Thu.Jun 06, 2024

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Dutch Government Supports Four New Nuclear Reactors

POWER Magazine

The incoming new government of the Netherlands reportedly will support construction of at least four new utility-scale nuclear power reactors, as part of a program to more than triple the […] The post Dutch Government Supports Four New Nuclear Reactors appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Several Photovoltaic Giants to Close Southeast Asian Factories? The Truth is.


Several Photovoltaic Giants to Close Southeast Asian Factories? The Truth is. Domesticphotovoltaiccompanies'factoriesinSoutheastAsiaareexperiencinganewroundofturmoil,withleadingcompaniesincludingLONGiGreenEnergyandTrinaSolarbein.


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Michigan Coal Plant Eyes BECCS Retrofit: Could Become First U.S. Facility with ‘Carbon-Negative’ Power

POWER Magazine

CMS Energy’s subsidiary NorthStar Clean Energy has given Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) the green light to start initial work on converting a 73-MW coal-fired power plant in Michigan into a […] The post Michigan Coal Plant Eyes BECCS Retrofit: Could Become First U.S. Facility with ‘Carbon-Negative’ Power appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Cemex Rolls Out Its First HVO-Powered Vehicle in the U.K.

NGT News

Cemex has unveiled its first vehicle powered by hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) in the United Kingdom as part of its Future in Action program, which acts as the driver for Cemex to become a carbon net-zero business by 2050. HVO is a diesel-like biofuel that can be produced without fossil resources by processing renewable waste. […] The post Cemex Rolls Out Its First HVO-Powered Vehicle in the U.K. appeared first on NGT News.

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U.S. Solar Sector Shows Record-Setting Growth

POWER Magazine

A new report from two leading energy industry groups said a record 11 GW of new solar power module manufacturing capacity entered service during the first three months of this […] The post U.S. Solar Sector Shows Record-Setting Growth appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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May EV Battery Demand and Prices Remain Stable, June Prices Likely to Drop, Says TrendForce


May EV Battery Demand and Prices Remain Stable, June Prices Likely to Drop, Says TrendForce TrendForceresearchrevealsthatafterexperiencinglowcapacityutilizationinthefirstquarter,theEVbatteryindustrysawasignificantrecoveryinmarketdemandstartin.

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Why the U.S. Government Should Fund Cybersecurity Efforts of Private Companies Protecting the Power Grid

POWER Magazine

FBI Director Christopher Wray, while speaking at the Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats in Nashville, Tennessee, in April, warned that U.S. critical infrastructure is a prime target […] The post Why the U.S. Government Should Fund Cybersecurity Efforts of Private Companies Protecting the Power Grid appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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China Brings World’s Largest Solar Power Plant Online

POWER Magazine

The state-owned Power Construction Corp. of China has brought a 5-GW solar power plant into commercial operation, with the project taking over as the world’s largest operating photovoltaic (PV) facility. […] The post China Brings World’s Largest Solar Power Plant Online appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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ITRPV Reports 50% Drop in Solar Module Prices for 2023


ITRPV Reports 50% Drop in Solar Module Prices for 2023 ThelatesteditionoftheITRPV,releasedthisweek,revealsthatglobalinstalledPVcapacityhit1.6TWbytheendoflastyear.Thecurve,indicatingtheaveragemodulepricesin.

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Circumpolar Antarctic Current Accelerating

Energy Central

SciTechDaily: "Antarctica's hidden threat: world's most powerful water flow is accelerating, could have disastrous consequences." The Antarctic Circumpolar Current carries greater than 100 times more water than all the world's rivers combined. It extends from the ocean surface to the sea floor. In places it is as much as 2,000 km or some 1200 miles wide.

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Shipping prices to Europe have tripled since the beginning of the year, which may hit solar module costs


Shipping prices to Europe have tripled since the beginning of the year, which may hit solar module costs AccordingtodatafromXeneta,aNorwegianshippingandfreightbenchmarkplatform,spotfreightratesforfreightcontainershaverisentotheirhighestlevelsince2022.Pric.

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Saudi Arabia Kicks Request for Bids for Two Reactors to July

Energy Central

According to multiple wire service reports in the Middle East, the latest schedule released by the Saudi government to bidders to build two full size commercial light water type nuclear reactors calls for best and final offers (BAFO) from four companies to be submitted July 1st. The original date for best and final offers was December 2023, then the date was pushed to this past April, and now.

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Standardizing PV Cell Efficiency Measurements: A Call to Action from Industry Experts


Standardizing PV Cell Efficiency Measurements: A Call to Action from Industry Experts In2023,thePVindustryenteredthemassproductioneraofN-typeTOPContechnology.Alongsideitsrapiddevelopment,themeasurementofcellefficiencyhassparkedcontrover.

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World Environment Day 2024: Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience.


Every June 5th, the global community observes World Environment Day. Hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, This years theme, “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience,” highlights pressing environmental issues that need urgent attention. The event coincides with the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, emphasizing sustainable land management in arid and semi-arid regions.

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Why EU cell makers are shifting base to the US


Why EU cell makers are shifting base to the US TheEuropeanUnionwillfallfarbehinditsambitiousenergytransitiontargetsforrenewableenergy,cleantechcapacityanddomesticsupplychaininvestment,accordingtore.

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SAF Handbook | IATA

Energy Central

SAF Handbook | IATA IATA’s five Net Zero Roadmaps1, published in June 2023, describe the potential trajectories, covering 130 milestones, to meet aviation’s goal of bringing air transportation to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. In all the scenarios and over that full time horizon, Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) play the largest role in aviation’s.

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The polysilicon market is sluggish, and companies take the initiative to reduce production


The polysilicon market is sluggish, and companies take the initiative to reduce production Polysiliconpricesfellslightlythisweek.Amongthem,thetransactionpriceofn-typerodsiliconwas40,000-43,000yuan/ton,andtheaveragetransactionpricewas40,800yu.

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How to manage the electricity bill?

Energy Central

How to manage the electricity bill? A very established perception among companies and institutions regarding electricity bills is that little or even nothing needs to be done to reduce it. Below is a list of 4 items that can make a big difference! 1. Contracted demand Is it appropriately adjusted vis-à-vis recorded demand from month to month? The closer the better as there.

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GOP Lawmakers Aim to Protect Coal and Gas-Fired Power Plants from EPA Rules

POWER Magazine

Forty-three Republican senators (along with one Independent) introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution of disapproval on June 5 to overturn emissions rules issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), […] The post GOP Lawmakers Aim to Protect Coal and Gas-Fired Power Plants from EPA Rules appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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