Tue.Jun 25, 2024

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Clean Energy Fuels Opens RNG Station in Philadelphia-South Jersey Area

NGT News

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. has opened a new renewable natural gas (RNG) station in Carney’s Point, New Jersey, for heavy-duty trucks and other fleet vehicles to access this fuel produced from organic waste. The new station is strategically located in the trucking corridor between Philadelphia and Wilmington, Delaware, near Interstate 295 and the New Jersey […] The post Clean Energy Fuels Opens RNG Station in Philadelphia-South Jersey Area appeared first on NGT News.

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CATL: Mass production of solid-state batteries is expected in 2027


CATL: Mass production of solid-state batteries is expected in 2027 OnJune21,CATLreceivedanumberofsurveysfromanumberofinstitutions,includingGoldmanSachs,TemasekandRuiyuanFund.Inthesurvey,CATLsaidthatiftechnologyandmanu.


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Bollinger Motors Receives U.S. EPA Certification for Its Class 4 B4 Chassis Cab

NGT News

Bollinger Motors, a subsidiary of electric vehicle manufacturer Mullen Automotive Inc., has received its Certificate of Conformity from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its Class 4 B4 Chassis Cab. Attainment of the certificate is another milestone for Bollinger Motors as it moves closer to delivering initial vehicles to customers. The company plans to […] The post Bollinger Motors Receives U.S.

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Germany's Solar PV Installations See Slow Growth in May, With Commercial Sector Lagging


Germany's Solar PV Installations See Slow Growth in May, With Commercial Sector Lagging ThelatestPV installationdatareleasedbytheBundesnetzagentur indicatesthatthenetPV installedcapacityinMayincreasedbyonly964.2MW.Thisdataisbasedontheagen.

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The U.S. Data Center Energy Train Wreck

Energy Central

The U.S. and the world are using innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to use data more efficiently, along with an increasing demand for electricity. This article will describe the upcoming data center electricity supply shortfall, and potential train wreck in the U.S. Current Data Center Electricity Demand: Globally, data centers consume 1-2% of overall energy.

Energy 110
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European negative tariff hours hit new high


European negative tariff hours hit new high Inthefirstfivemonthsof2024,Europehasseenarecordnumberofnegativetariffhoursthisyearduetoamismatchbetweensupplyanddemandassolarpowergenerationhassoared, [more]

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Britain's Nuclear Electricity

Energy Central

The UK's National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) and University of Leicester have generated usable electricity from the chemical element americium in what it believes to be a global first. The achievement is seen as a step towards potential use of americium in so-called space batteries, which may mean future space missions can be powered for up to 400 years.

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Eye Opening Look at Historical Emission Trends

Energy Central

The world remains somewhat divided on the subject of climate change. The divisions tend to occur along political party lines but not exclusively. Some of the backlash I believe is related to greed. Those that have gained power and wealth through fossil-fuel based industrialization selfishly don’t want the status quo to change. Fortunately, the number of people who dismiss climate.

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U.S. battery investment boom drives renewable energy development


U.S. battery investment boom drives renewable energy development AccordingtoarecentreportbytheFinancialTimes,theUnitedStatesisrapidlyemergingasaglobalcenterforbatteryenergystorageprojectsduetogovernmentincentivesand.

Energy 130
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A Battery Power Breakthrough For EV Cars And Trucks Called SCiB

Energy Central

Researchers continue to work on battery technology trying new materials to meet the growing demand for storage in transportation, devices and grid operations. Lithium-ion is today's standard with anodes made from graphite. Toshiba in partnership with Sojitz, a Japanese aerospace company, and CBMM, a Brazilian mining company, have entered into a partnership to produce SCiB, a super charge.

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Emissions — genuine evidence of arrogance or a smart measure of sustainability?


Having in mind different Energy Transition scenarios mentioned in my last article, society, business, and legislation have a hurdle how to properly assess its contribution to our end goal, which is saving the planet. A common denominator for Energy Efficiency, Decarbonization, and Decentralization is their impact on emissions. So, let’s have a better look at what are emissions and if they can be the main qualifier and quantifier of the success of Energy Transition.

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Rolls-Royce | Hydrogen Aviation

Energy Central

H2 combustion engines can play a key role in the energy transition Consortium developing first-of-a-kind concept for highly efficient prototype Generating CO2-neutral electricity and heat with green hydrogen Rolls-Royce has started, with a consortium of five companies and research institutes, to develop the necessary technologies for a highly efficient first-of-a-kind hydrogen.

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Target True Zero | WEF Aviation

Energy Central

Target True Zero | WEF Aviation [link] Hydrogen Aviation

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Ammonia | Aviation

Energy Central

Ammonia | Aviation Aviation H2 is building the world’s first liquid ammonia powered plane. Once complete, we will have a state-of-the-art method for converting aircraft to carbon-free fuel. Our mission is to take this modification system and share it with aviation companies around the world to help decarbonise an industry contributing 2.5% to global emissions One of.

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Hydrogen Generator and Powerpack | MicroGrid

Energy Central

Hydrogen Generator and Powerpack [link] [link] Hydrogen Innovation.

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EASA | Aviation Authorities’ Research Agenda 2024

Energy Central

EASA | Aviation Authorities’ Research Agenda 2024 This research project aims to support and coordinate in the European Union the development of new SAF production pathways at a high TRL with dedicated research activities leading up to full fuel qualification, necessary to ensure airworthiness at aircraft/engine level and using the processes established by EASA under its.

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Appellate Division (Mostly) Upholds New York City’s Local Law 97 but Remands for Further Consideration of New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act Preemption Claim; City seeks to Appeal to the Court of Appeals

Energy Central

New York City’s Local Law 97 is a landmark local law, recognized across the state and country as an ambitious example of a local building decarbonization law. Local Law 97 limits greenhouse gas emissions from certain large buildings and imposes strict penalties for non-compliance. As we noted in previous alerts, a co-op of multifamily and commercial building owners challenged the.

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The Hardest Problems

Energy Central

I need to start this paper by saying that I don’t understand Quantum Computers, which is this paper’s subject. However, I do understand what they can do. There are some problems that cannot be solved by classical supercomputers. Even if you project these massive facilities current growth in capabilities out to several decades, they will still fail when confronted with these.

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The Great Green Hope - A non-starter by the numbers

Energy Central

Green Hydrogen has emerged as the great green hope of the climate change alarmist community. It would be produced using emission free, intermittent renewable energy generated by wind and solar generators. It could be used for long-duration energy storage, as motor vehicle fuel and as a replacement for natural gas in residential and commercial space and water heating and in numerous industrial.