What will it take to go from ‘travel shock’ to surge?
NOVEMBER 23, 2021
Trivago’s Axel Hefer predicts that the travel recovery will take off in 2022 as more customers become ready to book trips again.
NOVEMBER 23, 2021
Trivago’s Axel Hefer predicts that the travel recovery will take off in 2022 as more customers become ready to book trips again.
AUGUST 14, 2020
With fewer sales prospects on their books but plenty of assets in the field, China’s industrial-equipment makers can ramp up their services businesses.
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Offshore Energies UK
MARCH 4, 2025
Supply chain companies keen to meet key decision makers to discuss business opportunities in the offshore energy sector can now book one-to-one appointments at OEUKs Share Fair at P&J Live in Aberdeen on March 19. Bill Cattanach, NSTA Head of Supply Chain, said: The one-to-one sessions are a real win-win for buyer and supplier alike.
APRIL 17, 2022
Introduction Drilling locations come with an expiration date once booked in a reserve report. For public filers and/or aspiring private companies heading towards IPO, this means that all drilling locations expire in 5 years from date of first booking, unless production starts. Fact or fiction?
OCTOBER 21, 2022
The age of globalization is ending, to be replaced by an era of localized business that will keep operations more sustainable and linked to national interest, says financial journalist Rana Foroohar.
The Energy Law Blog
JULY 15, 2021
5] The legislation requires that operators of wind and solar generation facilities post a bond to cover decommissioning costs of the facility at the end of life. 6] Washington has legislation on the books requiring manufacturers of photovoltaic modules to take them back at end of life for proper recycling and disposal. [7].
DeepStream Medium
JANUARY 27, 2021
DeepStreams cloud-based technology reduces operational costs and spend within an incredibly powerful but user-friendly solution, totally digitising all RFx (request for anything) communications within an auditable and secure application. Click here to book your demotoday! More on the partnership coming soonstaytuned!
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