Must FERC weigh GHG emissions in pipeline reviews?
Global Energy
MAY 21, 2018
In the 2004 case of U.S. Department of Transportation v. Public Citizen,[1] the Supreme Court established an important limiting principle under […]
Global Energy
MAY 21, 2018
In the 2004 case of U.S. Department of Transportation v. Public Citizen,[1] the Supreme Court established an important limiting principle under […]
Energy Central
FEBRUARY 23, 2024
trillion in 2023, 50x what it was in 2004. And investment in fossil fuels needs to be reduced, not increased… Here are some key points: ➡️ Investment in electrified transport has now overtaken investment in renewable energy to. Annual global investment in the energy transition rose to $1.77 But is it enough?
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The Energy Law
MAY 26, 2023
7] The Fifth Circuit noted that even though the SRA-L was made part of the umbrella of the executive branch via its placement in the Department of Transportation and Development after its creation, it maintained substantial control over its operations. That retention of autonomy tilted against finding SRA-L an arm of the state. 4 (5th Cir.
The Energy Law
OCTOBER 16, 2014
As if crude producers and midstream transportation companies don’t already have enough problems trying to get crude oil from production fields to refineries thanks to inadequate pipeline infrastructure, tank car supply, rail safety concerns, and new regulations, they now also have to address a new, potentially market-busting lawsuit.
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