Sat.Aug 19, 2023 - Fri.Aug 25, 2023

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Judge Rejects Lawsuit Challenging California Nuclear Plant’s Operations

POWER Magazine

A California judge rejected a lawsuit from an environmental group seeking to keep Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) from extending the operating life of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. […] The post Judge Rejects Lawsuit Challenging California Nuclear Plant’s Operations appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Operator 130
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Commencement of a Fresh Wave of Lithium Carbonate Production Expansion Set to Expedite Industry Reshuffling


Commencement of a Fresh Wave of Lithium Carbonate Production Expansion Set to Expedite Industry Reshuffling Recognizedas“whiteoil,” lithiumhasattainedthestatusofastrategicmineralresourceinnumerousmajoreconomiesglobally.Concurrently,lithiumcarbonatestandsouta.


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Heavy-Duty Electric Truck Charging Depot Coming to Port of Los Angeles

NGT News

The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI), through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, has received a $1.5 million Community Project Funding (CPF) grant to help LACI install public charging infrastructure dedicated for use by electric heavy-duty trucks. These trucks transport freight between the Port of Los Angeles and nearby distribution centers; the charging […] The post Heavy-Duty Electric Truck Charging Depot Coming to Port of Los Angeles appeared first on NGT News.

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USA | Strategic Offshore Wind implementation

Energy Central

USA | Strategic Offshore Wind implementation This week has seen progress stateside in Maine, and next up is the Gulf of Mexico and interesting sectoral combinations in the wake of project Tampen coming online. [link] Offshore Wind and Hydrogen.

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The Polysilicon and Wafer Prices Keep Increasing; Cost Pressure Faced by Downstream Enterprises Becomes Higher


The Polysilicon and Wafer Prices Keep Increasing; Cost Pressure Faced by Downstream Enterprises Becomes Higher PolysiliconPolysiliconpriceshaveincreasedslightlythroughouttheweek.ThemainstreamconcludedpriceformonorechargepolysiliconisRMB77/KG,whilemonodensepolys.

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Tennessee Valley Authority Taps Blink for EV Charging Infrastructure

NGT News

Blink Charging Co., a manufacturer, owner, operator and provider of electric vehicle charging equipment and services, has inked a two-year contract with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to supply a range of EV charging solutions, including Level 2 charging equipment and DC fast chargers (DCFC) for both public and commercial fleet applications. “We are excited […] The post Tennessee Valley Authority Taps Blink for EV Charging Infrastructure appeared first on NGT News.

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International Solar and Energy storage Companies Released Semi-annual Reports, Underscoring a Steadfast Demand for Solar and Energy Storage


International Solar and Energy storage Companies Released Semi-annual Reports, Underscoring a Steadfast Demand for Solar and Energy Storage Amidtheunfoldingenergytransformation,thesymbioticrelationshipbetweensolarpowerandenergystoragebecomesapparent.Worldwide,therealmofsolarenergycoupledwi.

Energy 130

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Volvo Trucks Debuts Program to Aid Fleets in Electrification

NGT News

Volvo Trucks has launched Turnkey Solutions, a consolidated fleet management process for procuring vendor services, parts and products for electric vehicle charging, in addition to outlook planning for incentives, installation, and interfacing with utility companies to streamline solutions for electric vehicle infrastructure development. The Turnkey Solutions electromobility program has two full-service partners – InCharge Energy […] The post Volvo Trucks Debuts Program to Aid Fleets

Utilities 130
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An Important Part of Distributed Energy: The Demand for Commercial and Industrial Energy Storage is Booming


An Important Part of Distributed Energy: The Demand for Commercial and Industrial Energy Storage is Booming Commercialandindustrialenergystoragestandsoutasaprimeillustrationofadistributedstoragesystemdeployedattheuserlevel,displayingsignificantpotentialforgr.

Energy 130
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Continuous Innovation and Breakthrough – TW Solar Unveils Groundbreaking Modules in Brazil


Continuous Innovation and Breakthrough – TW Solar Unveils Groundbreaking Modules in Brazil Sincetheextensionofitsbusinessscopetofullycoverthesegmentofphotovoltaic(PV)moduleinH22022,TWSolarhasdeliveredexcellentresultsintermsofPVmodulesasanaus.

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Analysis on the Recent Development and Competition Landscape in the Energy Storage Industry Chain


Analysis on the Recent Development and Competition Landscape in the Energy Storage Industry Chain Amidsttheswiftadvancementofrenewableenergy,thedownstreamdemandforenergystorageisexperiencingrapidgrowth,propellingmarketexpansion.Inthefutureshapingof.

Energy 130
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EU Batteries Regulation Comes into Force Officially; Sustainable Development of Power Battery Manufacture Demands Ongoing Attention


EU Batteries Regulation Comes into Force Officially; Sustainable Development of Power Battery Manufacture Demands Ongoing Attention Thankstothedecreasingcosts,theeconomicviabilityofindustrialandcommercialenergystoragehascometotheforefront.Persistenthightemperaturesleadtopeaksinelec.

