Thu.Jul 04, 2024

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Report: India Supports $33 Billion Investment in New Coal-Fired Generation

POWER Magazine

Government officials in India have reportedly asked the country’s power companies to spend billions on equipment to support additional coal-fired generation. India is looking for ways to more quickly increase […] The post Report: India Supports $33 Billion Investment in New Coal-Fired Generation appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Indonesia issues new quota for rooftop solar system development


Indonesia issues new quota for rooftop solar system development InJune2024,IndonesianauthoritiesissuedaquotaforthedevelopmentofrooftopsolarsystemsbythestateelectricityutilityPLNfortheperiod2024-2028,aimingtoadd5.75.

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Oxford nanoSystems Advances Green Hydrogen Technology with Demonstration Plant Commissioning

Energy Central

Oxford nanoSystems Advances Green Hydrogen Technology with Demonstration Plant Commissioning Oxford nanoSystems (OnS), an innovative materials technology company, today announced a significant advancement in its green hydrogen technology with the commissioning of a demonstration coating plant. This achievement builds upon successful lab-scale testing of the company's nanoFLUX electrode.

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South Africa: 10% import tax on imported photovoltaic products, China is not exempted!


South Africa: 10% import tax on imported photovoltaic products, China is not exempted! Inanefforttoestablishlocalsolarmanufacturingcapabilities,SouthAfricahasimposeda10%importtariffonsolarPVmoduleandcellimportedintothecountry.

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SCO2T Connect

Energy Central

Sco2t Connect Hydrogen Scotland

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Cumulative shipments of 210mm modules surpass 260GW, with seven of the top 10 module makers mass producing 210mm n-type modules


Cumulative shipments of 210mm modules surpass 260GW, with seven of the top 10 module makers mass producing 210mm n-type modules AccordingtoTrendForce,210mmtechnologyhasledtothewidespreadadoptionofthissizeacrossallsegmentsoftheindustrychain.Bythefirstquarterofthisyearcumulatives.

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Tesla's energy storage product deployment hit a record high, and the company signeer a large energy storage order


Tesla's energy storage product deployment hit a record high, and the company signeer a large energy storage order TrendForcehaslearnedthatonJuly2,Tesla'sproductionanddeliveryreportforthesecondquarterof2024wasreleased.Accordingtothereport,intermsofenergystorageprod.

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China Module Prices Decline Amid Weak Demand and Oversupply Pressures


China Module Prices Decline Amid Weak Demand and Oversupply Pressures PricesforChinesesolarmoduleshavereachedrecordlows,accordingtothelatestdatafromOPIS.ThebenchmarkassessmentforTOPConmodulesfromChinahasfallento$0.100per.