Mon.Jun 17, 2024

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Ensuring Electrical Safety in Hydrogen Operations

POWER Magazine

In this article we explore the current use of hydrogen in industrial processes, as well as its role in the ongoing global transition to a net-zero economy. We’ll provide insights […] The post Ensuring Electrical Safety in Hydrogen Operations appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Operator 246
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EvGateway Introduces Solution to Optimize EV Fleet Management

NGT News

EvGateway has launched a cutting-edge fleet solution designed to enhance the management of electric vehicle fleets. This innovative platform offers advanced features tailored to fleet operators, ensuring improved efficiency and cost savings. Key features include: EvGateway’s new fleet solution is poised to lead the transition to sustainable fleet operations by simplifying EV charging management and […] The post EvGateway Introduces Solution to Optimize EV Fleet Management appeared fi


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Japanese Firms Collaborate on Green Hydrogen Project in Hokkaido’s Chitose Area

POWER Magazine

Mitsubishi Corp. (MC), Takasago Thermal Engineering Co. Ltd. (TTE), Hokkaido Electric Power Co. (HEPCO), and Air Water Hokkaido Inc. (AWH) announced the signing of a joint development agreement to supply […] The post Japanese Firms Collaborate on Green Hydrogen Project in Hokkaido’s Chitose Area appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Engineer 173
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How to break the 'homogenization' in energy storage?


How to break the 'homogenization' in energy storage? Lookingbackatthecentury-oldhistoryoftheworld'sautomotiveindustry,manypeoplemaynotknowthatthebirthofelectricvehiclespredatesthatoffuel-poweredvehiclesb.

Energy 130
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Green Hydrogen Delivered to French Salt Cavern Storage Facility for Testing

POWER Magazine

Lhyfe, a pioneer in the production of green and renewable hydrogen, delivered 350 kilograms of green hydrogen (Figure 1) to natural gas expert Géométhane, on June 13, for it to […] The post Green Hydrogen Delivered to French Salt Cavern Storage Facility for Testing appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Switzerland adopts new legislation to accelerate solar energy development


Switzerland adopts new legislation to accelerate solar energy development Swissvotershaveapprovedanewelectricityregulationrequiringlargebuildingstoinstallphotovoltaicsystemstosupportpowercommunitiesandencouragecollectiveener.

Energy 130
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Airbus UpNext

Energy Central

Airbus UpNext, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Airbus, has launched a new technological demonstrator that aims to accelerate the maturation of superconducting technologies for use in electric propulsion systems of a future hydrogen-powered aircraft. [link].


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Driving Scalable and Sustainable Growth in the EV Industry

Energy Central

Entering the 2020s, the spotlight on cleaner transportation has been more pronounced than ever, bolstered by substantial government investment, support and partnership driving the development of the U.S. electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure. In this domestic advancement, U.S.-based EV companies aren’t mere participants but pivotal contributors, enhancing the nation’s electric grid.

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Strategic Signing Ceremony between ACWA POWER and Tongwei Successfully Held


Strategic Signing Ceremony between ACWA POWER and Tongwei Successfully Held OnJune13,duringthe SNEC2024,TongweiCo.,Ltd.(Tongwei)andACWAPOWERsuccessfullyheldastrategicsigningceremony.Thosewhoattendedandwitnessedtheceremonyinclu.

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Why China Will Lead In Electric Vehicles

Energy Central

This article will discuss the distinct advantages that China has for moving more aggressively toward electric vehicles (EV), along with the key driver that is leading China to EVs. It has both monetary and environmental incentives to accelerate toward EVs.

Drivers 59
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The future development of energy storage systems must also show a trend of large capacity and low footprint


The future development of energy storage systems must also show a trend of large capacity and low footprint FromJune13thto15th,SNEC2024washeldattheNationalExhibitionandConventionCenterinShanghai.Withthecontinuousadvancementofthenational"dualcarbon"strategy,t.

Energy 130
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IMF warns that extraordinary taxes on banking and energy should be limited and temporary…

Energy Central

The institution points out that they may discourage investment if they remain in their current form… EL PAÍS BY ANTONIO MAQUEDA, MADRID - JUNE 17, 2024 - ENGLISH EDITION BY GERMAN & CO. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns Spain that extraordinary taxes on banks, energy companies and large fortunes should be "limited and temporary" These have raised.

Energy 59
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Wood Mackenzie: U.S. module capacity added in the first quarter breaks record


Wood Mackenzie: U.S. module capacity added in the first quarter breaks record Inthefirstquarterofthisyear,theUnitedStatesadded11GWofnewsolarpanelproductioncapacity,breakingthehistoricalrecordandbecomingthefastestgrowingquarterin.

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Episode 40: Beyond Electrification: Advocating for Clean Cooking and Electric Vehicles in Nigeria - MyEnergyLife Series

Energy Central

Welcome to the 40th episode of the #MyEnergyLife series, a weekly LinkedIn feature designed to highlight, engage with, and empower emerging energy professionals across Africa. Through a series of articles, we will explore the many career paths that exist in the energy industry. Our aim is to provide valuable insights and counsel to support the career aspirations of young professionals in the.

Energy 52
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UK | Hydrogen-Powered Aviation

Energy Central

[link] [link] Hydrogen Aviation

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FAA Reauthorization Opens DC Doors to Hydrogen Aviation 

Energy Central

Last week, the US Congress passed a five-year authorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).