Mon.Jun 24, 2024

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Siemens Energy, GE Vernova Each Will Build Two, 2-GW Gas-Fired Power Stations in Saudi Arabia

POWER Magazine

Siemens Energy and GE Vernova each announced the companies would support construction of large combined-cycle power plants in Saudi Arabia as part of that country’s plan to increase its supply […] The post Siemens Energy, GE Vernova Each Will Build Two, 2-GW Gas-Fired Power Stations in Saudi Arabia appeared first on POWER Magazine.

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Wind Energy Asia 2025: Taiwan's Premier Wind Energy Event


Wind Energy Asia 2025: Taiwan's Premier Wind Energy Event “WindEnergyAsia2025”(WEA2025)issettoofficiallytakeplacefromFebruary25thto27th,2025,attheKaohsiungExhibitionCenter.Registrationforexhibitorsisnowopen,j.

Energy 130

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Sustainability

Energy Central

In continuation to my earlier contribution to ‘Sustainable Design’, Sustainable product design has proven to be critical in attempting solution to such problems based on entire life-cycle (creation to disposal). Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to revolutionize many industries rendering them more efficient, effective and sustainable. AI is simply a computer system that.

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Australia's CIS program: 6GW tender receives over 40GW of project registrations


Australia's CIS program: 6GW tender receives over 40GW of project registrations Morethan40GWofrenewableenergyprojectregistrationshavebeenreceivedinthefirsttenderfor6GWofinstalledcapacityundertheNationalCapacityInvestmentScheme(CIS.

Energy 130
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Delta Electronics, Texas Instruments Create Lab to Enhance EV Power Systems

NGT News

Delta Electronics, a provider of power management and IoT-based smart green solutions, has established a joint innovation laboratory with semiconductor supplier Texas Instruments (TI). With TI’s technologies and experience in digital control and gallium nitride (GaN) and Delta’s competence in high-efficiency power electronics, the joint lab will not only deepen the long-term relationship between the […] The post Delta Electronics, Texas Instruments Create Lab to Enhance EV Powe

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Canadian Solar wins largest energy storage order in a U.S. state


Canadian Solar wins largest energy storage order in a U.S. state CanadianSolarreleasednewsonJune20,2024,announcingthatitssubsidiary,RecurrentEnergy,aleadingglobaldeveloperandownerofphotovoltaicandenergystoragepowers.

Energy 130
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Siemens Energy Will Build Two, 2-GW Gas-Fired Power Stations in Saudi Arabia

POWER Magazine

Siemens Energy announced it would support construction of two large combined-cycle power plants in Saudi Arabia as part of that country’s plan to increase its supply of electricity to support […] The post Siemens Energy Will Build Two, 2-GW Gas-Fired Power Stations in Saudi Arabia appeared first on POWER Magazine.

Gas 100

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Britain's Americum Batteries

Energy Central

The UK Space Agency and the National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) are to collaborate on the world's first space battery powered by americium-241. The isotope will be extracted from used nuclear fuel stored at the Sellafield site in Cumbria. Radioisotope power systems - sometimes referred to as nuclear batteries - fuelled with plutonium-238 have generally been used in space missions since.

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Canadian Solar Inaugurates 5GW TOPCon PV Module Factory in Texas


Canadian Solar Inaugurates 5GW TOPCon PV Module Factory in Texas Accordingtoforeignmediareports,CanadianSolarhasrecentlyinauguratedits5GWfactoryinTexas,USA,whichmainlyproducesphotovoltaicmodulesbasedonTOPConcelltech.

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Scaling up Hydrogen | The case for Low Carbon Methanol

Energy Central

Scaling up Hydrogen | The case for Low Carbon Methanol Low-carbon methanol could become the most important source of demand for clean hydrogen in the near term. Not only is it a large chemical market that needs decarbonizing, but low-carbon methanol is also the most readily available option for the shipping sector to reduce its emissions. Regulations in the European Union and.

Casing 59
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When will oil demand peak?

