitate a significant shift to electric Class 8 trucks, enabling the region’s freight logistics and drayage truck companies to conveniently switch to clean, quiet zero-emissions operations. […] The post Zeem Will Develop Massive Electric Truck Charging Depot at New Jersey Port ap


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Tesla's Shanghai Energy Storage Superfactory officially opened with an annual capacity of 40GWh!


Tesla's Shanghai Energy Storage Superfactory officially opened with an annual capacity of 40GWh! OnMay23,TeslaheldagroundbreakingceremonyforitsShanghaiEnergyStorageSuperfactory inLingang,Shanghai.Followingtheceremony,LingangGroupandTeslasignedacon.

Energy 246
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2024 elections: India’s energy transition plans and challenges

Energy Transition

India’s energy transition has become a prominent issue in both the BJP and Congress manifesto. Although the nation’s clean energy future has been firmly set in motion, financial and policy challenges lie ahead for the future government. Mayank Aggarwal reports.

Energy 195
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UK Picks Wylfa in Wales as Preferred Site for New ‘Mega’ Nuclear Project

POWER Magazine

The UK government has picked Wylfa in Anglesey, North Wales, as its preferred site for the the country’s third large-scale nuclear power plant after Hinkley C in Somerset and Sizewell […] The post UK Picks Wylfa in Wales as Preferred Site for New ‘Mega’ Nuclear Project appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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WattEV Will Expand Fleet to More than 180 HD Trucks

NGT News

WattEV, a medium- and heavy-duty electric truck charging infrastructure developer, is increasing its current fleet of 36 battery electric trucks to more than 180 by the end of 2024. The increase comes on the heels of WattEV’s expansion of its charging depots to five locations within the past month. “We’ve been using and testing trucks […] The post WattEV Will Expand Fleet to More than 180 HD Trucks appeared first on NGT News.

IT 258
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The rising price of silver bodes well for the industrialization of the new technology 0BB&HJT, which is aimed at silver reduction.


The rising price of silver bodes well for the industrialization of the new technology 0BB&HJT, which is aimed at silver reduction. Affectedbymultiplefactorssuchassupplyanddemandrelationship&riskaversion,silverpriceshaverisenrapidly.Affectedbyfactorssuchasincreasedriskaversiond.


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EPRI: Industry Has Marked Significant Progress on its Advanced Nuclear Reactor Roadmap 

POWER Magazine

A year after EPRI and the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) unveiled the first phase of their Advanced Reactor Roadmap, the nuclear industry and its stakeholders have rallied to make significant […] The post EPRI: Industry Has Marked Significant Progress on its Advanced Nuclear Reactor Roadmap appeared first on POWER Magazine.

IT 278
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Mack MD, LR Electric Trucks Qualify for HVIP

NGT News

Mack Trucks’ 2024 model year Mack MD Electric and LR Electric models qualify for the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Clean Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP). This brings the total number of Mack battery electric vehicles (BEVs) that qualify for HVIP to three. HVIP can help accelerate the commercialization of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) […] The post Mack MD, LR Electric Trucks Qualify for HVIP appeared first on NGT News.

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Silver Prices Are Soaring! PV Cell Makers Meet New Cost Threats


Silver Prices Are Soaring! PV Cell Makers Meet New Cost Threats Recently,globalsilverpriceshavecontinuedtorise,withtheaveragesilverpricehavingrisenfrom$5.33pergram($23.49perounce)inmid-May2023tothecurrent(May20)pri.

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UK | Hydrogen Innovation

Energy Central

[link] Hydrogen Innovation

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How PG&E Is Reducing Wildfire Risks Using Satellite Imagery

POWER Magazine

Wildfires have had a devastating impact on California and on the state’s largest utility company, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). PG&E’s equipment has been linked to several major wildfires in […] The post How PG&E Is Reducing Wildfire Risks Using Satellite Imagery appeared first on POWER Magazine.

E&A 245
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Dallas Selects Ford Pro to Advance Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

NGT News

The city of Dallas — America’s fourth-largest metro area — selected Ford’s commercial division, Ford Pro, to help move the Texas city’s climate goals forward, aiming to improve air quality through electrifying the city’s vehicle fleet by 2040. Ford Pro and the city of Dallas entered a 10-year agreement to grow and manage electric vehicle […] The post Dallas Selects Ford Pro to Advance Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure appeared first on NGT News.