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Michigan Utility Supporting School Fleet Electrification

NGT News

Michigan-based utility Consumers Energy is working with 11 school districts in the state to put all-electric school buses on the road. “Michigan is in the middle of an electric vehicle transformation – that means vehicles of all shapes and sizes, including the traditional big yellow school buses so many of us rode as kids,” says […] The post Michigan Utility Supporting School Fleet Electrification appeared first on NGT News.

Utilities 130
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Westport CEO David Johnson Resigns

NGT News

Westport Fuel Systems Inc., a supplier of alternative fuel systems and components for the global transportation industry, says CEO David Johnson has decided to step down and will resign from the company board, effective immediately. “On behalf of the board, I would like to thank David for the progress and results Westport has achieved under […] The post Westport CEO David Johnson Resigns appeared first on NGT News.

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The Prediction and Outlook of N-type Products Industry Chain Profitability


The Prediction and Outlook of N-type Products Industry Chain Profitability Polysilicon:Advancementsinprocesstechnologyareraisingbarriers,andN-typeprofitabilityexceedsexpectations.Regardingprices,thisweek’saverageratesforN-typ.

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CATL Launched Shenxing Superfast Charging Battery; The EU’s New Batteries Regulation Comes into Effect


CATL Launched Shenxing Superfast Charging Battery; The EU’s New Batteries Regulation Comes into Effect CATLhasunveiledagroundbreakingachievementwiththelaunchoftheShenxingsuperfastchargingbattery,usheringinaneweraofrapidchargingforelectricvehicles.Inanof.

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The Second Half of 2023 Will Witness the Peak of Bidding Projects of Domestic Energy Storage


The Second Half of 2023 Will Witness the Peak of Bidding Projects of Domestic Energy Storage Domesticlarge-scaleenergystorage:Asofthisweek,thebiddingvolumeforenergystorageprojectsinAugusthasreached57.8%and69.1%ofthetotalsinJuly.Theaverageprice.

Energy 130
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Volvo LNG Trucks to Start Work in Linde Canada Class 8 Fleet

NGT News

Volvo Trucks North America says it is working with industrial gas and engineering company Linde Canada Inc. on a pilot project that will see five Volvo FH liquified natural gas (LNG) powered trucks deployed in the Linde fleet. The Volvo FH LNG-powered trucks are designed for long-haul transport with up to 60 tons GCW, 500 […] The post Volvo LNG Trucks to Start Work in Linde Canada Class 8 Fleet appeared first on NGT News.

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Thyssenkrupp Uhde announces Floating Ammonia plant Collaboration

Energy Central

Thyssenkrupp Uhde will support the project OFFSET consortium to develop an industrial scale floating green hydrogen and ammonia plant. In March 2023, SwitcH2 B.V. announced it had received Approval in Principle from DNV on its design principles for an FPSO which will produce ammonia offshore solely from renewable sources of energy. As part of the Approval in Principle process, BWO developed.

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Going Bananas Over Release of Fukushima Wastewater

Energy Central

Going Bananas Over Release of Fukushima Wastewater into the Ocean Today (08/24/23) Japan is starting the controlled release of wastewater that is slightly radioactive from the Fukushima nuclear site into the Pacific ocean. Given the usual news media hysteria about such events, I offer for your reading pleasure the “banana equivalent dose.” Based on the numbers reported by.

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Green Breakdown--The Coming Renewable Energy Failure

Energy Central

Originally published in Master Resource. Do you think that wind, solar, and batteries can replace the hydrocarbon fuels that power our modern industrialized society? A new book, Green Breakdown, shows why the Net Zero agenda—a forced transition to renewable energy—is costly, dangerous, and destined for failure. Using science, economics, and in-depth analysis, the book exposes.

Energy 97
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Should the NRC Revise the Aircraft Rule for SMRs?

Energy Central

In a cordial email exchange this week with Rod Adams, long time blogger at Atomic Insights, and more recently the Managing Partner at Nucleation Capital, we discussed whether the Nuclear Regulatory Commission should revise the rule (ML09022052) that contains requirements for nuclear reactor containment structures. (Consideration of Aircraft Impacts for New Nuclear Power.

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The KJ Show #55 - Chinese (Fact) Checkers

Energy Central

Every week, I host 'The KJ Show,' which offers a mix of breaking news and practical advice on how the energy industry affects the consumer. During this fast-paced show, I combine weekly energy updates with conversations with leaders in the energy efficiency community. After each show, I'll share it here with the Energy Central Community in case you were unable to join me.

