Mon.Nov 18, 2024

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Entergy Louisiana Eyes 2.2 GW of New Gas-Fired Generation to Support Data Center Demand

POWER Magazine

A filing with the Louisiana Public Service Commission shows that Entergy plans to build more than 2 GW of natural gas-fired power generation in the state, including a 1,500-MW facility […] The post Entergy Louisiana Eyes 2.2 GW of New Gas-Fired Generation to Support Data Center Demand appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 290
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PECO’s Billing Issues Erode Trust in Energy Providers

The Energy Co-op

Join The Energy Co-op at our Annual Member Meeting and Conference. Who: Members and Friends of The Energy Co-op Where: The Inn at Swarthmore, Swarthmore, PA When: Saturday, June 9th, 8:30am 2:00pm What: The Annual Member Meeting and Conference brings together Co-op members, members of the community and representatives from other Co-ops and other organizations working on sustainable development in PA followed by the Co-op membership meeting.

Energy 130

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Vietnam Will Keep Coal-Fired Power Plants Running at High Levels Next Year

POWER Magazine

Vietnamese government officials said the country expects its coal-fired power plants will operate at significant levels in 2025 to support increased demand for electricity across the country. The government on […] The post Vietnam Will Keep Coal-Fired Power Plants Running at High Levels Next Year appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Structural contradiction between supply and demand ,Wafer prices stabilized


Structural contradiction between supply and demand Wafer prices stabilized Thisweek,asmallbatchofG12Rwaferswassoldatalowpricebyonecompany,butthishadnoimpactontheoverallaverageprice.Thestabilityinwaferpricesisprimarilyduetostr.

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Uniper Picks Electric Hydrogen’s Tech For 200-MW Green Hydrogen Project

POWER Magazine

German energy company Uniper has selected Electric Hydrogen as its exclusive partner to design a 200-MW electrolyzer plant for the large-scale electrolysis within Uniper’s Green Wilhelmshaven project in Northern Germany. […] The post Uniper Picks Electric Hydrogen’s Tech For 200-MW Green Hydrogen Project appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 264
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YMX Logistics, Orange EV Partner to Electrify Yard Ops Across North America

NGT News

YMX Logistics, a provider of integrated yard logistics operations, and Orange EV, a manufacturer of electric yard tractors, have established a collaboration, beginning with the deployment of 20 electric terminal trucks at distribution and manufacturing sites across North America. By combining YMX’s experience in enterprise yard operations, technology enablement and process optimization with Orange EV’s […] The post YMX Logistics, Orange EV Partner to Electrify Yard Ops Across N

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Westinghouse, Radiant Secure $5M for Microreactor Tests at INL’s Pioneering DOME Testbed

POWER Magazine

Westinghouse and Radiant Industries have secured a $5 million Department of Energy (DOE) award to advance their microreactor designs for testing at the Demonstration of Microreactor Experiments (DOME) testbed at […] The post Westinghouse, Radiant Secure $5M for Microreactor Tests at INL’s Pioneering DOME Testbed appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 264

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SRP and EDP Renewables Announce New Energy Storage System to Support Increasing Energy Demand

POWER Magazine

Salt River Project (SRP) and Flatland Storage LLC, a subsidiary of EDP Renewables North America LLC (EDPR NA), have entered into an agreement to provide 200 MW of new energy […] The post SRP and EDP Renewables Announce New Energy Storage System to Support Increasing Energy Demand appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 264
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TurnOnGreen Receives EV Charging Contract for California School District

NGT News

TurnOnGreen Inc. has been awarded the contract for installation, operation, maintenance and management of electric vehicle charging stations by the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District (LVJUSD) in Livermore, California. Under the terms of the contract, TurnOnGreen will be responsible for EV chargers at select LVJUSD campuses. The company completed installation in July 2024 and […] The post TurnOnGreen Receives EV Charging Contract for California School District appeared first on

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Abraxas Power, EDF Group Plan 3-GW Green Hydrogen Project in Canada

POWER Magazine

Abraxas Power Corp. and French energy giant EDF Group have announced the companies will collaborate on development of a 3-GW power-to-X (P2X) project in Newfoundland, Canada. Abraxas and EDF on […] The post Abraxas Power, EDF Group Plan 3-GW Green Hydrogen Project in Canada appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 162
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Trina Solar Wins 2GW Module Contract in Philippines


Trina Solar Wins 2GW Module Contract in Philippines OnNovember11,TrinaSolarsigneda2GWmodulesupplyagreementwithCiticoreRenewableEnergyCorporation(CREC),arenewableenergydeveloperinthePhilippines.TrinaSola.

