Sat.Jun 22, 2024 - Fri.Jun 28, 2024

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Microgrids Take Major Role for Reliability, Resiliency

POWER Magazine

An array of technologies, both thermal and renewable, are being used in the design of microgrids, supporting distributed power generation across several sectors. The use of microgrids to provide reliable […] The post Microgrids Take Major Role for Reliability, Resiliency appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 299
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Mono-Si wafer production is expected to fluctuate slightly in July, and prices are expected to rise


Mono-Si wafer production is expected to fluctuate slightly in July, and prices are expected to rise Waferpricesremainedstablethisweek,withslightincreasesinindividualsizes.Amongthem,theaveragetransactionpriceofN-typeG10Lmonocrystallinesiliconwafers(18.


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Rebuilding Ukraine’s energy future: a Ukrainian perspective of the Ukraine Reconstruction Conference

Energy Transition

Energy security is not only a burning global issue, but a cornerstone of Ukraine’s future, and the recent Ukraine Reconstruction Conference (URC) in Berlin offered a glimpse into the possibilities for a renewable-powered Ukraine that could lead the way for Europe’s green transition. (Credit: Razom We Stand, All rights reserved.

Energy 167
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Walmart Canada Becomes Nation’s First Major Retailer with Hydrogen FCEV Truck

NGT News

Walmart Canada’s new hydrogen fuel cell-powered electric semi-truck is now on the roads in Mississauga, Ontario, as the retailer continues its journey toward a 100% alternatively powered fleet. Walmart Canada is the first major retailer in Canada to introduce a hydrogen fuel cell electric semi-truck to its fleet. Operating with zero tailpipe emissions, the Nikola […] The post Walmart Canada Becomes Nation’s First Major Retailer with Hydrogen FCEV Truck appeared first on NGT News.

Operator 130
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The Transformer Crisis: An Industry on the Brink

POWER Magazine

Facing unprecedented lead times and skyrocketing costs, the transformer supply chain crisis threatens the backbone of the electric power industry, driving urgent calls for increased manufacturing capacity and innovative solutions. […] The post The Transformer Crisis: An Industry on the Brink appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Tesla Considers Halting 4680 Battery Production at GigaTexas Due to Cost and Performance Issues


Tesla Considers Halting 4680 Battery Production at GigaTexas Due to Cost and Performance Issues OnJune26,itwasreportedthatTeslaisconsideringhaltingtheproductionof4680batteriesatitsGigaTexasfactoryinTexasduetounsatisfactoryenergydensity,chargingpe.

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Worldwide support for climate change action is “stunning”

Energy Central

Yesterday’s topic discussed the faction of the population that continues to deny climate change. Largely falling along political lines, the opposition against actions to neutralize global warming seems counterproductive. A new UN poll illustrates that in many countries it may also be politically unwise. Except perhaps in the U.S. where the results indicate that the polarization runs.

IT 115

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First-Ever Additively Manufactured Debris-Filtering Bottom Nozzles Installed at Farley Nuclear Plant

POWER Magazine

Southern Nuclear, a subsidiary of Southern Company and operator of more than 8.2 GW of nuclear power capacity, said it has completed the installation of lead test assemblies with additively […] The post First-Ever Additively Manufactured Debris-Filtering Bottom Nozzles Installed at Farley Nuclear Plant appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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The first HJT module plant in the United States is about to start production


The first HJT module plant in the United States is about to start production Accordingtoforeignmediareports,MeyerBurger'sheterojunctionmodulefactoryinGoodyear,Arizona,USAhaspassedtheULtestingstandardsandauditsandisstartingprodu.

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The U.S. Data Center Energy Train Wreck

Energy Central

The U.S. and the world are using innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to use data more efficiently, along with an increasing demand for electricity. This article will describe the upcoming data center electricity supply shortfall, and potential train wreck in the U.S. Current Data Center Electricity Demand: Globally, data centers consume 1-2% of overall energy.

Energy 110
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Key McDonald’s Distributor Expands Volvo VNR Electric Vehicle Fleet in Canada

NGT News

Volvo Trucks North America customer Martin Brower, a leading supply chain solutions provider for global restaurant chains, is taking delivery of 10 additional Volvo VNR Electric vehicles that will support food and beverage deliveries to select McDonald’s restaurants in the greater Montreal and greater Toronto, Canada, areas. As a key distributor for McDonald’s global operations, […] The post Key McDonald’s Distributor Expands Volvo VNR Electric Vehicle Fleet in Canada appeared first

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Building a Better Grid—Infrastructure Upgrades Require Ingenuity, Innovation, and Investment

