Mon.Apr 08, 2024

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Grids Brace for Solar Eclipse, Totality Poised to Test Ramping

POWER Magazine

Grid operators across the U.S. report they are largely prepared for the total solar eclipse that will pass over a large swath of North America on April 8, though they […] The post Grids Brace for Solar Eclipse, Totality Poised to Test Ramping appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Poland’s installed solar capacity exceeds 17GW


Poland’s installed solar capacity exceeds 17GW Asoftheendof2023,Polandhadexceeded17GWofcumulativeinstalledsolarPVcapacity,asreportedbytheInstituteforRenewableEnergy(IEO),aPolishresearchgroup.Atthec.

Energy 147

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GE Will Support Major South Korean Coal-to-Gas Conversion

POWER Magazine

A coal-fired power plant in South Korea will use equipment from GE Vernova’s Gas Power business as the facility switches to burn natural gas as soon as 2027. GE Vernova […] The post GE Will Support Major South Korean Coal-to-Gas Conversion appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 255
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North Carolina Issues Request for Proposals in First Round of EV Charger Funding

NGT News

Businesses can now apply for federal funds to build and operate the first in a series of electric vehicle charging stations along North Carolina’s interstates and major highways. The N.C. Department of Transportation has issued a request for proposals for firms interested in applying in the first round of North Carolina’s share of National Electric […] The post North Carolina Issues Request for Proposals in First Round of EV Charger Funding appeared first on NGT News.

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Management Strategies Needed as Power Sector Faces Increasing Risk

POWER Magazine

Owners and operators of thermal and renewable energy infrastructure are navigating new and emerging risks due to digitization of the grid, an uncertain regulatory landscape, and changing environmental and weather […] The post Management Strategies Needed as Power Sector Faces Increasing Risk appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Hawaiian Electric presents fresh rewards for consumers with rooftop solar and energy storage systems


Hawaiian Electric presents fresh rewards for consumers with rooftop solar and energy storage systems HawaiianElectrichasintroducedanewprogram,knownastheSmartRenewableEnergyorSmartDERprogram,whichaimstoreplacemostofitsexistingrooftopsolarprograms.Thisi.

Energy 130
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Utility’s Grid Modernization Efforts Leverage Community’s Investment in Fiber-to-the-Home Network

POWER Magazine

Tantalus Systems, a grid modernization technology company focused on helping utilities harness the power of data, said Bolivar Energy Authority (BEA) selected its Grid Modernization Platform (TGMP) to modernize the […] The post Utility’s Grid Modernization Efforts Leverage Community’s Investment in Fiber-to-the-Home Network appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Utilities 130

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Now what the heck do we do about data centers?

Energy Central

Virginia’s 2024 legislative session wrapped up last month without any action to avert the energy crisis that is hurtling towards us. Crisis is not too strong a word to describe the unchecked proliferation of power-hungry data centers in Northern Virginia and around the state. Virginia utilities do not have the energy or transmission capacity to handle the enormous increases.

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European Commission Backs Greek Solar & Storage Projects


European Commission Backs Greek Solar & Storage Projects Greecewillinvest€1billion($1.1billion)tosupporttheinstallationof813MWnewsolarPVcapacity,alongwithintegratedstoragesolutions,aftersecuringago-aheadfrom.

Energy 130
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Phased Approach | Project Union

Energy Central

Phase 1 | Project Union

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Japan Plans $26 Billion New Hydrogen-Powered Passenger Jet Program

Energy Central

Mainstream media After China’s COMAC made its tour of Southeast Asia, beginning with the Singapore Airshow, Airbus and Boeing could face fresh competition from Japan.

IT 52
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Attorneys General, Legal and Business Groups Call on SCOTUS to Review Honolulu’s Climate Lawsuit

Energy Central

On Monday, reputable policy and legal experts – including state attorneys general, business groups, former DOJ officials, and distinguished law professors – asked the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) to put an end to the outlandish legal attacks against America’s energy producers. The slew of amicus briefs support petitions filed by energy companies in.

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"Natural Gas and Renewable Energy: Europe's Balancing Act"

Energy Central

APR 5, written by German & Co. Historically, relying on a single strategic fuel supplier has been a double-edged sword. Europe’s new energy risk: Trading Russia for America The EU replaced Russian energy with U.S. supplies after Moscow launched a war. Now people are wondering: Is Europe too dependent on America? POLITICO BY.