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Xcelerate Auto Teams with SPP to Offer Interest-Free Plan for EV Protection

NGT News

Xcelerate Auto, a Texas-based provider of electric vehicle leasing, financing and warranty solutions, has introduced a new payment option for its XCare EV Protection plan. Through an exclusive partnership with Service Payment Plan (SPP), Xcelerate now enables customers to purchase XCare EV Protection with a convenient, interest-free payment plan, requiring no credit check and featuring […] The post Xcelerate Auto Teams with SPP to Offer Interest-Free Plan for EV Protection appeared first o

Finance 100
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Five Points of Impact! China's PV cuts 4% export tax rebate rate a big deal


Five Points of Impact! China's PV cuts 4% export tax rebate rate a big deal OnNovember15,China'sMinistryofFinanceandtheStateAdministrationofTaxationannouncedareductionintheexporttaxrebaterateforcertainproducts,includingrefined.

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Good news for the environment from 2024 US elections!

Energy Central

It´s not a lot. But one has to take what one can get. Reuters reports: "A rare bright spot for environmentalists in last week's U.S. election results came in Washington State, where voters easily defeated an attempt to end the state's carbon market by a margin of 62% to 38%. Analysts said the result was in line with widespread interest in the structures that.

IT 59
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U.S. ITC Issues Part 337 Final Ruling on Photovoltaic Products


U.S. ITC Issues Part 337 Final Ruling on Photovoltaic Products On13November2024,theU.S.InternationalTradeCommission(ITC)issuedanoticethattheinvestigationofCertainPhotovoltaicConnectorsandComponentsThereof(Investig.

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Unleashing sustainable potential: harnessing machine learning on AWS for optimal energy usage

AWS: Energy (Oil & Gas)

Organizations have been looking to modernize their legacy Building Management System (BMS) with data analytics and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML). Although they can help organizations achieve their sustainability goals, improve energy management, and other smart building capabilities, they can also turn into a substantial setback if the systems arent set up properly to use the data and analytics.

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Energy storage giant wins 8GWh supply order from US


Energy storage giant wins 8GWh supply order from US AsubsidiaryofSouthKoreanbatterymakerLGEnergySolution(LGES)hassignedafour-yearsupplyagreementforbatteryenergystoragesystemswithUSdeveloperTerra-Gen.On1.

Energy 130
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Study: Human-caused GHGs are comparable to fallout from catastrophic asteroid strikes and volcanic eruptions

Energy Central

When faced with reports about the climate crisis, many people can’t conceive just how much impact human activity has made on the earth’s atmosphere. Here’s a new way to understand it: compare today’s crisis to past catastrophic events. A research team did just that, performing an analysis using well-accepted atmospheric and geological data from.

IT 52
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China Energy Engineering Corporation and Samruk Energy Sign 300MW PV Project Agreement During COP29


China Energy Engineering Corporation and Samruk Energy Sign 300MW PV Project Agreement During COP29 Duringthe29thUnitedNationsClimateChangeConference(COP29),witnessedbytheKazakhDeputyPrimeMinisterandMinisterofEnergy,ChinaEnergyEngineeringCorporation’.

Engineer 130
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Green Metal Statecraft

Energy Central

Green Metal Statecraft

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Entering the Italian market! This energy storage company signed a long term order of 30GWh


Entering the Italian market! This energy storage company signed a long term order of 30GWh On13thNovember,CORNEXsignedastrategiccooperationagreementwiththeItaliancompanyCestariGroupinWuhan,Hubeiprovince.ThetwopartieswillestablishaPVdistribut.

Energy 130
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UK Hydrogen | Project Union

Energy Central

UK Hydrogen | Project Union Building the UK’s hydrogen transport network Project Union involves repurposing parts of the 5,000-mile gas National Transmission System (NTS) to carry 100% hydrogen. It will initially create local transmission networks to link strategic hydrogen production and storage sites with industrial clusters. Eventually, these regional.