POWER Magazine

The need for more reliability and resilience of power delivery, both in the U.S. and worldwide, has utilities and grid operators looking for solutions to the challenge of bolstering the […] The post Building a Better Grid—Infrastructure Upgrades Require Ingenuity, Innovation, and Investment appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Utilities 278
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China adds 79.15GW of new photovoltaic installations from January to May


China adds 79.15GW of new photovoltaic installations from January to May OnJune28,China'sNationalEnergyAdministration(NEA)releasedstatisticsonthecountry'spowerindustryforJanuary-May.AsoftheendofMay,thecountry'scumulativeins.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Sustainability

Energy Central

In continuation to my earlier contribution to ‘Sustainable Design’, Sustainable product design has proven to be critical in attempting solution to such problems based on entire life-cycle (creation to disposal). Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to revolutionize many industries rendering them more efficient, effective and sustainable. AI is simply a computer system that.

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GreenPower Delivers First BEAST Bus Manufactured at Its West Virginia Plant

NGT News

GreenPower Motor Company Inc., a manufacturer and distributor of purpose-built, all-electric, zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, has delivered the first Type D BEAST electric school bus manufactured at the company’s South Charleston, West Virginia, manufacturing plant to the Kanawha County (W.V.) School District. “Today marks yet another milestone for GreenPower in the all-electric school bus […] The post GreenPower Delivers First BEAST Bus Manufactured at Its West

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Strengthening America’s Electric Power Grid: How the Government and Industry Are Improving T&D Systems

POWER Magazine

The U.S. transmission and distribution (T&D) network is reliable and well-maintained, but as renewable energy continues being added to the grid, and demand increases due to growing data center needs […] The post Strengthening America’s Electric Power Grid: How the Government and Industry Are Improving T&D Systems appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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20GW Heterojunction Specialized Monocrystalline Silicon Materials Smart Factory Project Settles in Yinchuan


20GW Heterojunction Specialized Monocrystalline Silicon Materials Smart Factory Project Settles in Yinchuan OnJune26,Yinchuanheldasigningceremonyforthe20GWHJTSpecializedMonocrystallineSiliconMaterialsSmartFactoryProjectwithAnhuiHuasunEnergyCo.,Ltd.Atthesigni.

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Major IT Platforms Want Power from Nuclear Plants, but They Don’t Want to Build Them

Energy Central

Anyone who thinks the big IT platforms like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon, among others, are going to do anything more than offer power purchase agreements for 24X7 365 reliable power from nuclear reactors is engaging in wishful thinking. This became clear during a panel discussion this past week (6/16) at the meeting of the American Nuclear Society held in Las Vegas, NV.

IT 105
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Cenntro Ready to Roll Out New Logistar 210 Van in Europe, Global Markets

NGT News

Commercial electric vehicle company Cenntro Inc. will sell its newest Logistar series model, the Logistar 210 (LS210), in European and other global markets. A next-generation commercial van with European N1 type approval, the LS210 follows Cenntro’s December 2023 approval for the European Union’s required Certificate of Compliance for Cybersecurity Management System (UN Regulation number: R155) […] The post Cenntro Ready to Roll Out New Logistar 210 Van in Europe, Global Markets appeared f

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Mitigating EMP and GMD Risks for Power Grid Resilience

POWER Magazine

Risks posed by geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) events add challenges to an already complex power system environment. But they remain crucial to address. How prepared is the […] The post Mitigating EMP and GMD Risks for Power Grid Resilience appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Energy storage battery exports are growing explosively


Energy storage battery exports are growing explosively ThelatestdatashowsthatinMay,theexportvolumeofpowerbatterieswas9.8GWh,ayear-on-yeardecreaseof13.1%,andtheexportvolumeofotherbatteries(mainlyenergystora.

Energy 130
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Destinus planning hypersonic drone for 2024 launch using hydrogen

Energy Central

Destinus planning hypersonic drone for 2024 launch using hydrogen [link] [link] Hydrogen Aviation

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Paired Power Partners with California City to Provide EV Charging

NGT News

Solar microgrid manufacturer Paired Power has formed a partnership with the city of Campbell, California, to deliver sustainable, smart energy for Campbell’s first electric vehicle in its Public Works Service Center. Paired Power will deliver solar electricity through its pop-up solar canopy PairTree, combined with Level 2 EV chargers and management software from EV Connect. […] The post Paired Power Partners with California City to Provide EV Charging appeared first on NGT News.

