Wed.May 08, 2024

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How Grid Enhancing Technologies Are Expanding Electric Power Transmission System Capabilities

POWER Magazine

It’s no secret that power grids around the world need to expand to accommodate more renewable energy and the so-called “electrification of everything.” The latter, of course, refers to the […] The post How Grid Enhancing Technologies Are Expanding Electric Power Transmission System Capabilities appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 264
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Nebraska Capital Will Fuel Its Fleet with B20 Biodiesel

NGT News

The city of Lincoln, which is the capital of Nebraska, has been awarded funding from the Nebraska Soybean Board (NSB) to begin incorporating B20 biodiesel in its municipal fleet. This biodiesel incentive program marks a significant milestone in the city’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and reducing carbon emissions, replacing 215,000 gallons of petroleum diesel in […] The post Nebraska Capital Will Fuel Its Fleet with B20 Biodiesel appeared first on NGT News.

IT 244

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TVA Secures 16 GE Vernova Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Packages for Kingston Replacement

POWER Magazine

GE Vernova has bagged the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA’s) first order as part of a fast-track project to replace the 1.3-GW Kingston Fossil Plant in Tennessee with a 1.5-GW modern complex. […] The post TVA Secures 16 GE Vernova Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Packages for Kingston Replacement appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 246
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Spain's Large-Scale PV Market Sees Solar Modules Selling at €0.10/W


Spain's Large-Scale PV Market Sees Solar Modules Selling at €0.10/W SpanishdeveloperSolariahasannounceditsrecentacquisitionof435MWworthofsolarmodulesfromanundisclosedsupplier,securingthematarateof€0.917($0.99)perwatt.T.

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Report: Renewables Generating Nearly One-Third of Global Electricity

POWER Magazine

A UK- based global research group said continued growth in wind and solar power increased power generation from renewable energy to nearly a third of worldwide electricity output last year. […] The post Report: Renewables Generating Nearly One-Third of Global Electricity appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 246
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Malaysian Government Introduces Residential Solar Incentive Program


Malaysian Government Introduces Residential Solar Incentive Program TheMinistryofEnergyTransitionandWaterTransformationinMalaysiaiscollaboratingwithbothprivateandpublicentitieswithinthecountrytoprovidecitizenswithfinan.

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Siemens Gamesa Changes CEO, Announces Job Cuts as Part of New Focus

POWER Magazine

Siemens Energy announced an overhaul of its struggling wind power division on May 8, unveiling plans for a new CEO for its wind turbine business and also saying job cuts […] The post Siemens Gamesa Changes CEO, Announces Job Cuts as Part of New Focus appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 147

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National Fusion Facility Completes Upgrade

POWER Magazine

Enhancements will enable research into the physics of advanced fusion reactors and accelerate the drive to commercial fusion energy. The DIII-D National Fusion Facility has completed a series of important […] The post National Fusion Facility Completes Upgrade appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Egyptian Utility Initiates Tender for 8.2 MW Solar-Plus-Storage Project


Egyptian Utility Initiates Tender for 8.2 MW Solar-Plus-Storage Project TheEgyptianElectricityHoldingCompany,astate-ownedutility,isinvitingexpressionsofinterestforthedesign,construction,andoperationofan8.2MWsolarfacilityco.

Utilities 130
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Does US Climate Policy Have a Herring Problem? (Part 2)

Energy Central

It is nearly impossible to conceive of any significant environmental regulation over the past four decades that has not involved the application of the “Chevron deference.” It’s one reason conservatives and others, e.g., the fossil fuel industry, are now rooting for the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) to strike down the deference—in the name of the separation of powers.

IT 59
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Performance Across the Board Declines! Is the Photovoltaic Industry Facing a Cyclic Bottom


Performance Across the Board Declines! Is the Photovoltaic Industry Facing a Cyclic Bottom Inthefirstquarterof2024,thephotovoltaicequipmentindustrypresentedevenmoredismaldata:37companiesexperiencednegativegrowthinoperatingrevenue,and45compan.

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PosHYdon begins testing ahead of offshore hydrogen production

Energy Central

The PosHYdon pilot project has started onshore testing for the first time at InVesta’s facility in Alkmaar, the Netherlands.

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The cost of upstream materials has fallen, and the profit distribution has flowed to the battery link


The cost of upstream materials has fallen, and the profit distribution has flowed to the battery link From2023,upstreammaterialpriceshasfallensharplywiththeeasingofsupplyanddemand.From2023,thekeypointofthelithiumbatterymaterials is"pricereduction".Duet.

Upstream 130
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Insight into the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Energy Central

Join the CEBN for a webinar May 16 from 1-2 pm ET to learn more about the GGRF and other federal climate investments! The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) was established under Section 134 of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in 2022, allocating a total of $27 billion in funding towards the fight against climate change. The IRA authorized the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Gas 52
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Philippines will add 2GW of photovoltaic installed capacity in 2024


Philippines will add 2GW of photovoltaic installed capacity in 2024 ThePhilippineDepartmentofEnergyannouncedthatatleast4.16GWofpowerprojectswillbeputintooperationthisyearthroughahybridcombinationofrenewableandtradition.

Energy 130
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PA Senate Memo: Counties Pursuing Climate Litigation Will Reap Economic Consequences

Energy Central

A Pennsylvania state senator plans to introduce legislation prohibiting municipalities that file climate lawsuits against energy companies from reaping the economic benefits of the oil and gas industry. Announced in light of Bucks County’s recent climate lawsuit and the activist group Center for Climate Integrity (CCI)’s pitch to Allegheny County, the legislation marks.

Oil 40
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U.S. solar capacity Expansion Fierce, But Upstream Industry Layout Slightly Inadequate


U.S. solar capacity Expansion Fierce, But Upstream Industry Layout Slightly Inadequate TheInflationReductionAct(IRA),signedbyPresidentBidenin2022,hassignificantlyboostedtheriseofthedomesticphotovoltaic(PV)manufacturingindustryintheUnited.

Upstream 130
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Policy- and Demand-Driven Surge: C&I Energy Storage Market Booms Amidst Rising Demand


Policy- and Demand-Driven Surge: C&I Energy Storage Market Booms Amidst Rising Demand In2023,thecommercialandindustrial(C&I)energystoragesectorsawasignificantuptickininstallations,markingapivotalmomentwith4.77gigawatt-hours(GWh)ofenergy.

Energy 130
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Italy prohibits the installation of photovoltaics on agricultural land


Italy prohibits the installation of photovoltaics on agricultural land TheItalianCouncilofMinistersapprovedtheDecreeonAgriculture,which,accordingtothecompetentminister,choosestolimitthe"prohibition"ofthe"crazy"installatio.