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The installed capacity of battery energy storage systems operating in Europe has reached 20GW


The installed capacity of battery energy storage systems operating in Europe has reached 20GW NorwayaimstobecomeoneoftheleadingbatterystoragemarketsintheNordicregion,butSwedenandFinlandhavealreadysurpassedNorwayindeployingbatterystoragesystems.

Operator 162
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Hydrogen Innovation

Energy Central

Hydrogen |Innovation

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Tennessee Tech Launches New Degree Program in Nuclear Engineering

POWER Magazine

The College of Engineering at Tennessee Tech University announced on May 21 the launch of its Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering degree program, only the second such program currently […] The post Tennessee Tech Launches New Degree Program in Nuclear Engineering appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Engineer 173
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Werner’s Fleet Adds Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck

NGT News

Transportation and logistics provider Werner Enterprises Inc. has integrated an International RH Series hydrogen fuel cell truck into its fleet, highlighting the company’s commitment to sustainability and innovation in the transportation industry. The model year 2021 International RH Series truck represents a leap forward in clean energy transportation for Werner.

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China's Five Major Power Generation Groups' Energy Storage Layout


China's Five Major Power Generation Groups' Energy Storage Layout Bytheendof2023,renewableshavebecomethemainsourceofnewpowergeneration.Fortheyear,Chinaadded300millionkilowattsofrenewableenergycapacity,accountingfor85.

Energy 130
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Has the EV Market Stalled?

Energy Central

The finish on Tesla is beginning to look a bit dull. Sales have declined and new model delays are not encouraging. However, other vendors are starting to gain traction. Still, given Tesla is the 800-lb gorilla in the domestic EV market, how is its diminished outlook likely to impact EV sales growth for the year?

IT 64
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Smart Software Bolsters Utility-Scale Solar Projects

POWER Magazine

The solar industry is on a continuous innovation curve — driving advancements, pushing boundaries, and harnessing solar energy’s power to increase returns and drive down the lower levelized cost of […] The post Smart Software Bolsters Utility-Scale Solar Projects appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Utilities 130
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AiLO Logistics Orders 100 Hydrogen Fuel Cell EVs

NGT News

AiLO Logistics, a major drayage carrier operating in the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, has placed a 100-truck order for Nikola Corporation’s hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) from Tom’s Truck Centers, a member of the Nikola sales and service dealer network. Deliveries are scheduled for 2025. As part of AiLO’s ongoing efforts […] The post AiLO Logistics Orders 100 Hydrogen Fuel Cell EVs appeared first on NGT News.

Operator 147
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The Rise and Fall of Residential Energy Storage


The Rise and Fall of Residential Energy Storage AccordingtotheannualreportreleasedbyPylonTechnologyfor2023,thecompanyachievedarevenueof3.299billionyuanlastyear,adecreaseof45.13%year-on-year;netprofi.

Energy 130
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The KJ Show Episode 90: Coming Clean About Renewable Energy

Energy Central

Every week, I host 'The KJ Show,' which offers a mix of breaking news and practical advice on how the energy industry affects the consumer. During this fast-paced show, I combine weekly energy updates with conversations with leaders in the energy efficiency community. After each show, I'll share it here with the Energy Central Community in case you were unable to join me live.

Energy 59
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Supreme Court of Ohio Holds Lease Language on Lessee’s Right to Develop Point Pleasant Interval to Be Ambiguous

Vorys Energy

Yesterday, in a 4-3 decision, the Supreme Court of Ohio reversed the decision of the Seventh District Court of Appeals in Tera, L.L.C. v. Rice Drilling D, L.L.C. , 2024-Ohio-1945, and held that there are triable issues of fact regarding (i) whether the oil and gas lease at issue included the right to drill wells into the “Point Pleasant” interval and, if not, (ii) whether the appellant Rice Drilling D, LLC engaged in a bad faith trespass by doing so.

Oil 40
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Bipartisan Bill Would Encourage Use of RNG in Transportation

NGT News

Introduced by Senators Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), U.S. Senate Bill S. 4389 would provide a $1.00-per-gallon tax credit for the use of renewable natural gas (RNG) as a transportation fuel. A companion bill was introduced in the U.S. House earlier in the session by Reps. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.). […] The post Bipartisan Bill Would Encourage Use of RNG in Transportation appeared first on NGT News.