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Planning for a Reliable and Resilient Electric Power Grid

POWER Magazine

In the U.S., regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs) are responsible for overseeing the reliable operation of the high-voltage transmission system within their respective regions. In other […] The post Planning for a Reliable and Resilient Electric Power Grid appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Operator 255
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Italy Allocates 243.3 MW in 14th Renewable Energy Auction


Italy Allocates 243.3 MW in 14th Renewable Energy Auction GestoredeiServiziEnergetici(GSE),Italy'senergyagency,allocated243.3MWofrenewableenergycapacityforprojectsover1MWinsizeinthe14threnewableenergyauction.

Energy 130
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Hydrogen Production and electrical charging | Aviation

Energy Central

Hydrogen Production and electrical charging | Aviation Here's an interesting hybrid solution offering the sector a route to commercialisation [link].

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Clean Energy Fuels Opens RNG Station in Philadelphia-South Jersey Area

NGT News

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. has opened a new renewable natural gas (RNG) station in Carney’s Point, New Jersey, for heavy-duty trucks and other fleet vehicles to access this fuel produced from organic waste. The new station is strategically located in the trucking corridor between Philadelphia and Wilmington, Delaware, near Interstate 295 and the New Jersey […] The post Clean Energy Fuels Opens RNG Station in Philadelphia-South Jersey Area appeared first on NGT News.

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GE Vernova Building Synchronous Condenser Sites to Support New York Grid

POWER Magazine

GE Vernova said it has been awarded a contract by National Grid’s upstate New York business to supply and construct two separate 115 kV synchronous condenser sites at the company’s […] The post GE Vernova Building Synchronous Condenser Sites to Support New York Grid appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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2GWh! Gotion High-Tech wins international energy storage orders


2GWh! Gotion High-Tech wins international energy storage orders FromJune18thto21st,Gotionparticipatedin2024TheBatteryShowEuropeand2024TheSmartEEuropeinGermanywithfull-scenariogreenenergysolutions,whichwasthefirstti.

Energy 130
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Papers Directory, Second-Quarter 2024 Update

Energy Central

This document contains links to all of the major / educational papers I have written and posted to Energy Central. I originally posted this document at the end of 2018. This quarterly update is at the end of the second quarter (June) of 2024.

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Bollinger Motors Receives U.S. EPA Certification for Its Class 4 B4 Chassis Cab

NGT News

Bollinger Motors, a subsidiary of electric vehicle manufacturer Mullen Automotive Inc., has received its Certificate of Conformity from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its Class 4 B4 Chassis Cab. Attainment of the certificate is another milestone for Bollinger Motors as it moves closer to delivering initial vehicles to customers. The company plans to […] The post Bollinger Motors Receives U.S.

IT 130
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Siemens Energy, GE Vernova Each Will Build Two, 2-GW Gas-Fired Power Stations in Saudi Arabia

POWER Magazine

Siemens Energy and GE Vernova each announced the companies would support construction of large combined-cycle power plants in Saudi Arabia as part of that country’s plan to increase its supply […] The post Siemens Energy, GE Vernova Each Will Build Two, 2-GW Gas-Fired Power Stations in Saudi Arabia appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 246
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Europe: Cumulative PV installations expected to reach 462GW in 2028


Europe: Cumulative PV installations expected to reach 462GW in 2028 AccordingtoresearchfirmEUPDResearch'srecentforecast,thesizeoftheEuropeanPVmarketwillgrowfrom65GWlastyearto75GWthisyear,andby2028,thecumulativeinstalle.

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Britain's Nuclear Electricity

Energy Central

The UK's National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) and University of Leicester have generated usable electricity from the chemical element americium in what it believes to be a global first. The achievement is seen as a step towards potential use of americium in so-called space batteries, which may mean future space missions can be powered for up to 400 years.

IT 64
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Workhorse Group Teams with Surefitters to Offer Range of Upfit Solutions

NGT News

Workhorse Group Inc., an American technology company focused on the transition to zero-emission commercial vehicles, has established a new upfit program in partnership with Surefitters, a provider of truck and van upfitting based in Rosemount, Minnesota. Through this partnership, Workhorse will offer a range of upfit options for its medium-duty commercial electric vehicles.

IT 100
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Coating Technologies Crucial for Offshore Wind Farms

POWER Magazine

Efforts to combat climate change drive the growth of renewable energy technologies as governments and utility companies increase investments in solar and wind installations to meet rising electricity demands. Onshore […] The post Coating Technologies Crucial for Offshore Wind Farms appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Offshore 223
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Polysilicon prices have been lowered again, and companies continue to overhaul


Polysilicon prices have been lowered again, and companies continue to overhaul Polysiliconpricesfellslightlythisweek.Thetransactionpricerangeofn-typerodsiliconwas39,000-42,000yuan/ton,andtheaveragetransactionpricewas40,000yuan/to.