Thu.Apr 25, 2024

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Technology Turning Food Waste into Renewable Energy

POWER Magazine

Food waste is an enormous environmental and economic crisis that demands urgent solutions. Each year, an astonishing 1.03 billion tons of food is wasted globally—enough to feed 1.26 billion hungry […] The post Technology Turning Food Waste into Renewable Energy appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 284
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German: Europe's Top 1 Energy Storage Market


German: Europe's Top 1 Energy Storage Market In2023,GermanybecamethelargestenergystoragemarketinEurope.Overall,theenergystorageinstallationinEuropeincreasedsignificantlyin2023.AccordingtotheEurop.

Energy 147

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EPA Unleashes Four-Pronged Assault on Fossil Fuel Power Pollution

POWER Magazine

In an unprecedented move, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on April 25 simultaneously finalized four major environmental rules covering greenhouse gases (GHG), air toxics, wastewater discharges, and coal combustion […] The post EPA Unleashes Four-Pronged Assault on Fossil Fuel Power Pollution appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 251
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Honda, Partners Plan to Invest $11 Billion in EV Value Chain in Canada

NGT News

Honda Motor Co. Ltd. plans to build a comprehensive electric vehicle value chain in Canada with an approximate investment of $11 billion U.S. ($15 billion Canadian), including investment by joint venture partners, to strengthen its EV supply system and capability to prepare for higher EV demand in North America going forward. The company has begun […] The post Honda, Partners Plan to Invest $11 Billion in EV Value Chain in Canada appeared first on NGT News.

IT 130
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Schneider Electric Releases All-In-One Battery Energy Storage System for Microgrids

POWER Magazine

Schneider Electric today announced a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) designed and engineered to be a part of a flexible, scalable, and highly efficient architecture. BESS is the cornerstone for […] The post Schneider Electric Releases All-In-One Battery Energy Storage System for Microgrids appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 147
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ChargePoint Enhances Fleet Charging Experience on the Road or at Home

NGT News

ChargePoint, a provider of networked charging solutions for electric vehicles, has enhanced its software offering that enables electric and mixed-fuel fleets to find, use and pay for charging from a single application, including seamless driver reimbursement when they charge their company EV at home. “We continue to bring to market new, innovative solutions that enable […] The post ChargePoint Enhances Fleet Charging Experience on the Road or at Home appeared first on NGT News.

Drivers 130
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Launch of Tongwei Solar's 1st G12N Module: Opening the 700W+ Era


Launch of Tongwei Solar's 1st G12N Module: Opening the 700W+ Era OnApril20,thefirstG12Nlarge-sizeandhigh-efficiencymoduleofTongweiSolarTechnologyHefeiBasesuccessfullyrolledofftheproductionline,markingTongweiSolar'se.


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Electric Vehicle and Battery Initiatives Take the Lead in March's Clean Energy Manufacturing Surge


Electric Vehicle and Battery Initiatives Take the Lead in March's Clean Energy Manufacturing Surge MajorCleanEnergyProjectsAnnouncedInarecentreportpublishedbytheenvironmentalandeconomicadvocacygroup,E2,itwasrevealedthatsevencompaniesannouncedmajorcl.

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UK | Hydrogen Storage

Energy Central

[link] Hydrogen Storage

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First Solar, Qcells and others launch AD/CVD petition to DOC


First Solar, Qcells and others launch AD/CVD petition to DOC AgroupofUS-basedsolarmanufacturershavefiledanantidumpingandcountervailingduty(AD/CVD)petitiontotheUSDepartmentofCommerce(DOC)andInternationalTradeComm.

Energy 130
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Delicious Carbon Capture

Energy Central

I subscribe to many information sources, but occasionally, a lead for a really good paper comes from our local paper in the Livermore Valley, “The Independent.” This paper covers the usual breaking news, sports and community events, but also covers major government facilities in the valley, like Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) projects.

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555 votes in favor, 6 votes against, European Parliament passes law banning forced labor


555 votes in favor, 6 votes against, European Parliament passes law banning forced labor OnTuesdayevening,theEuropeanParliamentvotedtopassalawbanningforcedlabor.Thelawprohibitsthesale,import,andexportofgoodsmanufacturedusingforcedlaborinth.

Energy 130
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The Global Hydrogen Economy | Production, Storage and Distribution

Energy Central

[link] The Global Hydrogen Hub

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Federal U.S. Power Sector Initiatives Went Full Throttle in April: Here’s the List

POWER Magazine

The Biden administration has unveiled several sweeping actions over the past month aimed at boosting clean energy deployment, enhancing manufacturing jobs, and reducing pollutant emissions across the power sector. The […] The post Federal U.S. Power Sector Initiatives Went Full Throttle in April: Here’s the List appeared first on POWER Magazine.