Mon.May 06, 2024

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Major Hydrogen Project Breaks Ground in Arizona, While Dispute Over Tax Credit Looms

POWER Magazine

An Australia-based global metal mining and green energy company has broken ground on a major hydrogen production project in Arizona, part of what the group’s founder said could be several […] The post Major Hydrogen Project Breaks Ground in Arizona, While Dispute Over Tax Credit Looms appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Energy 277
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BAE Electric Drive System Will Power GILLIG’s Line of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses

NGT News

BAE Systems, a provider of heavy-duty electric propulsion, will supply its next-generation electric drive system to GILLIG, a manufacturer of heavy-duty transit buses in the United States, for its new line of hydrogen fuel cell buses. GILLIG’s hydrogen fuel cell transit bus will incorporate BAE Systems’ Gen3 power electronics and electric motor to produce zero-emission […] The post BAE Electric Drive System Will Power GILLIG’s Line of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses appeared first on NGT Ne


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Philippines Set to Add Nearly 2 GW of Solar Capacity in 2024


Philippines Set to Add Nearly 2 GW of Solar Capacity in 2024 ThePhilippinesSetsAmbitiousTargets:Over4GWofRenewableEnergyCapacityExpectedin2024,Including1GWofSolarPVTheDepartmentofEnergy(DOE)inthePhilippinesisgea.

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Do Hydrogen and Whiskey Mix?

Energy Central

Lost of people are betting that hydrogen can become a major component to the long-term clean energy strategy. Despite $8 billion in funding from the IRA the industry is struggling to gain momentum. But one company has proven that hydrogen can fuel its manufacturing process.

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Rooftop Solar Set to Soar in Value Amid Climate Change


Rooftop Solar Set to Soar in Value Amid Climate Change ArecentstudybyUniversityofMichiganresearcherssuggeststhatclimatechangecouldsignificantlyenhancethevalueofresidentialrooftopsolarpanelsintheUnitedState.

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EHB, European Hydrogen Bank | Expected Offtakers

Energy Central

[link] Finance for the Green economy

Finance 59
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Unveiling the Unique Traits of Regional Residential Storage Markets


Unveiling the Unique Traits of Regional Residential Storage Markets TheEuropeanenergystoragemarketisprimarilyfueledbyitscommitmenttoenhancingenergyself-sufficiencyandthecompellingeconomicsofenergystoragesystems(ESS).As.

Energy 130

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EVE's 2023 annual report and 2024 first quarter report: The sales volume of energy storage batteries has grown rapidly, and the demand for consumer batteries has steadily recovered.


EVE's 2023 annual report and 2024 first quarter report: The sales volume of energy storage batteries has grown rapidly, and the demand for consumer batteries has steadily recovered. Thecompanyachievedanetprofitof1.066billionyuanin2024Q1,ayear-on-yearincreaseof-6%.In2023,thecompanywillachieverevenueof48.784billionyuan,ayear-on-year.

Energy 130
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EIA: Natural Gas Continues to Drive Power Sector CO2 Emissions Reductions

Energy Central

Natural gas is responsible for the majority of reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from the power sector, according to the Energy Information Administration’s 2023 U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions report. The data once again demonstrates the critical role natural gas plays in reducing U.S. CO2 emissions. Read the full post on

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Photovoltaic equipment leader Jingyuntong incurs a loss of 463 million yuan


Photovoltaic equipment leader Jingyuntong incurs a loss of 463 million yuan OnApril30,A-sharephotovoltaicequipmentleaderJingyuntongreleaseditsperformancereportforthefirstquarterof2024.Thereportshowsthatinthefirstquarterofthisy.

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Energy Transition — How to withhold global warming and save the world we know?


Energy Transition is no longer one of the possibilities for the industry. With the latest research and acceleration of the legislation, it is the only path for sustainable development. A major constrain is available time. We have just realized that we have reduced our deadline by at least 10 years. In my last article called How Future Digital Energy Systems can help with cutting climate change?

Energy 52
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JA Solar Achieves Net Profit Exceeding 7 Billion Yuan in 2023, Continues to Expand N-Type Capacity


JA Solar Achieves Net Profit Exceeding 7 Billion Yuan in 2023, Continues to Expand N-Type Capacity OnApril29th,JASolardisclosedits2023annualreport,achievingarevenueof81.556billionyuan,anincreaseof11.74%comparedtothesameperiodlastyear;thenetprofitatt.

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Data centers be damned, Virginia can still meet its climate goals

Energy Central

Following the General Assembly’s failure either to rein in the explosive growth of power-hungry data centers or to remove obstacles to increasing the supply of renewable energy in Virginia, a lot of people are wondering where we go from here. Dominion Energy Virginia’s answer, as described in its 2023 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), is “build more.

IT 52
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U.S. Vehicle Manufacturers, Workers to Receive Over $100 Million in Funding

NGT News

As part of her Economic Opportunity Tour, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will join Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm and acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su in Detroit to announce more than $100 million in new funding and resources for small- and medium-size auto manufacturers and autoworkers. Thanks to the […] The post U.S.

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World Energy Congress Emphasizes Key Role of Oil and Natural Gas Industry In Lowering Carbon Emissions

Energy Central

Last week at the World Energy Congress, a global event hosting thousands of the world’s most important energy stakeholders in the Netherlands, executives, experts, and diplomats all repeated the same message: the world needs to lower carbon emissions without compromising the supply of oil and natural gas. Whilst oil and natural gas is diversifying, millions of people across.

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U.S. Oil And Gas Production Again on a Record Pace

Energy Central

Last year marked a record for U.S. oil production with an average daily production of 12.93 million barrels per day (BPD). That record was 5% greater than the previous record of 12.31 million bpd set in 2019. However, current data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows that average daily production thus far in 2024 is 13.12 million bpd — 7.1% ahead of the production.

Oil 40
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Keeping Clean Energy Commitments Alive Irrespective of Political Party

Energy Central

There’s a scramble in President Joe Biden’s administration to get out the door as much funding as possible for clean energy and environmental justice projects before it’s too late. This is evident across the administration, but it’s especially apparent at the Environmental Protection Agency and in the departments of Energy and Transportation, which are constantly.

Energy 105
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Biden Administration Bans Fossil Fuel Usage In Federal Buildings

Energy Central

The U.S. Department of Energy has finalized a rule banning fossil fuels from new and renovated federal buildings. The Clean Energy for New Federal Buildings and Major Renovations of Federal Buildings Rule, mandated by the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007, mandates a phased reduction in fossil fuel usage in these buildings. The law requires federal buildings and major.

Energy 40