Thu.Jul 25, 2024

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How local renewable grids are providing access to affordable electricity in Nigeria

Energy Transition

Nigeria’s energy sector faces challenges with regard to inadequate electricity access, leading to reliance on costly generators. Transitioning to renewables offers solutions. Samuel Ajala reports. (Photo by Sandra Parra on Unsplash) Nigeria has the largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa, with an estimated population of 226 million as at 2023.

Energy 316
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Nuclear Power Startup Plans 6-GW Fleet of U.S. Plants

POWER Magazine

A Kentucky-based group has announced plans to build a 6-GW fleet of nuclear power stations in the U.S., looking to take advantage of bipartisan support for nuclear technology and the […] The post Nuclear Power Startup Plans 6-GW Fleet of U.S. Plants appeared first on POWER Magazine.


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Bluedot Powers Expansion of EV Access Rental Fleet

NGT News

Bluedot is continuing to support electrification of business fleets by powering the fleet of EV Access, an electric car rental service for visitors and Uber drivers in Phoenix, Arizona. EV Access incorporates Bluedot’s latest iteration of its advanced fleet management program as part of its ongoing partnership to streamline how it manages its entire EV […] The post Bluedot Powers Expansion of EV Access Rental Fleet appeared first on NGT News.

Drivers 130
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Landrieu: Natural Gas Is ‘Not the Enemy, It Is Part of the Solution’ to Achieving Climate Goals

POWER Magazine

Former U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), who is now a senior policy advisor for the law firm Van Ness Feldman and co-chair of the Natural Allies Leadership Council, is keen […] The post Landrieu: Natural Gas Is ‘Not the Enemy, It Is Part of the Solution’ to Achieving Climate Goals appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Propane Buses Put Millions Back into School District Budget

NGT News

Frustrated with the maintenance requirements for diesel school buses, Virginia’s Newport News Public Schools researched alternative fuels that could offer better air quality, lower costs and easier maintenance. District staff spent two years attending trade shows, meeting with bus manufacturers and speaking with school districts that use alternatively fueled buses to determine the right fit […] The post Propane Buses Put Millions Back into School District Budget appeared first on NGT News.

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Large-Scale ‘Clean Hydrogen’ Project Moves Forward in Germany

POWER Magazine

Siemens Energy has been awarded a contract by German utility EWE to supply a 280-MW electrolysis system. The plant in the German city of Emden is expected to go into […] The post Large-Scale ‘Clean Hydrogen’ Project Moves Forward in Germany appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Utilities 147
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Tesla: the price fell by 60% year-on-year, and the revenue accounted for more than 10%!


Tesla: the price fell by 60% year-on-year, and the revenue accounted for more than 10%! Tesla'sfinancialreportforthesecondquarterof2024showedthatitachievedtotalrevenueofUS$25.5billion(about185.5billionyuan),ayear-on-yearincreaseof2.3%,and.

Energy 130

More Trending

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Canadian Solar receives 394 million yuan in financing to develop and build a photovoltaic power station project in Italy


Canadian Solar receives 394 million yuan in financing to develop and build a photovoltaic power station project in Italy OnJuly24,CanadianSolarInc.announcedthatitssubsidiaryRecurrentEnergyhasobtainedaloanof50millioneuros(about394millionyuan)fromtheEuropeanInvestmentBank(.

Finance 130
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Air Products Will Build European Hydrogen Refueling Station Network

NGT News

Air Products has unveiled plans to build a network of permanent, commercial-scale hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs), strategically located along major transportation corridors near the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). This infrastructure will help connect key locations across Europe and support the advancement of a safe and resilient hydrogen ecosystem.

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Brazil's ANEEL Eases Grid Connection for Small Distributed Generation Systems


Brazil's ANEEL Eases Grid Connection for Small Distributed Generation Systems OnJuly23,Brazil'sNationalElectricEnergyAgency(ANEEL)approvedamendmentstoNormativeResolutionNo.1,000/2021,aimingtofacilitatethegridconnectionofsmalldis.

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Mapping the maze: data reveals the need for protective standards for all gas gathering pipelines

Energy Central

By EDF Blogs Ted Auch, FracTracker Alliance, 2020. By Magdalen Sullivan & Kate Roberts As the U.S. oil and gas industry expands, the vast network of largely unregulated pipelines that transport unprocessed natural gas —known as gathering pipelines — has crept closer and closer to residential communities. Most gathering pipelines are currently exempt.

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India may take further steps to develop its PV industry


India may take further steps to develop its PV industry NirmalaSitharaman,India'sUnionFinanceMinister,presentedtheUnionBudgetfor2024-25onJuly23,2024toParliament.Thebudgetsetsoutthegovernment'smeasurestoachi.

IT 130
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Unconventionals Analyst v3.2 Enhances Shale Oil and Gas Projects with Advanced Analytics


Exprodat , the energy sector GIS specialist and Getech Group company, has released a new version of its popular Unconventionals Analyst software, which is used by petroleum operators and financial institutions to manage shale oil and gas projects and investments. At version 3.2, Unconventionals Analyst – an extension to Esris industry standard ArcGIS Pro desktop GIS application – builds on its already powerful functionality with a host of new capabilities designed to increase the pro

Oil 52
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CAA sets up hydrogen fuel working group for aviation

Energy Central

CAA sets up hydrogen fuel working group for aviation The Civil Aviation Authority is setting up an expert working group on the development of hydrogen as a ‘green’ fuel for aviation. The Hydrogen Working Group (H2Wo) is aimed to ensure the development and implementation of the ‘Hydrogen Challenge’ launched by the CAA last year to foster collaboration between the.

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Transforming the Climate Message - a Generational Approach

Energy Central

The Climate Message Needs to Change (Part 3): A Generational Approach This is the final post (for now) on the subject of crafting a more effective message on climate change. This three-part messaging recommendation series was prompted by two surveys (PEW Research and the Climate Insights 2024 Report) on attitudes toward energy and climate change. The results of both surveys indicate.

Energy 52
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Electric cars - challenges - Brazil

Energy Central

Electric cars - challenges From the end customer's perspective, the challenge is financial. The additional cost (compared to a conventional car) of purchasing an electric car is offset by the lower operating cost throughout its life, especially if it is charged daily at home.

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Why science, not hype, must inform how we use hydrogen in Europe

Energy Central

By EDF Blogs Image courtesy of © Audioundwerbung | By Helen Spence-Jackson The EU’s hydrogen ambitions are facing a reality check. Despite an ambitious strategy launched in 2020 and ongoing work to establish a comprehensive policy framework, recent forecasts suggest hydrogen deployment is lagging behind initial targets. However, this moment.

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Conservative clean energy advocates keep Trump’s rhetoric at arm’s length

Energy Central

Editor’s note: No Republicans voted for the Inflation Reduction Act. A previous version of this story incorrectly reported that fact. Nestled under a glass dome between a humid tropical jungle and a surreal cactus landscape during the Republican National Convention last week, Republican leaders extolled a glowing clean energy future for America, and avoided mentioning nominee.

Energy 52