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Investment of 2.5 billion! Shanxi 10GWh battery project started


Investment of 2.5 billion! Shanxi 10GWh battery project started OnNovember11th,ShanxiShuozhouYingCountyheldthegroundbreakingceremonyof10GWhlithiumbatteryproductionlineprojectofShanxiGuanjiaNewEnergyDevelopmentCo.It.

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Hydrogen | Future Grid, Compression

Energy Central

Hydrogen | Future Grid, Compression This programme focuses primarily on existing National Transmission System (NTS) customers such as power stations and industrial customers. Compressors are essential for maintaining the flow of gas throughout the NTS and ensuring security of supply for the UK. The FutureGrid Compression project will demonstrate that an existing compressor.

Gas 52
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183N Solar PV Market Has Gained Support for now, with Price Increases Expected for Wafers, Cells, and Modules


183N Solar PV Market Has Gained Support for now, with Price Increases Expected for Wafers, Cells, and Modules PolysiliconThemainstreamconcludedpriceformonorechargepolysiliconisRMB37/KG,whilemonodensepolysiliconispricedatRMB35/KGandN-typepolysiliconiscurrentlyp.

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Financing provides Japan another lever to reduce global oil & gas industry emissions

Energy Central

By EDF Blogs By Hiro Shirakawa As one of the world’s top five importers and financiers of oil and natural gas, Japan is uniquely positioned to influence methane emissions along the supply chain. Though Japan has been recognized for the climate-action leverage it can exert as a major global buyer of liquefied natural gas, a new Deloitte report commissioned by.

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Oil Market Outlook: A Year of Growth, but Slower Than Before


Are We Heading Toward Record Highs? The global oil market is full of potential but also fraught with challenges. Demand and production are climbing to impressive levels, yet prices remain surprisingly low. Whats driving these mixed signals, and what role does the U.S. play? A Year of Growth, but Slower Than Before The International Energy Agency (IEA) has revised its forecast for global oil demand in 2024, projecting growth of 921,000 barrels per day (bpd) a slight increase from earlier predicti

Oil 40
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Global Ozone Solutions

Energy Central

"Not the End of the World" is the title of a fine book by Hannah Ritchie. I particularly enjoyed the discussion of how countries fixed the ozone layer. So much so that I even borrowed the poorly reproduced graph of which I could not find on reverse image search. But I reinforced it with a colorful version which tells the same story. By the 1960s scientists began to understand the.

IT 40
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Boost home heating efficiency: Connecting millions of smart radiator thermostats via AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN

AWS: Energy (Oil & Gas)

The EUs Green Deal sets clear targets for CO2 reduction: the EU aims to become climate neutral by 2050. In 2019, the EU emitted 4,065,462,000 tonnes* of greenhouse gases. The building sector accounts for a significant share of around one-third of all primary energy consumption, 80% of which is attributable to heating water. The efficient, energy-saving operation of heating systems in existing buildings is essential.

API 52
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Group Has Contract to Build Two New CANDU Reactors in Romania

POWER Magazine

Canada’s AtkinsRéalis Group announced it has an agreement to build two new CANDU nuclear reactors in Romania, which would be the first new reactors of that type built since 2007. […] The post Group Has Contract to Build Two New CANDU Reactors in Romania appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Trump Victory Fuels Wave of Alternative Investments in Oil and Gas by Accredited Investors


Donald Trumps recent reelection victory has set the stage for a renewed era of growth and opportunity within the American oil and gas industry. Although Trump is yet to assume office, his pro-energy stance has already begun to influence market sentiment, sparking a surge of interest among accredited investors eager to get in early on new alternative investments in oil and gas projects.

Oil 52
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WoodMac Analysis Says Trump Energy Agenda Will Face Roadblocks

POWER Magazine

An analysis from global data and analytics group Wood Mackenzie says Republican control of the White House and Congress means U.S. energy policy will move away from net-zero emissions targets, […] The post WoodMac Analysis Says Trump Energy Agenda Will Face Roadblocks appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 130