Wed.May 29, 2024

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Siemens Gamesa Cutting 4,100 Jobs in Wind Turbine Unit

POWER Magazine

Siemens Gamesa plans to cut about 4,100 jobs from its wind turbine division as the company continues to restructure its business. The downsizing, reported May 28 by Reuters, impacts about […] The post Siemens Gamesa Cutting 4,100 Jobs in Wind Turbine Unit appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Brazil Adds 6 GW of New PV Capacity in First Four Months of 2024


Brazil Adds 6 GW of New PV Capacity in First Four Months of 2024 BetweenJanuaryandApril,Brazilsawtheadditionof6GWofnewPVcapacity.ABSolar,theBrazilianPVassociation,reportsthatthecountry'scumulativesolarcapacityhasnow.


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A Tale of Two Vehicles: Exploring BEVs and Hydrogen FCEVs

POWER Magazine

As the global community intensifies its efforts to combat climate change, the transportation sector has emerged as a crucial battleground. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), carbon dioxide (CO2) […] The post A Tale of Two Vehicles: Exploring BEVs and Hydrogen FCEVs appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Swiss Company Orders 40 Mullen-GO Delivery EVs

NGT News

Electric vehicle manufacturer Mullen Automotive Inc. has received a new European purchase order (PO) for 40 Mullen-GO urban delivery vehicles with Switzerland-based Antidoto SA, a commercial upfitter with on-demand food delivery companies as its focus. The initial PO is valued at $440,000. Antidoto SA specializes in the design and sale of pizza ovens for delivery […] The post Swiss Company Orders 40 Mullen-GO Delivery EVs appeared first on NGT News.

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Upgrades Planned at Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant as Part of Life Extension

POWER Magazine

Fortum, a Nordic energy company with headquarters in Espoo, Finland, near Helsinki, and offices in 10 other countries, announced that it will modernize the Loviisa nuclear power plant’s low-pressure turbines. […] The post Upgrades Planned at Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant as Part of Life Extension appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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PairFleet Microgrid Charger Can Accommodate More EVs, Bring Down Costs

NGT News

Paired Power, a provider of electric vehicle charging technology, is offering PairFleet, a customizable microgrid charger designed to accommodate electric fleets of various sizes that greatly speeds up the process of installing new EV chargers. “We found that many of our customers required larger-scale charging capacity, so we scaled up our PairTree microgrid into a […] The post PairFleet Microgrid Charger Can Accommodate More EVs, Bring Down Costs appeared first on NGT News.

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How Technology Helps Overcome 10 of the Top Operational Challenges in the Energy Sector

POWER Magazine

Recent government legislation and initiatives have prompted positive momentum in the energy industry. From regulatory matters to technology upgrades to renewable energy trends boosted by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) […] The post How Technology Helps Overcome 10 of the Top Operational Challenges in the Energy Sector appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Beyond the Panels: Why Solar Success Hinges on Accurate Initial Data

POWER Magazine

Customers are souring on the idea of solar panels and that should spell concern for anyone with a solar business. Some 66% of homeowners in a recent survey shared that […] The post Beyond the Panels: Why Solar Success Hinges on Accurate Initial Data appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Italy Deploys 1.72 GW of New PV Systems in Q1 2024


Italy Deploys 1.72 GW of New PV Systems in Q1 2024 Inthefirstquarter,Italyadded1.72GWofnewsolarcapacity,pushingitstotalinstalledPVcapacityto32.0GWbytheendofMarch,asreportedbyItaliaSolare,thecountry'sso.

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North American Power Shifting to Energy-Efficient District Heating

POWER Magazine

Advanced electrode boilers are being installed to replace outdated, inefficient fuel-burning equipment in district heating applications as part of a broader effort to meet ambitious International Energy Agency decarbonization goals. […] The post North American Power Shifting to Energy-Efficient District Heating appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 130
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Monthly Energy Storage Industry Report: U.S. and Europe


Monthly Energy Storage Industry Report: U.S. and Europe TheU.S.SeesHighIncreaseinInstallationsAccordingtotheEIA,energystorageinstallationsintheU.S.sawasignificantincreaseinAprilcomparedtolastyear.InAprilalo.