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Australia’s first national battery strategy released


Australia’s first national battery strategy released OnMay23,2024localtime,theAustraliangovernmentofficiallyreleasedtheNationalBatteryStrategy.Thisisalsothecountry’sfirstnationalbatterystrategy.Itaimstol.

Energy 130
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Launch of new Humber Hydrogen Hub projects in Parliament

Energy Central

Leading energy companies launch new Humber Hydrogen Hub projects in Parliament The latest in a series of Hydrogen Hub launches in Parliament The plans, which include the transformation of the Easington gas terminal, were launched yesterday in the Houses of Parliament to an audience of MPs, civil servants, industry bodies and regional stakeholders. Lord Callanan, the Energy Minister.

Gas 59
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DOE Announces Support for Plug Power Hydrogen Production Sites

POWER Magazine

The U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) announced it was preparing to make as much as a $1.66 billion loan guarantee to Latham, New York-based Plug Power, with the money earmarked […] The post DOE Announces Support for Plug Power Hydrogen Production Sites appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 344
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BAE Systems, Eaton Successfully Test Electric Drive on Class 7 Vehicle

NGT News

Electric propulsion provider BAE Systems and power management company Eaton have successfully tested their integrated electric drive system for medium- and heavy-duty commercial trucks. Using this technology, existing truck models can be easily adapted across various zero-emission applications, improving efficiency, performance and flexibility. Testing occurred at Eaton’s proving grounds in Marshall, Michigan, on a Class […] The post BAE Systems, Eaton Successfully Test Electric Drive on C

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LONGi Launches Hi-MO X6 Max Product Family


LONGi Launches Hi-MO X6 Max Product Family At9:00a.m.onMay23,thelaunchofLONGiHi-MOX6Maxseriesproducts washeldinJiaxingfactory.Asthefirst"LighthouseFactory" intheglobalphotovoltaicindustry,LONGi.

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State Energy Financing Institution (SEFI) Toolkit

Energy Central

Today, the State of Michigan announced that the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) have been determined to be State Energy Financing Institutions (SEFI) by LPO: [link] With financial support or credit enhancements from an eligible SEFI, even projects that do not meet the Title 17.

Finance 59
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N-type acceleration! SolarSpace's 210R module rolls off production line


N-type acceleration! SolarSpace's 210R module rolls off production line OnMay17,thefirstpieceofhigh-efficiencyTOPCon210RrectangularcellmodulewassuccessfullyrolledoutoftheXuzhoubase,markingthatthe210Rmodulehasofficiallyente.

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U.S. to impose tariffs on China starting Aug. 1


U.S. to impose tariffs on China starting Aug. 1 TheU.S.announcedthatitwillimposetariffsonChineseelectricvehicles,batteriesandchipsstartingAugust1st.AccordingtoSingapore'sLianheZaobaowebsitereportedo.

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Polysilicon prices stopped falling, and more than half of the companies overhauled production lines


Polysilicon prices stopped falling, and more than half of the companies overhauled production lines Polysiliconpricesremainedstablethisweek.Amongthem,thetransactionpricerangeofn-typerodsiliconwas40,000-45,000yuan/ton,andtheaveragetransactionpricewas4.

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HJT Photovoltaic Cells Detonate A-Share Market! Nearly 20 Companies Rose More than 10 Percent


HJT Photovoltaic Cells Detonate A-Share Market! Nearly 20 Companies Rose More than 10 Percent OnMay22,photovoltaicplateusheredinacollectivecrazy,whichHJTcellconceptrosethemostnotable.RisenEnergy,GoldenSolardisksealed20%stop,therest,includingGuo.

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China Customs PV Export Data Released in April


China Customs PV Export Data Released in April OnMay21,ChinaCustomsupdateditsmonthlyexportdata.Firstly,wesummarizethePVmainmaterialexportsituation.FromJanuary-April2024,China'sPVmainmaterialcumulat.

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249.50%! South Asia leads the way! Exports of solar cells and modules in January-April


249.50%! South Asia leads the way! Exports of solar cells and modules in January-April FromJanuarytoApril2024,China'ssolarcellsandmodulesexportmarketshowedanoverallgrowthtrend,thoughthegrowthwasunevenwithsignificantregionaldifferences.In.