Energy Central

If you believe the International Energy Agency (IEA) the answer is 2030. Except history is not on the side of the IEA being correct. No one’s crystal ball is 100% accurate. The goal of any prediction is to get as close as possible to reality. To accomplish that the underlying assumptions need to be accurate. That is precisely why the IEA’s previously predictions have not come to.

Oil 59
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5 Companies That Are Trend Setters in the Renewable Energy Industry

Energy Central

A reliable supply of affordable energy is essential for daily life and economic growth. Our energy sources have constantly evolved in step with our technological advances. In their day, nuclear power, the coal industries, and the oil crisis of the 1970s were important political issues. These days, energy topics like the push towards net zero, the transition to electric vehicles, the escalating.

Energy 59
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Massachusetts is expanding its pathbreaking vehicle fleet electrification program  

Energy Central

Massachusetts is in the process of tripling the size of its first-in-the-nation vehicle fleet electrification program following a recent influx of federal money. “We are really looking at the barriers, the challenges, the things that we need to figure out to get decarbonization to happen at scale,” said Emily Reichert, CEO of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center.

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Peak Oil, Finally

Energy Central

Canary Media: "Chart: Electric vehicle growth is slowly eating into global oil demand." By IEA’s estimates, the world will still be using too much oil to be on track for climate targets by 2030 — even though EVs are expected to displace millions of barrels of oil per day by then. End of this decade, global demand for oil will peak — and that’s.

Oil 52
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Argus Methanol Forum

Energy Central

Meet the biggest buyers and sellers ahead of contracting season at the industry's leading methanol event! In preparation for contracting season, the Argus Methanol Forum returns to Houston, Texas on September 9-11, bringing together over 200 major global industry participants for three days of networking and information sharing. With the world moving towards decarbonization, methanol.

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U.S. Flaring Drops to New Low According to Preliminary EIA Data

Energy Central

Last year, American companies flared and vented the lowest volume of natural gas in almost two decades. The U.S. Energy Information Administration preliminary estimate for 2023 reports volumes of vented or flared gas declined to.5 percent of gross withdrawals, demonstrating how industry best practices have worked to keep natural gas in the pipes and not going up the stack.

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The Advanced Economies are headed for a downfall

Energy Central

It may be pleasant to think that the economies that are “on top” now will stay on top forever, but it is doubtful that this is the way the economy of the world works. Figure 1. Three-year average GDP growth rates for Advanced Economies based on data published by the World Bank, with a linear trend line. GDP growth is net of inflation. Figure 1 shows that, for the.

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A Staggering Excess Of Oil By 2030 is Unlikely

Energy Central

The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently released its Oil 2024 report, which examines the global dynamics for oil supply security, refining, trade, and investment. The report received considerable media attention because of the projection that by 2030 oil production will reach “a staggering 8 million barrels per day above projected global demand.

Oil 45
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Senators Voice Anger Over BLM’s Restrictive Practices, Lack of Transparency

Energy Central

The federal government owns roughly 640 million acres, or 28 percent of the United States. More than 90 percent of those lands are located in the 11 contiguous western states and Alaska. Senators from Western States across the country recently voiced concerns over the abuse of that land during a Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing to “Conduct Oversight.

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U.S. Oil Production at Record Highs Amid Flat Growth

Energy Central

I have noted in recent articles that U.S. oil production is presently at about the same level it was 10 months ago. In August 2023, the U.S. produced 13.0 million BPD of crude oil. That gradually rose to 13.3 million BPD by the end of 2023 but has since declined back to 13.1 million BPD. In a recent TikTok video, I pointed this out and one commenter asked “How can this be if we are.

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New Canadian Legislation Shakes Oil Sands and Others “Greenwashing” Claims

Energy Central

In Canada, this last week, the Pathways Alliance, facing measures in new federal legislation to penalize organizations that publish greenwashing statements, announced it was “scrubbing” its website. That’s the only scrubbing the Alliance of Canada’s six largest oil sands producers is doing. It has made no progress in implementing a promised carbon.

Oil 52