Casing 52
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SPE Workshop: Fiber-Optic Sensing Applications for Field Development, Integrity and Optimisation

Energy Central

SPE is thrilled to welcome you back to the SPE Workshop: Fiber-Optic Sensing Applications for Field Development, Integrity and Optimisation, where we'll delve into the world of fiber-optic monitoring technologies, unlocking their immense potential in optimising reservoir and field development and operations. Our agenda is brimming with insightful field case studies, showcasing the.

Field 52
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SPE Oilfield Scale Symposium | 5-6 June 2024 | Aberdeen, Scotland

Energy Central

The Society of Petroleum Engineers' Oilfield Scale Symposium has become recognised as one of the world's leading gatherings for industry professionals and academics involved in the development, implementation and monitoring of controls applied to mitigate oilfield scale in upstream oil and gas production. This event offers an unrivalled opportunity for you to share and discuss.

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Gigawatt-Scale Green Fuels Hub Contemplated on Texas Gulf Coast

Energy Central

Powered by gigawatts of Texas wind and solar, the potential project would produce green fuels at scale to accelerate decarbonization of heavy industry, agriculture, and global transport sectors.

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Floating Wind | Oil and Gas Tampen, Open

Energy Central

Floating Wind | Oil and Gas Tampen, Open [link] Oil and Gas to CCS, Offshore Wind and Hydrogen

Oil 52
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LPO Updates • Issue 09 • August 2023

Energy Central

The August 2023 issue of LPO's monthly newsletter is out! Read the email newsletter at: [link] IN THIS ISSUE: Celebrating IRA Anniversary • Vogtle Unit 3 Launch • New LPO Careers Page • #Deploy23 & September Events • And More! Check out the latest issue on LinkedIn or subscribe to have this newsletter and other LPO.

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Landmark hydrogen supply deal for Norway’s 1st full-scale hydrogen-powered ferries

Energy Central

Tromso-based ferry operator Torghatten Nord AS has signed a hydrogen supply deal with GreenH AS for its new ferries. The two hydrogen-fuelled ferries will operate year-round and will daily require 5-6 t green hydrogen. As an additional operation safety requirement, the units will also be able to utilize other fuels. There is a requirement stipulating that minimum 85 percent of the two.

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SPE Workshop: Production Optimisation in Oil and Gas Assets | 23-24 Jan 2024 | Vienna, Austria

Energy Central

Welcome to the SPE Workshop: Production Optimisation in Oil and Gas Assets, a high-quality event where experts, operators, and service companies share their latest developments, successes, and failures on late-life production topics in oil and gas assets as well as for new applications such as CO2 storage, geothermal and energy storage. This workshop will aim to improve and accelerate the.

Oil 52
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India lands on the Moon's south pole with Chandrayaan-3 space mission Chandrayaan-3.

Energy Central

Nothing drives 'national pride' more than space exploration! Let's make that 'Global Pride'! Congratulations to India's successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the south-pole of the moon.

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Critics question how climate-friendly an Appalachian ‘blue’ hydrogen hub will be

Energy Central

Critics say a pair of proposals to make Appalachian Ohio part of regional hydrogen hubs is likely to benefit the state’s oil and gas industry more than the climate. The two proposals are among 21 projects competing for shares of a $7 billion pot of grant money under the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The law defines hydrogen hubs as networks of clean hydrogen producers, their.

Oil 52
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Press Release: CEBN Celebrates the One Year Anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act

Energy Central

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 16, 2023 Contacts: Andy Barnes,, Tel: 202-785-0507, ext. 1503 Washington, D.C. – Lynn Abramson, President of the Clean Energy Business Network, issued the following statement on the one year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act being signed into law. “Not only has the Inflation Reduction Act led to a renaissance of.

Energy 52
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Methanol Shipping

Energy Central

[link] Methanol, Ammonia and Hydrogen

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Bloomberg finances and coopts state attorneys general

Energy Central

When you’ve built a financial information and media empire and become the world’s seventh richest person, you get to say dumb things, like suggesting that farming is easy: “You dig a hole, put a seed in, put dirt on top, add water – and up comes the corn.” Being ultra-wealthy also shields Michael Bloomberg from any fallout from the climate and energy policies.

Finance 52
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Duke Energy Plans Replacement of Coal Plant with SMR

Energy Central

Duke Energy Plans Replacement of Coal Plant with SMR Virginia Data Centers to be Powered by SMRs Saskatchewan to Get $74M from Ottawa for SMRs NRC Suspends Selected US Nuclear Exports to China DOE Funds $112 Million for Computational Projects in Fusion Energy Sciences Duke Energy Plans Replacement of Coal Plant with SMR (NucNet contributed to this report) In a classic.

Energy 52
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That’s rubbing salt into the wound.

Energy Central

One of the challenges of EV adoption is having a sufficient charging network to instill confidence in being able to charge your vehicle no matter where, or how far you go. That’s an infrastructure issue, and infrastructure takes to time build even if you execute perfectly. And our execution has been far from perfect. But what doesn’t help is when the inadequate infrastructure.