Energy 130
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P2x² - exploring Green Hydrogen potential beyond linear energy applications

Energy Central

As the world continues to address the urgent need to transition to clean and sustainable sources of energy, #greenhydrogen has emerged as a promising solution. While the primary focus of P2X has been on energy applications, there is a growing interest in exploring its potential beyond linear energy applications. P2x² looks at how green hydrogen can be used to drive innovation and.

Energy 64
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Three major super benefits for photovoltaics are brewing.


Three major super benefits for photovoltaics are brewing. FirstMajorBenefit:PowerSystemReformIntwomonths,theThirdPlenarySessionofthe20thCentralCommitteeoftheCommunistPartyofChinawillbeheldinBeijing,focusingon.

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EU Policy. Net Zero Industry Act sign-off heralds carbon capture deployment

Energy Central

EU Policy. Net Zero Industry Act sign-off heralds carbon capture deployment [link] [link] CCS and Hydrogen.

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Google signs long-term PPA for 800 photovoltaic power plants


Google signs long-term PPA for 800 photovoltaic power plants Japan'sItochuCorporationhassignedalong-termpowerpurchaseagreementwithGoogle,andwillbuildsolarpowerplantsinmultiplelocationsinJapantosupplyGoogledatace.

Energy 130
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£150m investment will revamp historic Clyde yard and support green jobs | Scotland

Energy Central

Port-owner says plans “reflect our ambitions for a net-zero future” The UK’s role in the offshore wind sector and bid to reach net zero have been bolstered with the news that up to £150 million is set to be invested to revamp a former coal terminal on the Ayrshire coast. Peel Ports Clydeport, which also has facilities in Glasgow and Ardrossan.

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The emergence of Pakistan's commercial and industrial (C&I) solar industry


The emergence of Pakistan's commercial and industrial (C&I) solar industry IndustrialconsumersinPakistanareincreasinglyturningtosolararraysduetothehighenergypricesandtariffs.AccordingtoCEOOmarMalikofShamsPower,industrialconsu.

Energy 130
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Tunisia Green Hydrogen Strategy

Energy Central

Tunisia Green Hydrogen Strategy, curated infographics Hydrogen Africa

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Silver Paste Innovations and Cost Reductions Propel HJT Forward


Silver Paste Innovations and Cost Reductions Propel HJT Forward In2024,enhancingtheefficiencyofHJT technologyhasbecomeamoreurgenttaskthancostreduction,particularlyinthecontextoftherapidpowerincreasedrivenbyTOPCon t.

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LPO Updates • Issue 18 • May 2024

Energy Central

The May 2024 issue of LPO's monthly newsletter is out! Read the email newsletter at: [link] IN THIS ISSUE: Plug Power Conditional Commitment • Solar + Storage & Microgrids Tribal Financing • Critical Materials Supply Chain • And More! Check out this latest issue here on LinkedIn or subscribe to have the newsletter and other LPO announcements.

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In terms of household energy storage, large cylindrical batteries are expected to accelerate their penetration


In terms of household energy storage, large cylindrical batteries are expected to accelerate their penetration Since2021,theglobalhouseholdenergystoragescalehasgrownsignificantly,overseas,energycostsandelectricitypricesinEuropeandtheUnitedStateshavecontinuedtor.

Energy 130
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How 4 point starter limits the starting Current of DC Motor?

Energy Central

A 4-point starter limits the starting current of a DC motor and ensures smooth acceleration. The key components of a 4-point starter include a starting resistance, a no-volt coil, an overload coil, and a starting handle. Here's how it works to limit the starting current: Starting Resistance: When the motor is initially started, a high starting current can occur due to the low.

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Strengthening citizens’ participation in the EU’s energy transition – a toolbox

Energy Transition

Europe’s switch to renewable energy supply and efficient energy consumption is gaining momentum, not only as a result of the European Green Deal but also in reaction to the fossil fuel price crisis. EU legislation already creates some opportunities for citizens to access affordable renewable energy more directly, as well as to facilitate energy savings through, for example, building renovation.

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EPA Clean School Bus Program Rebate Recipients to Receive Nearly $900 Million

NGT News

The Biden-Harris administration has selected recipients of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2023 Clean School Bus Program rebate competition, funded by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda. EPA selected about 530 school districts spanning nearly every state, the District of Columbia, and several tribes and U.S. territories to receive nearly $900 million in funds to […] The post EPA Clean School Bus Program Rebate Recipients to Receive Nearly $900 Million appeared first o