Mon.May 13, 2024

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First Utility-Scale Solar Project Announced Under TVA Generation Flexibility Program

POWER Magazine

An independent power producer and a major electric cooperative—both based in Tennessee—have announced an agreement to partner on a utility-scale solar power installation to serve customers in that region. Nashville-based […] The post First Utility-Scale Solar Project Announced Under TVA Generation Flexibility Program appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Utilities 279
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Phoenix Motor Starts Producing Drivetrain for Class 4 Electric Vehicles

NGT News

Phoenix Motor Inc., a manufacturer of heavy-duty transit buses and electrification solutions provider for medium-duty vehicles, has begun producing its first fourth-generation drivetrain for Class 4 shuttle buses and trucks. The first two units will be delivered to customers in New Jersey. With over 150 fleet customers using its zero-emission shuttle buses and trucks, Phoenix […] The post Phoenix Motor Starts Producing Drivetrain for Class 4 Electric Vehicles appeared first on NGT News.


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10 Reasons to Attend a Conference Tailored to Digitalization in the Power Sector

POWER Magazine

Anticipation is mounting for the Connected Plant Conference (CPC), POWER and Chemical Engineering’s digitalization event, scheduled to take place next week, May 20–22, 2024, near Houston, Texas. If you are a […] The post 10 Reasons to Attend a Conference Tailored to Digitalization in the Power Sector appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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35.3GW/77.68GWh! National Energy Administration Announces Latest Energy Storage Data


35.3GW/77.68GWh! National Energy Administration Announces Latest Energy Storage Data OnApril29th,attheNationalEnergyAdministration'spressconference,BianGuangqi,DeputyDirectoroftheDepartmentofEnergyConservationandTechnologyEquipment,int.

Energy 147
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The KJ Show Episode 88: Extreme Climate or Climate Extremism?

Energy Central

Every week, I host 'The KJ Show,' which offers a mix of breaking news and practical advice on how the energy industry affects the consumer. During this fast-paced show, I combine weekly energy updates with conversations with leaders in the energy efficiency community. After each show, I'll share it here with the Energy Central Community in case you were unable to join me live.

Casing 59
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Energy Storage Industry Outlook from 2024 to 2029


Energy Storage Industry Outlook from 2024 to 2029 Theprinciplesgoverningindustrialgrowthmirrortheverticaltrajectoryofthesector,encompassingitsinception,maturation,andestablishment.In2022and2023,China’.

Energy 130
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Investments in fossil fuels continues to be enormous

Energy Central

There's increasing focus on ESG and responsible investing in clean technology. Yet it appears that the world's biggest banks talk a a better game than they deliver. Investment levels in fossil fuel companies remain robust, and that includes investments in mergers & acquisitions and expansion activities.

IT 59

More Trending

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Cleveland port’s ‘electrification hub’ expected to anchor progress toward net-zero emissions

Energy Central

The Port of Cleveland is going electric. One of the Great Lakes’ largest shipping ports is transforming part of a large warehouse into an “electrification hub” to anchor its emission-cutting efforts in the coming decades. The project is among the Cleveland-Cuyahoga Port Authority’s first steps toward its goal of net-zero emissions for its own operations by 2050.

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Expanding Horizons: Turkey's Solar Ambitions Reach Beyond Borders


Expanding Horizons: Turkey's Solar Ambitions Reach Beyond Borders TheproliferationofmoduleassemblybusinessesinTurkeyshowsnosignsofslowingdown.Despiteprotectivemeasuresaimedatbolsteringdomesticmanufacturing,industryco.

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Energy Central

GIGAWATT SCALE CABLE AND MOORING INSTALLATION For Gigawatt scale floating wind, an optimal solution is likely to combine current methodologies and technology with new ideas and methods. The focus of this work is on installation step changes, which have the potential to address the critical installation bottlenecks. A ‘base case’ installation method was developed, by scaling.

Casing 52
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In 2024Q1, the profitability of China's lithium battery industry chain rebounded month-on-month, and the pace of capacity expansion slowed down


In 2024Q1, the profitability of China's lithium battery industry chain rebounded month-on-month, and the pace of capacity expansion slowed down Industrychainearningsdeclinedyear-on-yearPricesofsomepartsofthelithiumbatteryindustrychaincontinuedtodeclinein2024Q1,whilethedeclinebasicallystoppedan.

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3rd Annual Biogas Forum

Energy Central

The “3rd Annual Biogas Forum” is back. An excellent chance to learn, share knowledge, and make connections. Join us as we bring together top experts to discuss the latest challenges, advancements, and developments in the biofuel industry. At the conference, you'll hear from keynote speakers, take part in panel discussions, and connect with industry leaders.

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Is a 6 MWh Containerized Energy Storage System an Inevitable Trend Amid Intense Competition?


Is a 6 MWh Containerized Energy Storage System an Inevitable Trend Amid Intense Competition? Withthefullopeningofmarketdemand,thetechnology,capacity,andcyclelifeofenergystoragebatteriesareacceleratingtheiriterations.Consequently,thecapacityofc.

Energy 130
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Press Release: Clean Energy Industries Support Robust Funding for Rural Energy Programs in 2024 Farm Bill

Energy Central

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 10, 2024 Contacts: Andy Barnes,, Tel: 202-785-0507, ext. 1503 Lizzie Stricklin,, Tel: 202-785-0507, ext. 1504 Washington, D.C. – The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) and the Clean Energy Business Network (CEBN) submitted recommendations to the House and Senate Committees on Agriculture today, urging.

Energy 52
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IEA: Global PV capacity utilization rate of only 50%, module inventory is growing 


IEA: Global PV capacity utilization rate of only 50%, module inventory is growing The International EnergyAgency (IEA)'s newly released "AdvancingCleanTechnologyManufacturing"reportpointsoutthatthecurrentglobalsolarcellandmodulemanu.

Utilities 130
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4th Annual Biofuels Forum

Energy Central

The decarbonization of EU road transportation will increasingly impact the demand for fossil and biofuel, especially after 2030. The long-term outlook for biofuels, beyond 2045, does not look promising, as the expected decline in demand is likely to encourage biofuel companies to look for alternative uses for their products. The 2nd Annual Biofuels Forum that will be co-hosted with our.

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Analysis on the development trend of user-side energy storage


Analysis on the development trend of user-side energy storage Asthepriceofindustrialandcommercialenergystorageequipmentcontinuestodeclineanditstechnicalperformanceimproves,theindustrialandcommercialuser-sideenerg.

Energy 130
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2nd Annual H2 Mobility& e-Fuels Forum

Energy Central

The transportation sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, responsible for about 30% globally. The EU is shifting focus to green hydrogen and e-Fuels, vital for achieving a climate-neutral economy. E-Fuels, compatible with existing engines and infrastructure, are crucial for decarbonizing maritime and air transport. However, scaling up production faces challenges due to.

E&A 40
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GoodWe's 3 key strategies to expand into the Brazilian market


GoodWe's 3 key strategies to expand into the Brazilian market GoodWehaschosenAldoSolar,Brazil'slargestsolardistributor,asitsstrategicpartnertofurtherexpandintotheBrazilianmarket.Asaresultofthepartnership,AldoSola.