Tue.Jun 11, 2024

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Siemens Gamesa Reportedly Developing 21-MW Offshore Wind Turbine

POWER Magazine

The global race to build ever-larger offshore wind turbines may have another entrant, as Siemens Gamesa has reportedly told customers the company plans to produce a 21-MW model in the […] The post Siemens Gamesa Reportedly Developing 21-MW Offshore Wind Turbine appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Offshore 306
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Indonesia: Deploy 5.7GW of rooftop photovoltaic power stations in the next five years


Indonesia: Deploy 5.7GW of rooftop photovoltaic power stations in the next five years Indonesia'sMinistryofEnergyandMineralResourceshassetaquotaforthestate-ownedpowercompanyPLNtodeveloprooftopsolarenergybetween2024and2028todeploy5,746MW.

Energy 147

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Advancing Ceramic Matrix Composites and Environmental Barrier Coatings for Hydrogen Turbines: Challenges and Opportunities

POWER Magazine

Decarbonization goals call for advancing high-impact energy technologies. The U.S. has pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, a goal that presents both challenges and opportunities in the field of […] The post Advancing Ceramic Matrix Composites and Environmental Barrier Coatings for Hydrogen Turbines: Challenges and Opportunities appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Pioneer Receives $7.1 Million e-Boost Mobile Order from School District

NGT News

Pioneer Power Solutions Inc. has received an order from one of the largest public school districts in the United States for 25 e-Boost Mobile units to power the school district’s electric school bus (ESB) fleet. The order, valued at $7.1 million, is likely to grow to more than $8.0 million with the expected addition of […] The post Pioneer Receives $7.1 Million e-Boost Mobile Order from School District appeared first on NGT News.

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Communities Embrace Distributed Energy for Economic Uplift

POWER Magazine

Global communities increasingly turn to distributed energy resources (DERs) to boost their local economies and enhance energy resilience. Generating and managing power locally cuts energy costs and fosters sustainable development. […] The post Communities Embrace Distributed Energy for Economic Uplift appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 147
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The gradual industrialization of XBC technology has led to the benefit of equipment suppliers


The gradual industrialization of XBC technology has led to the benefit of equipment suppliers TheunitinvestmentincellequipmentoftheXBCrouteissignificantlyhigh,andtheincreaseincoating,laser,thermaldiffusionandotherequipmentislarge.Theunitinvestm.

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U.K. Company Orders 53 Zero-, Low-Emission Buses from Alexander Dennis

NGT News

Alexander Dennis Limited, a subsidiary of bus and coach manufacturer NFI Group Inc., has confirmed new orders for 24 zero-emission and 29 low-emission buses for English bus operator Reading Buses. The 24 next-generation Alexander Dennis Enviro400EV double-deckers will be the operator’s first batch of electric buses. They are the result of a successful bid with […] The post U.K.

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A Review of the Role of Hydrogen in the Heat Decarbonization of Future Energy Systems

Energy Central

Review A Review of the Role of Hydrogen in the Heat Decarbonization of Future Energy Systems: Insights and Perspectives

Energy 52
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Italy's Latest Solar and Storage Market Data: Residential Down Nearly 20%, Commercial and Industrial Up Nearly 100%


Italy's Latest Solar and Storage Market Data: Residential Down Nearly 20%, Commercial and Industrial Up Nearly 100% PVInthefirstfourmonthsof2024,Italyadded2.16GWofPVcapacity,representinga53%increasecomparedtothesameperiodin2023(1.41GW).Notably,444.6MWofPVcapacitywas.

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FlyZero | Securing Liquid Hydrogen Capability

Energy Central

Securing Liquid Hydrogen Capability in the UK The FlyZeroi project concluded that liquid hydrogen is the most viable zero-carbon emission fuel with the potential to scale to larger aircraft. Amongst the many reports published, FlyZero identified a UK gap in liquid hydrogen capability. At the same time, the ATI published the UK aerospace technology strategy, Destination Zeroii, which.

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Limited policy impact, the downward cycle of lithium carbonate prices may not end within the year


Limited policy impact, the downward cycle of lithium carbonate prices may not end within the year From230,000yuan/tonto100,000yuan/ton,innearlyayear,lithiumcarbonateprices,whichareinadowntrend,havebeenhalved.Recently,theStateCouncilissuedthe"Energy.

Energy 130
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Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure: Standardisation

Energy Central

Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure: Standardisation Hydrogen is complementary to battery electric technology in the decarbonisation of transport. It can decarbonise hard-to-electrify transport applications across road, maritime, rail and aviation, particularly where long haul transport applications, faster refuelling times and economic loads are required.

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IEA Projects $500 Billion in Solar PV Investments, Surpassing Other Electricity Generation Technologies


IEA Projects $500 Billion in Solar PV Investments, Surpassing Other Electricity Generation Technologies TheIEA'slatestreportdetailsglobalspendingoncleanenergytechnologiesandinfrastructure,predictingatotalof$2trillionintheseareasoutofthe$3trillionoveralle.

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Transition Cause & Effect - Wholesale and Retail Electricity Price Increases

Energy Central

The ongoing transition of the US energy economy to an “all-electric everything” energy economy can be analyzed and understood as a set of causes and effects. CAUSE: The underlying cause which precipitated the transition is the amplification of the mild global warming currently underway by political opportunists into a “crisis”, “existential.

Energy 40
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Switzerland Decides Against Supporting Industrial PV Production


Switzerland Decides Against Supporting Industrial PV Production SwitzerlandhasfirmlydismissedanyproposalstobacktheexpansionofindustrialsolarPV.Thenationdeemssuchinvestmentsexcessivelycostlyduetotheongoingrelianceon.

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European Parliament elections: climate policies will suffer

Energy Transition

Europe went to the polls over four days, from 6 to 9 June, to choose a new European Parliament (EP), the EU’s main legislative body of the 27-member bloc. The turnout was healthy – slightly less than the highest-ever participation in 2019 – but the results could well constitute a blow for the bloc’s climate protection efforts.